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Message started by george stone on Jan 1st, 2008 at 2:33pm

Title: Have anyone been touch by spirit
Post by george stone on Jan 1st, 2008 at 2:33pm
I was just woundering if anybody have been touched by a spirit,like feeling a hand on your shoulder?I know I have when after i forgave my old formem for being so mean to me.It realy feels as if a hand is on your shoulder,and the feeling you get when something not seen has touched you.he was stand right in front of me,and his face was the only part of his body that i saw.he was smiling and even showed his teeth.the touch I felt was like a normal person placing his hand on my body.George.

Title: Re: Have anyone been touch by spirit
Post by LaffingRain on Jan 1st, 2008 at 2:55pm
hi George, this does happen sometimes. my mother had her toes pulled.
your foreman came to ask you to forgive him, right?

Title: Re: Have anyone been touch by spirit
Post by george stone on Jan 1st, 2008 at 3:54pm
No,I think he came to thank me for forgiving him.

Title: Re: Have anyone been touch by spirit
Post by LaffingRain on Jan 1st, 2008 at 4:10pm
:) oh cool! forgiveness is what is needed. nice experience George. I know its true.

Title: Re: Have anyone been touch by spirit
Post by Alan McDougall on Jan 2nd, 2008 at 5:23am



A spirit has never touched me. but members of my family have been by my daughter’s resident ghost. This spirit inhabits one room in her home and I have heard it play a guitar while it was enclosed in its case (the guitar not the spirit) this spirit appears lost and I heard it clearly say “nobody wants me” all my body hairs stood up and I fled .I have never slept in that room again when visiting my daughter.


Title: Re: Have anyone been touch by spirit
Post by Nanner on Jan 3rd, 2008 at 5:46am
George, I dont know if you`ve read one of the first topics, which I had shared with the board back in Aug. but I would consider that I`ve been touched by spirit.
The gal made me mad, oooooh sooooo mad at first. OMG was I cookin instead.

Yes I believe the more frequencies you allow by being conscious,  the more creative the spirits can be in contacting you. Maybe thats why we are born using only 1/4 th of our "brain".. For if we were actually allowed to use more than that as being humanoid we`d be spirit in itself maybe.

Title: Re: Have anyone been touch by spirit
Post by recoverer on Jan 3rd, 2008 at 1:20pm
There have been a number of occasions where I've felt spirit hands I couldn't see touch me.

Title: Re: Have anyone been touch by spirit
Post by Old Dood on Jan 3rd, 2008 at 3:11pm
I take it that this question references us in our 3D selves?

I cannot 'recall' that ever happening but, I do recall hearing my name spoken outloud.
Just for a second and of course not again right afterward.

I am pretty darn sure I have been 'touched' a lot while dreaming.

Title: Re: Have anyone been touch by spirit
Post by recoverer on Jan 3rd, 2008 at 3:32pm
Here is an early touching experience.

Several times while laying in bed awake, I felt a hand or pair of hands touch me briefly. They'd stop doing so when I'd react in a defensive way. One night I felt a finger tap the nail on my big toe a couple of times. It occurred to me that a spirit needed to do some energetic work on me. One night while laying on my side I felt a hand touch me on my back. I asked, "is this a spirit helper?" I saw a bright white star of light flash while my eyes were open, and received the mental answer "yes."  As the unseen hands worked on my energetic body a bit, I asked: "So everything is okay?" I saw another bright white star of light flash, and received the answer: "yes."

Certainly I had some concern, but the white light I saw, and have seen numerous other times, has a very special holy look to it, as if it comes from a higher realm. I always get a positive feeling when I see it. I don't believe that the feeling of the light could be reproduced physically. Plus, since this event occurred, my life has progressed in a very positive direction.

I don't believe we should be foolish when making contact with spirits. But we have to have enough faith in spirits who represent the light, so we can make contact with them according to need. Of course, each of us has different needs.

