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Message started by Alan McDougall on Jan 9th, 2008 at 8:08am

Title: Is universe timeless and eternal
Post by Alan McDougall on Jan 9th, 2008 at 8:08am
Is our physical universe eternal?

We live in a universe governed, shaped, and ruled by possibilities and
probabilities so it would be helpful if we had a map of all the possibilities. It would be helpful to be able to see the all bends and curves, the contours of potential, to know what lies up ahead, what lies around the corner, and to know the best path to take. It would be helpful to understand the shape of all possibilities well enough to answer profound but basic questions, such as, why does the possible realm place such limits on what happens in time? Why does it allow such wonder? Why is the probable world so beautiful and exquisitely systematic and orderly, rather than pure chaos? Where are probabilities guiding us? What is certain in the future, if anything?

Boltzmann in his own way explored timelessness by questioning what ultimately exists in terms of possible patterns. He identified a somewhat vague model of what exists timelessly which argues that there are fewer highly ordered patterns compared to the number of disordered patterns. Boltzmann imagined the shape of all possibilities to be similar to this wedge shape shown below, which indicates there must be a state of highest possible order. This state would be the most ordered state in all of reality. Boltzmann's approach turned out to be an incredibly fruitful way of understanding the universe even though he was unaware of much of the scientific and cosmological knowledge we possess today.

Today many physicists believe many different pasts and futures are possible
for each observer, and neither past nor future is definite until we observe it. The extremes
of Alpha and Omega are the great pillars of existence that limit our possible pasts and
futures to those paths which begin and end at Alpha and Omega.

In a sense the universe knows where it is going from the very first moment of time. So the matter distribution in stars and galaxies throughout the entire universe has to be within tolerance of that goal, within the degree of randomness and freedom of that particular juncture of time. Within tolerance obviously would not include being the lumpy extreme or the smooth extreme. Within tolerance means the structure of particles and atoms that govern the stars and galaxies and matter will eventually produce Omega. For example, there has to be an equal number of protons and electrons in the universe, so that near the end of time a balance between time and anti-time can ensue. All such planning and coordination is the long arm of the future reaching into the past
Time does not simply roll into the future. From our perspective in the present, we recognize cause and effect in the larger motions of things but to everyone’s amazement there is no such motion in the small world of particles. Instead there is a mesh of probabilities where possible pasts and futures meet which scientists correctly call non-local because those probabilities are produced literally from the whole of what is possible. As Cramer explains, “The transaction is explicitly non-local because the future is, in a limited way, affecting the past.” Cramer writes: “When we stand in the dark and look at a star a hundred light years away, not only have the retarded light waves from the star been traveling for a hundred years to reach our eyes, but the advanced waves generated by absorption processes within our eyes have reached a hundred years into the past, completing the transaction that permitted the star to shine in our direction.”  

Gleaned from the internet (the timeless universe) Soon to be a movie!


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