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Message started by Romain on Oct 23rd, 2007 at 1:40pm

Title: Sathurday 27 Oct all day NEW PExploration,
Post by Romain on Oct 23rd, 2007 at 1:40pm
Greeting all;
Partner Exploration as describe/taught by Bruce is awesome, especially when both partners have hits. It boost your self esteem and knowledge that it can be done.
IMPO; PE also stand for Personal Exploration; and here’re a good way to start it. ;)

Since last year or year and half there seems to be more and more fellow travelers who had experiences with Bruce Workshop/CD’s/Books and with TMI.
We now have lifelines/timeliner/remoteviewer/ober’s/phasing and adept of all sort joining our conversation board and all have something to offer in the name of ALL.
Now here we have something for all colors/shade of individuality.

Time to put it all together; 8-)

Let’s join force and see/feel/acknowledge “FORGIVENESS”. Which is the “THEME for this PE”; after it’s done you are free to explore ULURU and the dreams tracks. And see how many hits will get. Bring your own costume if you
Feel free to do retrieval  also.:) read the bit about heart attacks. :-[
All welcome.If you guys are up to it here it is:

Let’s meet on top of Uluru; join hand  forming a circle; fill yourself up with PUL of FORGIVENESS see it coming from our heart center gathering force and sending it down to the core of Uluru and Mother earth core and coming back up again through us and letting it explode onto  Mother Earth like a cosmic explosion waves and waves of PUL FORGIVENESS.

Asking forgiveness for all we have done to her and everyone/everything’s living/pass/present/future. Let is flow and enjoy the feeling/sensations of forgiveness.Let it flow through you removing all residue pass or present. :)
Let it all flow dear Souls.

Here a few thing to know about Uluru if you’re interested; the link to the picture and web page where I got this is at the bottom. :)

1-Ayers Rock is also known by its Aboriginal name 'Uluru'. It’s  a large magnetic mound located on a major planetary grid point much like the Great Pyramid in Egypt.

2-The climb crosses an important dreaming track, which has been a cause of sadness and distress among traditional owners. Aborigines believe that there it is hollow below ground, and that there is an energy source that they call 'Tjukurpa' the dream time. There are several deaths a year as a direct result of climbing the rock, mainly from heart failure. (Retrievals anyone)

3-Ayers Rock (Mount Uluru) is inhabited by dozens of ancestral 'beings' whose activities are recorded at many other sites. 'The Dreaming' is not a creation myth, per se, but a myth of formation. Giant semi-human beings, resembling plants or animals, rose up from the plains where they had been slumbering for countless ages

4-Depending on the time of day and the atmospheric conditions, the rock can dramatically change color, anything from blue to violet to glowing red!

5-Approximately 500 million years ago it was part of the ocean floor at the center of Australia. Some report that there is a light source emanating at various times of the year.

With love; Romain

Title: Re: Sathurday 27 Oct all day NEW PExploration,
Post by pulsar on Oct 23rd, 2007 at 1:57pm
Greetings Romain,

much appreciation for your idea of a PE day, dealing with forgiveness, a thing that is endangered to be put aside these days.
Ayers Rock as a place for joining, having on mind what it means to the Aborigines and their belief system, the dream time, such a powerful place to go to.
Maybe some of our answers will be revealed by the spirits of their ancestors?

sincerely yours,


Title: Re: Sathurday 27 Oct all day NEW PExploration,
Post by Gweexldax on Oct 23rd, 2007 at 1:57pm
I will be there.  

Title: Re: Sathurday 27 Oct all day NEW PExploration,
Post by Romain on Oct 23rd, 2007 at 4:15pm

pulsar wrote on Oct 23rd, 2007 at 1:57pm:
Greetings Romain,

much appreciation for your idea of a PE day, dealing with forgiveness, a thing that is endangered to be put aside these days.
Ayers Rock as a place for joining, having on mind what it means to the Aborigines and their belief system, the dream time, such a powerful place to go to.
Maybe some of our answers will be revealed by the spirits of their ancestors?

sincerely yours,


Pulsar yes a very powerful place to go, as for answers revealed by spirits of their about our own ancestors?? Who knows you may come in contact with some of your own past. Just be open and receptive you'll never know until you try.
Ther're be a lot of us/energies around to give a lift...:)
With love;Romain

Title: Re: Sathurday 27 Oct all day NEW PExploration,
Post by LaffingRain on Oct 23rd, 2007 at 11:17pm
yay!! a focus at last, now u have my curiosity up and watch out when I get curious! lol. I'll go on friday night as me kids are coming to town on saturday, so i don't think it will hurt to do mine early and I'll just ask the guides help us all have a great exploration and maybe some of us will meet the others as does happen once in a while.

thanks Romain, I'll go check out that link. love, alysia

I just went to the link and found out there are waterfalls on the rock, I have to see them for sure as I have a special afinity for waterfalls...ok...see you there y'all! everyone welcome to try remote viewing if you want.

