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Message started by Justin aka asltaomr on Feb 24th, 2008 at 2:28pm

Title: Belief systems, an anology with music, Mozart, etc
Post by Justin aka asltaomr on Feb 24th, 2008 at 2:28pm
  I somewhat recently read a book about music called the "Mozart Effect", which was interesting and a good read.  

  More recently, i was thinking of belief systems and various teachings, and how our attractions to same, and the innate influences of same, are kind of like our attractions too music and the influences they have on us.  

 Music wise, i have a very wide and diverse range of interests and tastes.   There are very, very few genres wherein i can't appreciate at least one song from same, with perhaps the exception of heavy death metal and hard core gangster rap.   Yet, there is some rap, hip hop, and metal that i can appreciate.  

  Mostly i'm more drawn on average, to more harmonious alternative rock, instrumental rock, classical, some classic rock, new age, world music.

 I've also noticed that as i've grown as a person, and become more spiritually attuned, there have been definite changes in my tastes of music, with a general trend towards being more attracted to more harmonious sounding music whatever the specific genre.   Some genre's i've noticed, as a whole tend to be more harmonious than not, and conversely some tend to be more inharmonious than not on average.  

 I've noticed that in music, there is both a relativity to consider (because we are individuals and unique), but at the same time there are Universal trends, averages, etc. probably because at our cores we are also very similar and interconnected.   Or to put in another way, what is healing and uplifting for some, may not be for others, and yet there are definite universal trends amongst certain general genres.

 I realized this was very similar to belief systems and different spiritual teachings.   What struck me as interesting in that book on music, is that Mozart's music tended to have such an universally uplifting and positive affect on people and life forms in general, even if in humans it was more unconscious and they didn't consciously say they "liked" the music a lot.  

 It seems that whether or not they were strongly attracted to that artist in a conscious sense, it still had a positive affect.  My wife, an art teacher, has noticed this too because she has been playing a lot of Mozart in her class rooms, and while at first some objected to it, after awhile, occasionally she would play some different kind of music like with words and some of her students would actually request to have Mozart to be played again and that the words in the current music were distracting.   Her kids tend to be mostly into especially either "emo" type music, or a lot of rap, particularly gangster rap.  

She also noticed a tendency for some to hum, or move in tune with this music unconsciously.   So consciously, not all consciously "liked" this music, but it seems many, if not all, were unconsciously positively affected by it.  

Back to that book: Conversely some other kinds of music, like harder rock, while some liked it consciously, it didn't seem to have much of a positive affect on humans or other life forms like plants.   In fact, some forms of music tended to slow the growth of growing plants, while others like Mozart always tended to make them strong and healthy and sped up their growth.  

 Belief systems with humans are like music as related to humans i would say.   They are not completely neutral or all the same in their unconscious affect on us.  

 There are some that in a more universal sense tend to have a constructive affect, and others that universally tend to have a more non constructive affect and influence.  There is some part of us, however masked over, which knows deep within, what is more purely creative, constructive, and life giving.  

 It is very "p.c." and New age to say, "well everyone likes what they like, and no one should judge or perceive differently, nor speak on those differences".   Or, "they are all equally the same, or of the same worth"   Too much unconnected right brain in that for me.  

 Btw, i'm not advocating that everyone should like or believe in all the same music or belief systems.   Variety is a the spice of life and that which is Creative and uplifting in a more universal sense, can be found in various different belief systems and music.   But its also important to be able to discriminate the differences between constructive and non constructive influences, and that different belief systems (and music) innately vibrate closer to or farther away, relatively speaking from that which is pure constructiveness, harmony, and life giving/uplifting.    On the surface, these differences aren't always so obvious.  


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