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Message started by lea on Jan 17th, 2008 at 2:46am

Title: Want to remember a dream
Post by lea on Jan 17th, 2008 at 2:46am
Is there any way, one can try and remember a dream?  The night before last, I know my bf who is passed visited me in my dream and I really wish I can remember what it was.  You see, he came to me in my dream and the next day, my grandmother passed.   The last time he had been in my dream was last March, the night before his step-brother passed.  I feel as if he comes to me the night before people are going to die, maybe as a way to let me know they are being awaited on the otherside and will not be alone?

This part may not belong in the dream forum, but I was kind of wondering why I don't feel my grandmother?  She passed away suddenly, she was very healthy and at 89 she still got up and walked about 2 miles every day.  The last thing I expected to hear yesterday was that my grandmother passed, but when my phone rang, I did already kind of know she was not going to make it, but normally as weird as this sounds, I feel it when someone's passing and I can still feel there presence, but not with her.  It just feels kind of weird for me.

Title: Re: Want to remember a dream
Post by Old Dood on Jan 17th, 2008 at 5:27pm
I just got home.
I had to deliever some product to a customer.
I really didn't 'have to' do this since we UPS everything but, since his business is in the same city I live in I took it too him.
I drive 70 miles one way for work everyday and thought of being nice today and save this guy some stiff shipping charges.

Turns out right across the street is a Best Buy and I picked up a little hand held Digital Voice Recorder.
Pretty much the same thing as a Micro Cassette Recorder except this recors digitaly to an internal drive.
I pick out this little device because it can be downloaded to my computer via the USB port.
I can now save all my memos.

I am going to set this next to my bed at night and record 'whatever' as soon as my eyes open.
This way I will remember dreams a lot better.  
Thought I would share this with you.  You can get a simple micro cassette recorder for under $30.00.
This little thing I got was $65.00.
When I get better at OBEs I can set it to Voice Activated like Bruce has done on his travels.

Title: Re: Want to remember a dream
Post by betson on Jan 17th, 2008 at 5:28pm
Hi lea,

My condolences about losing your grandmother, and your boyfriend.  
Yes, he could be helping you by giving you a warning of an impending death, but it's typical that he can't be heard well.
There are so many 'channel's we have that connect us with the spiritual side!  You are already open to some of them.  With your interest and your connection to your boyfriend, you will probably be opening others as you develope spiritually.  It would be too shocking to suddenly have many open at once !

Was your grandmother ill before she passed?  That and other reasons could be keeping her busy and not in tune with you right now. If you were close, she may show up later. Your connection is affected by alot of factors, so don't worry about her.  But , now that I say that, if her own spirit was greatly upset about something, she might be stuck somewhere in-between. Usually though, they just need time to get used to their new surroundings.  (It's not just you, it's them too.  :) )

If you keep your own health and spirits up, you'll most likely be hearing alot more from the afterlife! And those of us who've read the material our host Bruce Moen has written find that it has helped immensely to speed up our spiritual development. Enjoy your sensitivity to this amazing part of life!


Title: Re: Want to remember a dream
Post by lea on Jan 19th, 2008 at 9:50am
Thank you Old Dood and Betson.

I do have a recorder, so that's a good idea and I'm going to start using it for my dreams.  I think I want to go out and find a voice activated one because I've been told that I talk a lot in my sleep, so that would be interesting and maybe help me remember more.

Betson...No, my grandma was not ill this was really unexpected.  She hadn't been feeling well that morning, but she and we all thought it was just that stomach virus that's been going around.  My father found her and tried reviving her while waiting for 911 to get there, but it was too late.  My father said it didn't look like she was in any pain or knew anything was happening she was laying on the couch sleeping just how he had left her 30 minutes earlier.  She was a tough lady and had been through a lot in this life, she burried her husband at a young age and then had to bury her son a few years ago, so I do find comfort in knowing that she just closed her eyes and went to sleep and didn't have to suffer some drawn out death.  

There was definitely a lot of people there to meet her when she passed, so I'm sure she's busy with everyone and I know i'll hear from her one of these days.  Actually yesterday at the funeral after I finished giving the First Reading the covering that was on the pulpit flew off along with her mass card i was holding.  The priest at the end told me that was something powerful up on the pulpit and how he felt the energy and was very moved by the reading we chose.

I would love to get to the focus levels and try and find her and have one last conversation with her.  Last week, I was actually looking into buying the Gateway Experience but it's too expensive for me at the moment, I may just settle for getting Focus 10 to begin with instead the entire series.  Besides all the reading i've been doing, I think those cd's will help me a lot.

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