Remote Viewing: very easy. a lot of people have success the first time.
1) sit quietly  (no stereo, loud children, dogs staring at you for a walk, etc, etc..)
2) utilize your ordinary senses
3) smell it
4) sense the color
5) touch it
6) visualize it
7) hear the sound of it
8) draw it as a picture. use words like strokes on a canvas
9) feel something. feel excitement or sense of adventure.
10) set a time limit, so you don't get burned out on the effort.

love, alysia

Title: Re: Sathurday 27 Oct all day NEW PExploration,
Post by betson on Oct 23rd, 2007 at 11:50pm
Wow!   :o
That sounds very powerful!

Have you been there already, Romain, to Uluru?


Title: Re: Sathurday 27 Oct all day NEW PExploration,
Post by Romain on Oct 24th, 2007 at 11:48am

LaffingRain wrote on Oct 23rd, 2007 at 11:17pm:
yay!! a focus at last, now u have my curiosity up and watch out when I get curious! lol.

I just went to the link and found out there are waterfalls on the rock, I have to see them for sure as I have a special afinity for waterfalls.

1) sit quietly  (no stereo, loud children, dogs staring at you for a walk, etc, etc..)
2) utilize your ordinary senses
3) smell it
4) sense the color
5) touch it
6) visualize it
7) hear the sound of it
8) draw it as a picture. use words like strokes on a canvas
9) feel something. feel excitement or sense of adventure.
10) set a time limit, so you don't get burned out on the effort.

love, alysia

Waterfalls painting yes they are there Alysia;
Steps 1-10 are excellent also as a regular visualizing/phasing exercise.
So if we visualize ULURU and do these steps will be there.
Looking forward to hear your experience after the fact. We both know time is irrelevant there.. ;)
Look for something unusual.
With love Romain

Title: Re: Sathurday 27 Oct all day NEW PExploration,
Post by Romain on Oct 24th, 2007 at 12:00pm

betson wrote on Oct 23rd, 2007 at 11:50pm:
Wow!   :o
That sounds very powerful!
Have you been there already, Romain, to Uluru?

Yes Bet it's a very powerful place and i would say at par with the pyramid/Stonehedge etc.

It's also a beautiful place to visit. If you look at the areal view doesn't it look like a Big BEAR?..:)
His head toward the left bottom/4 legs/ a big hump..:)
Let you imagination go wild.
Will be well Protected.
With love; Romain

Title: Re: Sathurday 27 Oct all day NEW PExploration,
Post by PhantasyMan on Oct 25th, 2007 at 10:58am
I'll be there too

Title: Re: Sathurday 27 Oct all day NEW PExploration,
Post by Romain on Oct 25th, 2007 at 12:10pm

PhantasyMan wrote on Oct 25th, 2007 at 10:58am:
I'll be there too

Parfait; on se voit en Australie... :D
Et peut-etre ailleur.

with love;Romain

Title: Re: Sathurday 27 Oct all day NEW PExploration,
Post by blink on Oct 25th, 2007 at 1:19pm
Thank you, Romain, beautiful theme. I will meditate on it, and hope that we may all be released from negative attachments, when we are ready.

Transformation is always at hand, at "the ready" as they say, when we are.

love, blink :)

Title: Re: Sathurday 27 Oct all day NEW PExploration,
Post by betson on Oct 25th, 2007 at 4:41pm
OK Romain,

I'll be there too, and fearless.


Title: Re: Sathurday 27 Oct all day NEW PExploration,
Post by Romain on Oct 25th, 2007 at 7:34pm

wrote on Oct 25th, 2007 at 1:19pm:
Thank you, Romain, beautiful theme. I will meditate on it, and hope that we may all be released from negative attachments, when we are ready.

Transformation is always at hand, at "the ready" as they say, when we are.

love, blink :)

Blink; yes i agree here with the when we are ready.
A good example for me was the healing of Hans and my healing too. Teaching me about "Forgiveness".
Also releasing from negative attachments as you  pointed out reminded me of an exercise i used to do a few years back which is call : The Violet  Flame  of St-Germaine
Violet is a higher frequency in the color spectrum. It is linked with the crown chakra, that which opens to allow us to receive messages. The crown, Omega, Endings, closing of the program of consciousness through which we experience in time.

