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Message started by LaughingRain on Dec 9th, 2007 at 1:20pm

Title: hypnagogic state
Post by LaughingRain on Dec 9th, 2007 at 1:20pm
also can be spelled hypnOgogic, with an O, is correct either way according to dictionary.

this is also associated with paralysis but in my case I don't mean it that way. to me, it describes an area, not focus 10, because my physical body is turning in bed, I am almost awake, but not fully, I am having various thoughts about getting up, but its too much fun to snuggle in and float pleasantly, brushing off the thoughts that come and savoring this time of the morning.

takes me 30 to 60 minutes to become fully alert into usual C1 waking consciousness.
so this morn I was laying there in that pleasant state and sometimes I will drift back to sleep but I know that will be hard to do, as the thoughts come in more quickly, makes sleep impossible, but I have no appointment so I can sleep in a few more minutes.
I wondered idly what time it was, not really caring. suddenly with eyes closed I see 8:01 flash by my mind. oh so what, I think. then I'm excited to see if it really is 8:01. Nah! I think. I have no clock by bedside so I jump up out of bed and run to kitchen to look at microwave clock..there it was 8:01! I laughed.

its small thing, inconsequential to anyone else. but if you get little things like this happening to you, its an indication of what I call the shift in consciousness, what I prefer to call it. not my terms, a borrowed term, but I like it.
A friend of mine does me one better and I applaud him. he placed a coin on a level table on its end and then concentrated it to roll. it rolled. Immediately, I tried it and only to find out the table, and the floor underneath must be level or u won't believe you are doing that. unfortunately my floor was not level at that time, so I didn't try this again. and has nothing much to do with spirituality, my focus.

but wait. maybe it does? as we all move into the shift in consciousness we are expanding our limited thinking ways. we are all becoming more of what we already are, first in little ways, then in more pronounced ways. so if you see a tiny miracle, it too is something to open the mind towards greater vistas of who and what we are.

love, alysia

Title: Re: hypnagogic state
Post by vajra on Dec 9th, 2007 at 3:25pm
There can be quite a lot odd going on Alysia. I too have had the 'figuring the time' while in  state between sleep and dreaming experience. Although I usually can tell the time during the day to within a few minutes anyway and so am a little unsure if the mechanism in my case isn't something fairly ordinary.

That's not to knock the reality of some of these abilities.

At a retreat some time ago some of the group were playing with divining rods - you know the L shaped rods used to locate water or other objects. You start with them both pointing straight ahead, but they swing together to point.

I discovered I was able to at will move them around in people's hands from the other side of the room. A bit mischievious, but I had a great laugh to myself until I got caught in the act.

That same evening and for some time afterwards I found myself able to see auras, remote view and so on with fair a degree of accuracy and repeatability. (not quite McMoneagle levels of accuracy, but it  surprised me)

These latter abilities faded a bit during the following week, although I've not tried influencing physical objects since.

::) I flat refuse to believe that it's anything special if I can do it, but I do wonder if there are ways of 'getting in the zone' other than meditating all week. Any ideas Alysia, anybody else?

Title: Re: hypnagogic state
Post by betson on Dec 9th, 2007 at 8:58pm

Regarding the length of time necessary to precede these 'odd' abilities, I think it's more a condition of mind, a peaceful inactivity. At least I've found this true regarding the divining rods. I'm not successful with them if I have alot on my mind, but am successful when 'calmed.'

I'll bet it won't always take a week's meditation to get you into those modes, Ian!
But I wouldn't force them.  Every state seems to need to adjust one's neural network a bit, so switching the switches around just for entertainment might 'wear them out ' !   ;)


Title: Re: hypnagogic state
Post by LaughingRain on Dec 11th, 2007 at 6:40pm
hmm Bets has a point how we can better our abilities, or a clue for us. but first, about the knowing what time it is.

related to this is internal rhythm. lol, soul clock.  I remember when I was needing to be somewhere early in the morning, years ago I set an intention to wake up at 7am.

when say, I was used to getting up at 8:30 or so. this only works if you don't use a mechanical device to jar you awake, which I seldom used and didn't own one.

so I'd say, to myself, this is important. 7am, not 7:10. 7am. then I'd just go to sleep feeling confidant I would either awaken before 7am or no later than 7am.

it always worked that my eyes would pop open right at 7am to my surprise I had programmed myself, but, it would only work (time and time again) if I concentrated hard for just a few minutes, out of necessity, as I didn't own alarm clocks, I suppose thats why it was urgent. the sense of importance came in as a determination thing. very determined I had to be.

so then Ian says, its just natural for him to know what time it is without looking at a clock and maybe it's natural for him, but it's not natural for me, as I have to keep looking at clocks through the day or time just flys away and its dark when it feels like I just got out of bed. so maybe we all have this internal clock ticking, we just need to tap into it.

Ian, Christmas is almost here!! lol, it was just summertime!!!

back to Bets...I saw from what Ian said, he was in a relaxed state of having some mischievous fun when he discovered he could move with his mind an object in another's hand. this is big news. I can't do that. Or could I?
the only reason I would want to, is to be having fun with it. It appears the only time we can do something that is not a habitual behavior or talent, is to move forward in this relaxed, have fun with it kind of state So when Bets said, we can "wear it out" it's kind of true, we can wear out a penchant for this sort of defying gravity concept, and looking at something with nonphysical eyes, say, we could start to have expectations around such a happening, which is what I think Bets is saying, by wearing it out.
I think a really open mind would be one without any preconceived expectations around it, then something might be able to come through which would show us, we are progressing along in our fashion, might be small, but need to be happy about small steps in order to be allowing more to happen for us, what we figure is useful though.

a friend I told about this waking up at 801 and it was 801. why not 802? if it was 802, I would not have been writing this down, and I would have blown the whole thing off that I was wrong what I saw. then I wouldn't trust myself very much when I get images.

so anyhoo, my friend said it does lead to bigger things, like she had intuition tell her to pull to the side of the road, just before some big boulders during an earthquake hit the road where her car would have been.
so she calls it intuition and that is as good a term as any, but we can also say she was tuned in to the Earth.

it is just possible in the years ahead we will all be discovering of our natural talents on a more consistant basis. love, alysia

Title: Re: hypnagogic state
Post by Alan McDougall on Dec 12th, 2007 at 4:00am
Hi! Laughingrain and Others,

I have experienced the hypnagogig state countless times over the years, usually preceded by a buzzing vibration and an inability to move the physical body.

Lying still and with practice of many years, I have achieved conscious separation from the body, traveled through our physical universe and other weird and strange realms, dimensions and realities that are very hard to put into adequate words.



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