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Message started by DocM on Jan 7th, 2008 at 10:59am

Title: The Rarity of ADCs - a problem of Language?
Post by DocM on Jan 7th, 2008 at 10:59am
(ADCs = After Death Communications)

I have recently become aware of a very subtle, but constant stream of information from what I view as my portal into the afterlife (and all life), namely my unconscious - and what Jung referred to as the collective subconscious.  Recently, while in meditation and relaxed, I have seen a series of visual images.  Initially, these may be disregarded as daydreaming or mental "chatter."  

What struck me more recently is when I focused on the image, since I was not dreaming, it was not dream symbology - and yet, here it was very similar.  An animal (cat); some writing on paper I could not read; Images of the ocean.  The images changed fairly quickly like a slideshow.  And gradually, it began to dawn on me that just because we imagine communication is to be performed in a grammatically correct manner and with proper syntax, that spiritual communication may find this an awkward way to convey an idea or thought.  

Perhaps there are few in the spiritual plane that can figure out a way of entering into the "real world," and having a two way conversation.  Some mediums seem to have this gift with what Don here has called "chatty ease," making the rest of us seem to be woefully inadqueate in our spiritual language skills.  

It is the investigation of dream symbology, and a person's own unique symbology that perhaps will best allow them to unlock the ability to understand this stream of thought or ideas in our subconscious.  But which of these ideas is an external communication from a loved one, and which is from our own minds or something in the universe we are "picking up" on?

I'm not sure.  But I'm more determined to look into the meaning of these images as they pop up, and see if I can find a repeating pattern or communication here.


Title: Re: The Rarity of ADCs - a problem of Language?
Post by Rondele on Jan 7th, 2008 at 12:46pm

I think I know what you're talking about.  From time to time, right after going to bed but when I'm far from sleeping (it takes me quite a long time to fall asleep), I seem to "zone out" as it were.  As best as I can describe, I seem to go to some other place or dimension.  While there, I am actively engaged in something, not sure what, but my clear impression is that I'm with other people.

I can never recall the specifics, and the zone-out period is fairly short, probably just a few seconds.

I don't try for this to happen, it seems to do so without any conscious effort on my part.  It's as if some sort of "shift" occurs and I go somewhere else.

Anyway, I hope you'll keep us posted in your efforts to discern a pattern to the images you experience.

Title: Re: The Rarity of ADCs - a problem of Language?
Post by dave_a_mbs on Jan 7th, 2008 at 1:59pm
Interesting observation, Doc.

The problem of comunicating with the dead (and vice versa) might have been the motivation for all the pictorial worl in Egyptian tombs, as opposed to simply spelling out the intended information. Regardless, I think you've hit on a valid point.

When I do regressions, I always have the impression that what I'm told is fitted to my needs and interests, as if there's a cosmic coding device that filters everything. This involves physical speech, but it must reflect intention on the level of the speaker, and the speaker is presumably wandering about in the spirit world.

The entity (I forget the name) that was Cayce's guide seems to have used rather a strange inverted form of speech at times. Most of this is in slight mispronunciations. But the idea "California falls into sea" as opposed to "sea engulfs California" suggests that there are possibly different criteria for expression. Or perhaps sea rising and California falling are thought of as being the same, since they reflect a common change. The language in most of the other channelled material that we encounter, whether from Seth or from others, seems to be similarly stilted and awkward in expression at times.

The other half of what you suggest, the babble of voices, is something I'm familiar with. It's as if too many people are talking at once. Reminds me of a cocktail party. I've never been able to sort out one voice from the rest to get any idea of what they're talking about. Often I have the impression of layers and layers of faces and charicatured bodies that seem to be reaching out to me rather blindly. But without focus on any individual I have no useful input.

The idea obviously merits investigation - I'm curious too.


Title: Re: The Rarity of ADCs - a problem of Language?
Post by DocM on Jan 7th, 2008 at 2:29pm
The problem is maintaining focus and discernment when presented during meditation with random images.  Swedenborg kept an extensive dream journal, and seemed to master the hypnagaugic state (pre-sleep), before the "heavens were opened" to him.

Bruce makes the task easier, by getting relaxed into the focus levels and then initiating the conversation and using the imagination method. Perhaps this communication is closer to our current way of speaking in the physical, and those in the spiritual respond to the thoughts and conversation accordingly.

I feel that at some point, I will break through the images and get some understanding of it, (hopefully while still incarnate) so I can report back here.


Title: Re: The Rarity of ADCs - a problem of Language?
Post by recoverer on Jan 7th, 2008 at 3:18pm

Most of my communication from spirit guidance comes in the form of symbolic visual imagery, short waking dreams, and regular dreams.

Perhaps a quick history of what took place for me might help.

At first while meditating or laying in bed awake, I'd see all kinds of things (and sometimes would hear something) but didn't understand why. Then one night I had three intricate dreams one right after the other, and at the end of the third dream I realized that the dreams were created by an intelligence beyond my own. After waking up I made my first conscious contact with my I-there (I'll skip the details).

From then on I realized that the visual imagery was an attempt by my spirit guidance to communicate to me.  There are occasions where I'll see things that are a result of my subconscious mind, or come from a place other than guidance, but mostly what I see comes from guidance.  If you see a person while seeing such images, you might be able to notice/feel a presence behind such an image. You might even be able to feel a presence behind other images.

Start asking questions and see if you're shown symbolic visual answers. I'm not always able to figure out what an image means, but often enough so I'm able to receive information. I've also found that thoughts come with such imagery, but often these thoughts don't appear different than regular thoughts. Sometimes they do.