The Violet Flame allegedly transmutes energies allowing a soul to burn off the karmic ties that bind it to the emotional grid or physical realms. Its purpose is to transmute negative energy into positive energy.
The flame is a tool to help you release karma, raise frequency and consciousness awareness, accelerate spiritual growth, to activate your DNA.

We used to call upon Ar Angel Gabriel sword to help severe the ties with negative attachment from families/friends/lovers/past or present.

All this was part of "Forgiveness" as far as I'm concern. You just reminded me to do it again...:) Thanks.

Glad you join.
with love; Romain

Title: Re: Sathurday 27 Oct all day NEW PExploration,
Post by LaffingRain on Oct 26th, 2007 at 1:27am
we are growing here: we have:

1) PhantasyMan ( I was going to call you by initials and thought better of it  :)

2) Bets: fearless warrior advances in the lead

3) Me  Fairy Princess in Disguise: am only a fig newton in reality.

4) Romain: Suprise package and has been hiding his treasures in a cave

5) Pulsar: Leaper into the unknown, is ready for anything, just the way I like it!

6) Blink: Poetess Strong lady, has silver tongue and truth as shield

7) Peggy: spritely nature spirit, works for the Earth, our home.
Did I miss someone? well if you're supposed to be there, then you will be. I'm going to rest up and ask the powers that be about
1) purple
2) forgiving
3) the rock thats a wonder of the world
4) I will ask St Germaine to attend. I sort of know him from a minister I once knew.
gosh, now I'm confused. I better shorten my list a little.

love to all, alysia

Title: Re: Sathurday 27 Oct all day NEW PExploration,
Post by Romain on Oct 26th, 2007 at 8:18pm

LaffingRain wrote on Oct 26th, 2007 at 1:27am:
we are growing here: we have:
Did I miss someone? well if you're supposed to be there, then you will be. I'm going to rest up and ask the powers that be about

love to all, alysia

Alysia and all;
Going to be a bit more souls that you think...

There're other from different forum who will join us and persons who are not on any forums too..(friends).
Should be fun to see/feel who's who..and what they're wearing..hint/hints... ::)

Have fun and don't forget giving/receiving "Forgiveness".
See you in Aussie
With love;Romain

Title: Re: Sathurday 27 Oct all day NEW PExploration,
Post by LaffingRain on Oct 27th, 2007 at 5:10am
hey Romain, lol  :) I'm a little bit ahead of the game, I did the forgiving part before I got here! I must have been talking to you out there!

well I expect a crowd then! cool. I'll wear some boots and a hat! love, alysia

Title: Re: Sathurday 27 Oct all day NEW PExploration,
Post by tgecks on Oct 27th, 2007 at 11:00am
Absolutely count me in! Forgiveness is one of my favorites, especially when I can remember to give a bit to my self....

See y'all out there! Fasten your seat belts! This should be amazing.....


Title: Re: Sathurday 27 Oct all day NEW PExploration,
Post by Romain on Oct 27th, 2007 at 11:41am

LaffingRain wrote on Oct 27th, 2007 at 5:10am:
hey Romain, lol  :) I'm a little bit ahead of the game, I did the forgiving part before I got here! I must have been talking to you out there!

well I expect a crowd then! cool. I'll wear some boots and a hat! love, alysia

Alysia i think we both jump ahead; you were there last night..hey...
Talking i bet you

See you all there today.
with love;Romain

Title: Re: Sathurday 27 Oct all day NEW PExploration,
Post by Romain on Oct 27th, 2007 at 11:42am

tgecks wrote on Oct 27th, 2007 at 11:00am:
Absolutely count me in! Forgiveness is one of my favorites, especially when I can remember to give a bit to my self....

See y'all out there! Fasten your seat belts! This should be amazing.....


Thanks Thomas; see you there..let's ASK/GIVE FORGIVENESS..
with love

Title: Re: Sathurday 27 Oct all day NEW PExploration,
Post by LaffingRain on Oct 27th, 2007 at 5:27pm
I get a feeling Thomas was there. he was certainly on my mind! glad to see you here/now Thomas. Forgive. I'm going to see if I can get some delivery service! have to ask first, huh? I offer a little willingness to the holy spirit.

ok! a one and two and three anna...heeeerrrrrreeeeeesssss AKC PE group!!!

sorry..I got carried away. ::)

Title: Re: Sathurday 27 Oct all day NEW PExploration,
Post by blink on Oct 27th, 2007 at 5:38pm
Hello, replying here before reading anyone.

