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Message started by hawkeye on Jan 15th, 2008 at 1:40pm

Title: UFO's sighted in Texas
Post by hawkeye on Jan 15th, 2008 at 1:40pm
According to the news today there are reports from Texas that a number of reliable sources have seen a large UFO. Along with the UFO USA jets were seen following the craft. The craft its self may have been up to one mile across.  The federal government has given its usual responce. "Jets, what jets?" They also said it was an optical illusion caused by two aircraft reflecting off each other. Wonder if David Copperfield works for the Gov. now? Anyone here from Texas and know more? Anyone here seen a UFO?

Title: Re: UFO's sighted in Texas
Post by Justin aka asltaomr on Jan 15th, 2008 at 2:20pm
 Interesting Joe, thank you for sharing.  If these accounts are true, then i guess the question to ask is, man made or E.T. made?    

 I would not be surprised in the least bit, if the U.S. gov. had anti-gravity technology.  This is not based so much on anything i've read, but more a feeling or hunch.

Yes, i have seen a UFO.  One time while camping up in Nova Scotia, laying on top of my friends large van roof, we saw some lights which darted across the sky very quickly, some disappeared and then reappeared a bit later much farther away.   Some zig zagged this way and that very quickly.  

 I had an experience with what seemed to be an E.T. being, while i was inbetween physical and etheric state.   Dunno what it was about, but since i was experiencing sleep paralysis (i didn't know it was that then) at the time, i got overly freaked out.

 I may be a "hybrid" because my mom, a down to Earth Capricorn Sun sign lady, once told me that when she was young she was told by doctors that she would never be able to bear children.   She didn't listen to them, and so continued to try to get pregnant, but she had miscarriage after miscarriage.  

 Around the time she got or was pregnant with me, she had this very vivid "dream" of being aboard a space ship, and some very loving and intelligent beings were communicating with her about various things, and she said they felt like old friends, while they were checking her over.  Since i was born successfully after that, it may be that they tweaked some stuff here and there, both with her and with me.

 Dunno ultimately, but since so many have treated me as if i was very strange, and have oft shunned me since i was little, there may be something to it.  

In any case, i believe many of our Discs originally came in from other systems before getting involved with the Earth, so to me, none of this stuff is strange or weird at all.   Just neighbors hanging out and interacting with each other basically.    

Title: Re: UFO's sighted in Texas
Post by hawkeye on Jan 15th, 2008 at 4:08pm
Ya never know... perhaps they were down on Bush's ranch discussing why he just sold the Saudi's and a few other nations "defensive" missile systems to the tune of a few hundred milion. Also asked them to open up the oil tap for w while. Perhaps to fill up the old tanks before having to make use of these missiles. Those aliens might be pissed if old Grorge blows up everthing before we have the opportunity to burn off all of the polar caps first. Besides we haven't made it to 2012 yet. No hurry now George.

I saw what I thought was a craft just the other day. High up and to the south west. Just a light that I thought was a falling star at first untill it quickly changed direction. Was very cool and affirming to me. I only lasted for but a few seconds but it was very real. I have also expearenced some contact while meditating in the expanded states. Some "reptilian" looking contact.

Title: Have fun with this one...
Post by Old Dood on Jan 15th, 2008 at 6:11pm
From 1997. You be the judge:

Title: Re: UFO's sighted in Texas
Post by blink on Jan 19th, 2008 at 1:06pm

--from this week, you be the judge...sighting over Lake Travis, Austin, Texas

--full gallery, 4 photos on link on right side of page, article dated January 16

This is the city where I live.

love, blink :)

Title: Re: UFO's sighted in Texas
Post by Old Dood on Jan 19th, 2008 at 1:45pm
That is pretty cool Blink.
Thanks for the update.

Did you watch the News Report too?

Title: Re: UFO's sighted in Texas
Post by blink on Jan 19th, 2008 at 1:55pm
Yes, just noticed that, thanks. I don't have sound on this computer, though, so I don't know what the newscasters were saying there.

:) b

Title: Re: UFO's sighted in Texas
Post by Old Dood on Jan 19th, 2008 at 2:40pm
Speakers are CHEAP...get some. :D

Title: Re: UFO's sighted in Texas
Post by betson on Jan 20th, 2008 at 6:45pm

Why is that UFO so small when everyone's talking about one that's a mile across?
Look at it in relation to the trees and shaoreline-- :-/


Title: Re: UFO's sighted in Texas
Post by blink on Jan 20th, 2008 at 6:52pm
...just because everything's bigger in Texas doesn't mean EVERYTHING's bigger in Texas.

Believe me, I should know....

:) blink

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