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Message started by Never say die on Mar 29th, 2008 at 9:55am

Title: Hell for eternity nonsense
Post by Never say die on Mar 29th, 2008 at 9:55am
From Victor Zammit's website

1. HELL FOR ETERNITY IF YOU RE-MARRY: According to Catholic doctrine, any woman/man who is divorced and remarries will be living in perpetual adultery (‘grave sin’) and if she/he dies will go to hell to burn for ETERNITY – which means more than billions of trillions of trillions multiplied by trillions of years – in pain and suffering - for something where nobody got hurt! (Catechism of the Catholic Church, by Soc.of ST Paul, Homebush, Australia item 2384 DIVORCE). If you are the reasonably intelligent, well adjusted person, does your mind accept that? Judging by the crises in the Church, most people are not accepting the absurd and are voting with their feet.

2. HEAVEN IMMEDIATELY EVEN IF YOU’VE BEEN THE GREATEST MURDERER IN HISTORY: Even if you’ve been extremely cruel all your life and tortured, maimed, mutilated, murdered and massacred millions of people “if you are truly sorry for your sins immediately before death” and confess to a Catholic priest all your deadliest ‘sins’ – you will go to the theological ‘heaven’ when you die. Whereas if someone was extremely spiritual all his/her life – someone like Gandhi- and just before he/she dies commits a mortal sin (according to Catholicism a ‘grave sin’) like having sex with his wife using a condom and dies, that person will burn in hell for eternity – more than billions and trillions of years. Does this present Catholic theology make a mockery of spiritual justice? (see under Penance item 1480-98 ibid)

3) ‘NO HEAVEN’ IF YOU ARE NOT BAPTIZED: someone wrote thousands of years ago that if some water is not poured over your head (baptism – a ritual taken from the Pagans before the Christian era) – you will NOT go to ‘heaven’ even if you’ve been an immensely good person on earth.

4) MASTURBATION: if boys - and girls masturbate – spend a few minutes sexually pleasuring themselves (not doing any harm to anyone) and die thereafter without confessing their sin to a priest they will go to hell for eternity according to Catholic theology.

5) CONTRACEPTION: The Church's teaching on contraception is not an optional extra. They insist that it is hell for eternity if you use contraceptives!! "Paul VI's later insistence on upholding the traditional ban on all forms of birth control, including the pill, had significant consequences for lay Catholics. In Catholics and Contraception: An American History (2005) Leslie Woodcock Tentler argues persuasively that the laity ceased to value church officials' moral judgments once the Pope rejected his own commission's determination that continuing the ban was theologically untenable". Read more....

Title: Re: Hell for eternity nonsense
Post by dave_a_mbs on Mar 29th, 2008 at 4:28pm
I'll take issue on behalf of the confession doctrine. If a person does all manner of nasty stuff and then disown those actions and their fruits, and sincerely changes so as to do them no more, then the true purpose of the confessional is attained. The unpleasant stuff stops. There must be an admission to someone else, though, by which the actor subordinates personal feelings to a "higher value", as this allows the actor to take a new stance in life.

Our ideas about justice all too often carry a sense of persecution and vengeance, neithwer of which are useful. Punishment is the least useful way to learn anything, so it is not a useful notion either. The goal is simply to get rid of the squeak in the wheel - that doesn't mean that the wheel needs to be punished, judged or whatever.

Of course those who favor the doctrine of the eye as opposed to the doctrine of the heart will be surprised when they make their confessions and get no results. But that's precisely what they seek under those circumstances. And if they keep at it forever, they can suffer forever - or until they learn better.


Title: Re: Hell for eternity nonsense
Post by hawkeye on Apr 7th, 2008 at 2:27pm
Victor, Its all true!! Should you believe as they do, without doupt, you will surely go to their hell just as they(and presumedly you) believe. These areas of the belief systems exist as much as where you are existing right at this moment. There are hundreds of thousands stuck "there" as you read this. Of course there is only 139999 thou souls at the JW's area of heaven(hell). Might not be quite as crowded as some areas and they told me there was room for me if I sent in some cash.
Some of us are here are tyying to do the right thing now? Helping to move these poor stuck souls along and away from these areas of hell(f24/25/26). And in doing so, moving what is really a part of our collective selfs along our personal road to self enlightenment.
I talked to a priest once about me dying and what I should do or expect. He told me that his suggestion was that "I take marshmallows."

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