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Message started by Nanner on Mar 16th, 2008 at 10:36am

Title: Afterlife and Holidays
Post by Nanner on Mar 16th, 2008 at 10:36am
Come to mention it -  ;D I wonder since I hear and read all this good stuff about the afterlife. It being "as if still alive here on earth" is what it boils down to ...I have questions. At least a million of them!  :D
  • Do they have Holidays in the afterlife too or are they not so driven like we are.

    Do you just think of what one wants to wear and then boom, bang, bing - your wearing it.

    What about  the weather, I am really really sick n`tired of all this rain here okay.

What is it that always drives us back to that one question: "is there an afterlife"?
Are we so friggin fed up with life on earth, that we literally want to know if theres something better or greener on the other side? :-?


Title: Re: Afterlife and Holidays
Post by Rondele on Mar 16th, 2008 at 1:35pm
Hi Nanner-

You ask a great question as to why we always come back to the basic question of whether the afterlife exists, and whether this question is based on the "grass is greener" syndrome.

My own observation is that a person who is leading a well balanced, fulfilling life probably does not waste much time asking question after question about the afterlife.  For one thing, these questions are never answered to anyone's satisfaction.  It's like a dog eternally chasing its tail.

I would guess that people who were dealt a bad hand in this life are those most likely to be so obsessed with the afterlife. They see no value or purpose in this earthly life, so they place all of their hopes in finding solace after they die.  It's really sad, because the world is full of people who accomplished wonderful things even in the face of adversity.

Maybe if they turned off their computer for even a few days and did something worthwhile, they would feel much better.  And it doesn't have to involve finding the cure for cancer, just helping a neighbor would be a positive step in the right direction.

The afterlife either exists or it doesn't.  Fact is, we don't know.  But this earthly life does exist, and therefore why not make it count for something?


Title: Re: Afterlife and Holidays
Post by Ginny on Mar 16th, 2008 at 5:14pm
Hi Nanner,

I feel it's up to each person, whether to look in to life/consciousness beyond what we're experiencing here. Some are interested in what happens after 'death', some aren't. For me, taking the beliefs of others on faith just never seemed to be good enough. If someday someone supposedly is going to hand me a one way ticket out of this life, and I have no say in how, when, why or where I'm going...if I can't even question why I'm here and who and what I really am......?? For me, it didn't make sense and the idea that we live this one life and then cease to exist really didn't make sense. I just wanted to find out, for myself, through experiencing first-hand, and because I pursued that desire I no longer have a fear of the unknown/death. That absence of fear has made a huge difference in how I live my life now. :)

Much love Nanner,


Title: Re: Afterlife and Holidays
Post by george stone on Mar 16th, 2008 at 6:42pm
Hi ginny,nice to have you back.Can you tell me you greatest experience.exploring the afterlife.I know you have had many.George

Title: Re: Afterlife and Holidays
Post by Rondele on Mar 17th, 2008 at 9:15am
<<I just wanted to find out, for myself, through experiencing first-hand, and because I pursued that desire I no longer have a fear of the unknown/death. That absence of fear has made a huge difference in how I live my life now.>>

Hi again Ginny-

Your point about how valuable the absence of fear is leads me to pose this question- why do you suppose that we humans aren't "hard-wired" to have an innate knowledge (or at least a strong intuition) that we survive death?

After all, we are hard wired to survive in this physical life.  The "fight or flight" syndrome is innate to us, as is survival of the fittest.  But for some unknown reason, the conviction that we survive death is simply not part of our makeup.

Any thoughts as to why?


Title: Re: Afterlife and Holidays
Post by betson on Mar 17th, 2008 at 1:10pm
Hi Rondele,

I'm wonderring about a 'rumor' (don't know its origin in spiritual history) that each age of the Earth has seen a different civilization rise to great heights.  Earlier civilizations were much more spiritually gifted than we are.  The humans were reputed to be horned, blue, etc at these different stages and much less dense than we. Don't know if that latter is a pun.

So would this fit your question, that maybe we can rediscover remnants of spiritual knowledge that were commonly known to previous civilizations?


Title: Re: Afterlife and Holidays
Post by Rondele on Mar 17th, 2008 at 5:59pm
Hi Bets-

Well, maybe that's true.  I know Cayce talked about ancient civilizations that were far more advanced than ours, but as I recall it was more in the area of technical achievements.

It just seems to me to be odd that we more or less lack an inner conviction re. the afterlife.  When you realize how liberating it is when we know we survive death, you would think we would all have an innate sense that death is not the end of life.

Of course, if we did have that conviction, I suppose our survival on earth would have been jeopardized somewhat!  I mean, why fight to the bitter end to stay alive, when the afterlife is so much nicer.

Gotta think about this.

Title: Re: Afterlife and Holidays
Post by Ginny on Mar 17th, 2008 at 7:03pm

I think it's likely we are born into this human experience with a strong, innate intuitiveness regarding our focus of awareness Here, There and countless other areas of consciousness. When the five physical senses Here demand more and more of our focus, I think that inner knowing simply takes a back stage and is eventually buried as we zero in on the Here, and all being human has to offer. Maybe we have designed it so temporarily forgetting is a part of the deal here, so we can get everything possible out of the experience of being human. Just how I see it.

If I'd been able to watch ahead of time the life I've had, it's possible I could have turned into Yosemite Sam with pistols blazing, hollering, "Hell no!"-----lol :).


Title: Re: Afterlife and Holidays
Post by Ginny on Mar 17th, 2008 at 8:50pm
Hi George,

How are you? I'm happy to be back :).

The greatest experience? Well, helping my grandfather out of his stuck afterlife situation was life-changing for me. Retrieving, George---I think I benefited more from retrieving than anything else.

Much love,


Title: Re: Afterlife and Holidays
Post by ian on Mar 17th, 2008 at 10:08pm
i recall a medium saying "crossing over is like going on holiday".

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