I was not sure if I would go into this forgiveness meditation immediately, and not sure what cd I wanted to use. I decided on some music by Jeffrey Thompson, thinking, I have a little bit of a headache, maybe I can relax.

Coming to mind were the words, "You were never my enemy" and so I repeated them in my mind over and over in a relaxed way. I began to feel it. I thought of many many people and found myself repeating this phrase while picturing each face, and so that feeling began to expand. The feeling expanded into a deep gratitude.

At a certain point, the feeling of expansiveness was very peaceful and huge. I imagined all others feeling this freedom with me.

I had some visuals, just shiny silvery "cords" interlacing and moving around as in a dance.

I pictured many of us here on the forum around a sort of "maypole" like structure with ribbon-like trailing color strings, and we were moving around. It was a pretty sight, and I experienced feelings of joyfulness.

Then, I went into a very dark place. I could not see anything. I did not know if anyone was there, but I repeated the phrase and tried to project these feelings into this dark place. I was feeling a lot of love, so I just sort of "stood there" in my mind projecting it outward.

After a while the music ended, or I got up, and am not exactly sure why I stopped, but it felt finished, for the time being.

love, blink :)

Title: Re: Sathurday 27 Oct all day NEW PExploration,
Post by blink on Oct 27th, 2007 at 6:07pm
Oh, I don't know what anyone else was wearing, but I was wearing a medieval looking purple dress with red trim, and a very long straight blonde wig with headpiece.

I looked really, really great... :)

love, blink :)

Title: Re: Sathurday 27 Oct all day NEW PExploration,
Post by Gweexldax on Oct 27th, 2007 at 7:11pm
After a shaky start I headed to the Beautiful Rock, and couldn't get close. I kept getting pulled to Sadr City in Iraq. I heard an American soldier yelling about God, and picked up telepathically that he was short in stature, and wanted out of Iraq. He was just ranting in a manner the other soldiers had grown used to. I went into a small building, and it was dark, but a fire burned inside an oven. I used my thought ball to communicate with a woman who was about 45 ? and heavy set. She cooked for some of her neighbors, and didn't seem to have anyone else living with her. I told her that I wish I could bring her a ton of food. She thanked me for having compassion, and touched my shoulders with both hands. I was pulled back rudely to C1 by some local motor vehicle. I got up, and sipped water. I tried to return to the rock, and the wind picked up. Then, I heard a flute. There were several of us interacting with local spirits. I heard someone tell me : "Miriam and Kita". I saw the two girls, and knew that they would never age, or suffer. I headed to hover above the rock, and wanted to stand on the surface, but I "asked the rock" about the purple haze, because I have seen something similar in a photograph from rocks in Colorado. The spirits told me that the energy is "scattered, and shared." Some of the children didn't want Romain to ever leave. He was very involved. I tried to summon a few of my ancestors, and the spirit children (Aboriginal curly hair, and cute faces) said "Here we are". Long ago, and during the Dreamtime, I must have been there, but have no currently available recall. I have always liked the Aboriginal faces, however. It looks like they hide a funny secret. And well they do. I came back to C1, and felt lighter than when I went in. No burdens. It was a good visit. A big party. Wish I had been able to bring the lady from Sadr City.

Title: Re: Sathurday 27 Oct all day NEW PExploration,
Post by tgecks on Oct 27th, 2007 at 9:47pm
Dear Fellow Dreamers-

For some reason I put on my take home CD from Heartlines, which is one of the "new" take homes, and is based on sacred geometry and the Golden Mean (according to Skip and Penny, separately). It is especially nice for opening and exploring the heart space, which is for me bound closely with forgiveness.

I did get a flash of a Maypole, too. Then I remembered Ayers Rock, Uluru, and I was there, on top, with a group of shing energies and orbs. There was a circle of people playing drums and digideroos and singing, and we were dancing/walking around a fire. I felt the roots of Uluru reach deep in to the Earthcore, and heard the call for release of guilt and fear. And we all stamped in time with the drums, with our heartbeats. Boom-boom, boom-boom, boom-boom -- until we were filled with the resonance of love as it shot around from heart to heart to heart weaving a web of forgiveness and Pure Unconditional Love for each other and celebration that we, too, each one of us, is forgiven and loved beyopnd our ability to comprehend and our hearts beat as One.

There is nothing else to do but forgive. There is nothing else to do but express and receive love. "Nothing real can be threatened. Nothing unreal exists. Herein lies the peace of God." (ACIM).

What a great group! I am proud to be a part of such radiant and loving energy.