Title: Re: Have anyone been touch by spirit
Post by LaffingRain on Jan 3rd, 2008 at 5:25pm
I now remember being touched by spirit several times. this was 2004 I believe. i did write it down in my dream log. I believe I received a healing touch. I had a small patch of skin on my arm that was crusty and would never get smooth for years.
I don't go to doctors because I'm for alternative healings most the time, I like to use my own mind's ability to heal when possible.

so this little thing really didn't bother me. I was in the hynogogic state and felt a finger, it felt solid twirling around on my arm defect, rubbling it gently.
I came full awake to feel it and when I awoke it disappeared. I looked at the defect and it was smoother, and its barely there now, and no longer scales.

Title: Re: Have anyone been touch by spirit
Post by betson on Jan 3rd, 2008 at 5:52pm

I've had similiar experiences to Recoverer's and Alysia's, where I didn't know the entity but they said the touching was for good. Then I'd ask if it was for healing, and it seemed to be important that some were for 'adjustments' of attitudes and some were for healing. They didn't consider the adjustments to be the same as healings for some reason--? I sort of thought they might as well have healed the problem completely as it probably caused the attitude--?


Title: Re: Have anyone been touch by spirit
Post by Nanner on Jan 4th, 2008 at 6:37am
I guess this gives us all pretty much a good view that alot of people all over the entire world are "touched" in different ways. Here again I`d like to point out a very interesting fact:

We are all from different denominations, some even from different cultural backgrounds, some of us may be black, white, hispanic, arabian, asian or what not - however 1 thing we have in commen:

We have been touched!

And that happened because we opened the "frequency" so that could even take place to begin with, we dared to open the consciousness levels reciever called the soul and another thing is:

Notice: The afterlife contact was in no way shape nor form predijduce at all and that makes me feel really good about our souls in the afterlife!


Title: Re: Have anyone been touch by spirit
Post by AhSoLaoTsuAhhOmmra on Jan 6th, 2008 at 5:08pm
 I don't know if i was touched per se, but i've had either Spirit, or some nonphysical aspect of myself/immediate Greater self, produce physical sensations in my body.  

 Most memorable is when i was at TMI, deep during meditation i got a brief but rather sharp pain in my foot.  

Never had that happen before in meditation and had no clue what it meant, until later on in the day, i was a bit stupid and decided to walk barefoot on the path to lake Miranon, and stepped on some recently mowed thorny type plants (heehee on a side note, Becky and i by going nekked, got a couple other folks to go swimming nekked too.).  

  I didn't really notice anything wrong with or in my foot (though i knew i had stepped on some thorns), until after i got back and it started to pain me fairly moderately in one part of my foot.   It was the same exact area wherein i had felt the pain before in meditation and there was a thorn piece embedded pretty well in there in that same area.

 I don't think it was a coincidence, and it was just another way for guidance to show and verify for me, that they know everything that goes on with me, can manipulate my physical reality, and see future probability factors and paths pretty well.    

 On another side note, also while deep in meditation at TMI, i got streaming dream like visuals (pretty vivid) of tanks rolling out in the desert, and got impressions that they were Israeli tanks and that this was definitely not a good sign.   This all came totally out of the blue.    My sense is that Israel is going to try to ignite some stuff, and it's going to lead to quite a bit of conflict.   Hopefully not, but something to be aware of.  

 I have a lot of respect for the Jewish people, belief systems, and their unusual history, but feel that a percentage of Jews and especially Israel and the Israeli gov. more in particular, have gone far astray of God's ways.  

 They were warned by their own prophets not to do this and that if they did, they would be broken up.   A people is only God's people, when they are living God's ways.  I feel that before mentioned time is coming, and i feel very sad for the whole thing.