Eventually, you and your guidance will develop a language.  Below is some of the language I've developed with my guidance.
-A dog or lion is a symbol for fear. A kitty cat is a symbol for something I fear but don't need to fear. Actually, dogs are the same. Lions don't appear anymore, because I guess I have nothing to fear.
-Cars that block my way, represent psychological blocks. Particular types of cars and with particular colors provide clues as to what kind of block.
-People who block my way, also represent blocks. Specific people are chosen, according to what kind of block is being addressed.
-Images of water running = cleansing.
-The color yellow or orange, including objects of this color = willpower
-Green = love, because green is the color heart chakras are represented by.
-If I bump my head on something, this represents a block.
-If I pick something up, especially an item of clothing (symbol for an identity), this means I'm responsible for something unpleasant I'm experiencing.
-Sometimes something that blocks me will be shown, it will be removed, and gold or white light will show behind where the block used to be.
-Sometimes sceneries might be images of the spirit World. Especially if they are pervaded by gold or white light.
-Empty shopping carts = earthbound/stuck spirits.
-Loaded shopping carts = stuck spirits who are moving to the light.
-Sometimes displays of delicious treats represent what is available in the spirit World.
-Clusters of grapes = soul groups.
-Sometimes a first letter thing is done. For example, the first letter combination of BL, regardless of which words they come from, = "be love." Sometimes a sequence will be shown that provides the first letters. If this sounds confusing, it took some time to develop.  It works, because me and my guidance are on the same page.
-Sometimes printed out words are shown.
-People are shown who represent specific things. You need to determine what these people mean to you.  For example Lt. Columbo (Peter Falk's character) will be shown to me, when I'm being told that I'm being perceptive, or not to miss anything, depending upon the circumstances.

There are many more, but is hard to think of them now. As time goes along, you'll develop the ability to understand what they mean. You'll also find that thoughts can be sent to you without their feeling any different than your ordinary thoughts. The thing is, how do you tell when they come from guidance rather than you?

Communication becomes easier after you go through energetic work.

In the beginning I used to be shown a series of images that would change very rapidly.  They seemed to be some kind of code that I know at a subconsious level. I'm not certain,  but I believe they relate to arrangements that were made before I incarnated.  Somehow they allow memories that haven't been brought to life, to come to life.

Title: Re: The Rarity of ADCs - a problem of Language?
Post by Berserk2 on Jan 7th, 2008 at 4:38pm

One of the most important discoveries in the history of chemistry is Kekule's discovery of the molecular structure of the benzene ring.  The way he made this discovery sheds light on your issue.  Kekule was frustrated by his inability to solve this mystery.  So he fell asleep in exhaustion by his fireplace.  As he slept, he had a dream about dancing snakes.  As he watched them, the began to bite each other in the tail and form a geometric structure.  When Kekule awoke, he realized that this snake dance revealed the true structure of the benzene molecule.  Many would argue that the creativity of his unconscious made this discovery.  But it is possible that guidance from the afterlife territories is in fact responsible.  In any case, the discovery was made through poetic symbolism.

Consider this issue from the perspective of the symbolic relationship between biblical revelation and modern science, specifically the Big Bang.  Jewish priests created the creation narrative in Genesis 1:1-2:4a for liturgical worship in the Temple.  Like many of their contemporaries, they wrongly assumed that water fills the void that we recognize as outer space.  When “the void” is substituted for “waters,” the Big Bang emerges as the initial event of creation.  Wheb the poetry of this creation story is analyzed, the movement of “wind” in “the void” implies an explosion or expansion resulting in light.  In this sense Genesis 1:1-2a depicts the Big Bang: “There was darkness over the deep with a divine wind sweeping over the waters [= the void].  God said, `Let there be light,” and there was light.”

The priestly misconception about space is corrected in Old Testament wisdom literature: “God stretches the northern sky over empty space and hangs the earth on nothing (Job 26:7).” In the process, the Bible corrects the contemporary notion that the earth is flat and is
anchored to some sort of foundation: e. g. “It is God who sits above the circle [or [possibly “ball”] of the earth…He is the one who spreads out the heavens like a
curtain and makes a tent from them (Isaiah 40:22).”  This language is poetic, but its symbolism defies ancient cosmologies and points to a spherical earth floating in space.

These two verses stress the characteristic of the universe’s origin that is most stressed in Scripture: the frequent claim (11 examples) that the universe has been “stretched out” or expanded.  In 7 of these 11 texts, the Hebrew verb (the active participle of  
“natah”) implies continual or ongoing “stretching” or expansion of the universe! Again, the language is poetic, but the imagery reinforces the Big Bang interpretation.  Also consistent with the Big Bang are the biblical teachings (1) that the universe we can measure or detect was not generated by what we can measure or detect: “The universe was formed at God’s command, so that what was seen was not made from what was visible (Hebrews 11:3)” and (2) that the entire creation has been subjected to the law of “decay”--an implication of the second law of thermodynamics  (Romans 8:21).

One popular misconception about modern cosmology is that the Big Bang exploded
into space and time.  In fact, modern cosmology actually teaches that the Big Bang
created the space-time continuum.  Similarly, the Bible teaches that time began at the
creation of the universe: “before the beginning of time” (pro chronon aionion—2
Timothy 1:9; Titus 1:2; cp. 1 Corinthians 2:7).  No biblical writer could articulate the Big Bang
theory in modern terms.  Yet the key insights seem to have been communicated to the ancient Hebrews in poetic symoolic form.  Analogous principles may be onvolved in some ADC revelations.


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