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Message started by jetman on Mar 3rd, 2008 at 9:27am

Title: twelve officers
Post by jetman on Mar 3rd, 2008 at 9:27am
This dream was about three months ago but I have been thinking that there may be more to it.

I was in the back seat of a car with my four-year-old son he said “ daddy wear do you go when you died?”  I said “ Why” he answered “a friend of mine from school says we go to heaven when we died”. I told him that he had a very start friend.  Just than the car went up a hill.  At the top of the hill was twelve officers standing in a circle around a man dead in the middle.  The twelve officers take out their badges and raised them to the night sky and rays shoot out of them.  

I told the driver of the car to stop and let me out, than to take my son home.  At this point I started to walk towards the officers. Suddenly  I turned into the man in the middle of the circle.  I got up and fix my broken neck.  The officers became angry and started to chase me.  Some of the offices began to shoot their gun at me.  I saw a square fence about 50 feet by 50 feet I jumped in side the officers could not see me.  But I felt I should hide more there was another fence inside that   square fence about 25 feet by 25 feet I jumped into that enclosure and there was a hill of sand.  I got to the middle of the hill and started to bury myself in the sand.

Do you think there is meaning to this one????

Title: Re: twelve officers
Post by betson on Mar 4th, 2008 at 11:46am
Greetings Jetman,

I'm not a real interpretor of dreams but maybe I could start a discussion and others will add to it:

At the beginning of the dream you answer pure innocence with true faith when you talk to your son about heaven. That's a great start and sort of sets the tone for the rest--it will all be about spiritual beliefs.

Then the middle part I have to skip --sorry. Since their uniforms represent civic authority, men meant to keep a community safe, then their actions don't follow through.--- They bring on the danger they are supposed to protect us from?

At the end you did find safety in a primeval symbol for wholeness or holiness:
the fence and sandpile that protected you was shaped of concentric squares (the fencing) around a circle (the pile of sand.) Those shapes arranged that way are an ancient archetype for wholeness. That says to me that you are whole--complete, in a spiritual sense and you can rely on your wholeness /holiness to keep you safe.

We need some more interpretations here so that when you get the right version, you will know by its feel that it is right for you.


Title: Re: twelve officers
Post by LaffingRain on Mar 13th, 2008 at 11:00am
Dreams of the folks here seem to be becoming more and more profound. This alone has meaning to me Jetman.

The child shall lead us and your child does lead, with the question what happens after death? the child ask the father for confirmation of what another child said. Children are closer to heaven, thats why they can lead us.

you respond appropriately as a parent would. U and he ride in the back meaning someone else is in charge of destinations (the collective perhaps) you show further protection of the child in your charge by asking the driver to take him home. this is PUL.

you walk into the 12 who have collective authority. they are commissioned to protect the public yet they do just the opposite. this explains the face of duality, that surface uniforms mean nothing. your subconscious knows you cannot trust authority figures at face value. Occassionally, good cops can go bad. there is stories to support this, when authority becomes too forceful and aggressive.

I immediately thought of the 12 apostles, how we look to them for guidance, but perhaps it is time to write our own stories? Is each person then a bible waiting to be written? it's a thought.

you enter the circle and you became the dead person who fixes the broken neck you had.
you stepped outside of the collective agreement to remain dead once you were dead. this upset the authority figures. u displayed the power to come back to life.
this demonstrates the body has no power of itself, just like the Christ said, look, I have arisen, the body is nothing. You have this power to resurrect yourself because you are one with god, again, just as Christ said, you and he and I and all are one with God. In truth.

but this is a scary thing to display; naturally, the instinct when someone shoots bullets at you is to run, and perhaps find a safe place, and even bury yourself in the sand.
this is duality of life also. this is fear speaking, fear of the collective will kill you again.

but you already died once, didn't you? and you came back to life by fixing your neck. so to me, what this dream says is about your entire life, your entire thought system.
and the logic behind it says you have this power of life in you given of god and you need not fear the authority of this world which can kill you, granted, but since you were dead before, and now live, you can be assured you can not die, so you need never run again from anything, the fear is an illusion. and you need not hide in the sand.

Indeed, your posting of this dream is evidence that you are not a hider in the sand.
love, alysia

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