Title: Re: Have anyone been touch by spirit
Post by george stone on Jan 6th, 2008 at 5:58pm
Yea I beleive that,because some years ago,my wife and I were having a snack,when I noticed blood on my fingger,and it was driping onto the table.I washed it off,but not find a cut anywhere on my finger.Then the next day I was cuting my heage and the saw slipped and cut the same finger where there was blood the night before.It most be a warning to watch out for being cut.George

Title: Re: Have anyone been touch by spirit
Post by LaffingRain on Jan 9th, 2008 at 12:00am
george I just today remembered another example of being touched by a guide is what I call it now. I was 18 maybe. depressed, I slept all day and all night. I did this escapism thing due to my husband I could not stand. I'd gotten myself in a jam and didn't know how to get out. so one day morning came and I went back to sleep as usual and this hand poked me hard! haha! it was a physical hand it felt like and I jumped up to look around.

the guides hand convinced me sleeping was not getting me out of my problems, so I never fell into that habit again!  :)

Title: Re: Have anyone been touch by spirit
Post by Old Dood on Jan 9th, 2008 at 8:00am

LaffingRain wrote on Jan 9th, 2008 at 12:00am:
george I just today remembered another example of being touched by a guide is what I call it now. I was 18 maybe. depressed, I slept all day and all night. I did this escapism thing due to my husband I could not stand. I'd gotten myself in a jam and didn't know how to get out. so one day morning came and I went back to sleep as usual and this hand poked me hard! haha! it was a physical hand it felt like and I jumped up to look around.

the guides hand convinced me sleeping was not getting me out of my problems, so I never fell into that habit again!  :)

Oh Wow...that does remind me as well.
I can't remember fully but, months ago I was sleeping at night.
Not too late. I go to bed early compared to most people. Around 8pm.
It must have been around 10pm and something poked me in the ribs.
I can't stand that.  I am very ticklish there and it jared me awake and awake now!

It was weird. I go up and walked around.  Then went back to sleep.  I don't know why that happened unless it was just to let me know someone was 'there'.

I have yet to consciencely meet any guides at this point.  That I remember anyways...

Title: Re: Have anyone been touch by spirit
Post by LaffingRain on Jan 9th, 2008 at 10:39pm
hmm, it seems some non physical being did want to get your attention Dood, I wonder why? sometimes they want to communicate that they are alive and hanging around, or it could be a ghost that moved on.
with the poking in the ribs I received, I remember forcing myself to sleep and I could hear what I thought was my own conscious, telling me this was wrong. I trained myself not to hear these thoughts. so that day, when I got poked awake was an especially insistent voice to get up. a couple of times. but I was getting so good at ignoring the mind, and that is why I got physically poked  :-/

actually, I already knew about spirits at the time and though I was surprised, I had to chuckle later that I really was aided in this regard, bit of a shock nonetheless to be touched.

Title: Re: Have anyone been touch by spirit
Post by Lia on Jan 10th, 2008 at 3:06am
Hello to everybody :),

I am new to this forum. English is not may native language so please excuse the eventual mistakes.
I haven't been touched in the way you've been by a spirit but in an other way. I have a spirit in the house, don't know who he is yet but sure will try to find out in the future. He comes more often when I am meditating and it's like a cold breath on my face and sometimes I feel it like he's caressing my face, the breath is moving.
During meditation I've had twitches or jerks of parts of my body. Like Robert Monroe explains it's energy rebalancing.

Title: Re: Have anyone been touch by spirit
Post by Justin aka asltaomr on Jan 10th, 2008 at 3:27am
Welcome, hello back, and nice to meet you Lia.   Thank you for sharing your experiences here, the more of us that share our experiences and thoughts on these matters, the more "common place" and normal will such stuff become to a greater range of people.  

Title: Re: Have anyone been touch by spirit
Post by Lia on Jan 10th, 2008 at 4:21am
Thanks Justin for the nice welcome.
I totally agree with you about sharing experiences. Forums are a great place where one can share experinces and learn from others at least that's what I feel. This forum and also Bruce's site is very intersting and full of many things to be learned and clarified. ;).
Sometimes books or articles that ones read might be not very explanatory but talking with others can clarify aspects that are foggy.

Title: Re: Have anyone been touch by spirit
Post by LaffingRain on Jan 11th, 2008 at 2:38am
welcome Lia. good to hear you have a helper with you.  :) (my opinion) I think Justin has a good point.

Title: Re: Have anyone been touch by spirit
Post by Lia on Jan 12th, 2008 at 6:44am
Hi  LaffingRain. I've thought sometimes that might be a spirit guide but might be also someone else.

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