Title: Re: Sathurday 27 Oct all day NEW PExploration,
Post by Vee on Oct 28th, 2007 at 2:20am
Well, I came in very late, had a rushed day all day and finally got down to visiting the group in this PE around 9 pm, thought I might not get to see anyone, although knowing time doesn't exist here, it might still work for me. I had no idea where we were supposed to be meeting, as I had not gone into the Board and read the original posts and had not had time to sort it all out. I knew from asking yesterday that the way to dress in something special was to imagiine it, so I imagined my outfit. It became more elaborate as the minutes went by. I surprised myself. I gave myself longer hair and put it up.  It's  kind of gray-blond these days with a touch of red. I selected one of my favorite bracelets, round pieces of cherry amber set in silver. Then selected a beige-colored cameo with the usual cameo head figure on it, to hold my rapidly appearing new dress together at the top. It was made of heavy lace with a swirly skirt and pieces of blue silk inserted into it. The top needed something to hold it together and the cameo was pinned there. I vaingloriously wanted something to show off my blue eyes so I selected a blue satin choker, plain. On my feet appeared pretty mother-of-pearl creamy slippers. I felt very happy with my outfit. This was fun. Only thing was, I was standing in sand, and a kind of desert country, and the sand was getting in my slippers. I realized I was not dressed very properly for this kind of country. Where int he world was this place? I wished desperately I had taken time to go read the posts and see where we were supposed to meet. There was no one around. There were low hilly bits and the sand. The suddenly before me, a triangular shaped blue light appeared, looking very alive and vibrant. Alysia and Romain and some others "spilled" out of the blue light then kind of disappeared. Then, very fiercely, a second triangular light appeared, brilliant red. It set in front of me, vibrating away like mad. I felt quite nervous by now. didn't know where I was at all. The light was very red. I decided to start walking and see what happened. I climbed the hill beside me and there was some grass and mostly rocky, sandy surface. As I cleared the top of the hill, and looked down, there was the group. At last, I had found you all. I was so relieved. Alysia had said she was going to wear a hat, and I had brought forward three hats for her. One was aqua colored with a wide brim. One was a sun visor, red. One was one of those beanie hats kids used to wear for fun when I was little. Like, a little cap with helicopter whirligig thingy on the top that blew round and round in the wind. This cap seemed to capture Alysia's mischievous "kid" quality. But I didn't really feel I had captured her real hat at all. Anyway, there was Romain, wearing black trousers and sandals and sox. Couldn't make out his shirt. There was someone very tall and wearing gray, a suit or something. And a woman with really bright blond hair. There was a little girl who I thought looked like my daughter when she was little. Blonde and blue eyes. Oh, and I thought I saw Vicky there, but I don't think she was in the posts when I went in after and looked. That's all. I was so tired and it all felt very spotty. But I had no clue where we all were. On a hill somewhere in a desert region, and the sand in my shoes. I really enjoyed my outfit. The skirt blew in the wind, heavy lace, and the sun shone on the blue silk pieces. I felt very gorgeous standing there on top of the hill. But then I remembered the forgiveness feature which Romain had mentioned in an email, so I tried to work on forgiving someone. I was too tired to forgive anybody. I wanted to belt somebody actually. So I gave it up and came and looked on the Board and found the original posts Romain put on for where to meet and so on, and wondered where in the world this "uluru" place was. A mountain in Africa maybe. then I finished reading and realized it was Ayers Rock. So I clicked on the like he provided and was shaken to discover the colors of Ayers rock, and how the colors change, and the sand and the desert etc., and realized I really was at Ayers Rock and in the Australian outback, with the sand in my shoes. I got a shiver down my back. Vee

Title: Re: Sathurday 27 Oct all day NEW PExploration,
Post by pulsar on Oct 28th, 2007 at 7:03am
Hey there,

as always, it took a long time to relax, then going into a deeper meditation state, to leave behind C1-time-and-space-concept.

There I was, first at the bottom of Ayers Rock, the sun shining from above, but even if it is usually hot there, no feelings of heat.
Suddenly I vanished from the bottom, in my meditation position I appeared on the top of Ayers Rock, sitting cross legged.
For a while I was just sitting there, starting to feel "oneness", and sending out my intent, giving/receiving forgiveness.
A clan chief appeared, who was welcoming me, then sitting down cross legged.
The two of us were just sitting there face to face, it was just like he was explaining I came with the right intention. I cannot tell if he was really their clan chief, or if it was more of a guiding entity, that just brought me to where you were.
After a while, his tribesmen also appeared on the top of Ayers Rock, sitting there in a big circle, it was like if they have been there for quite a while, all spreading oneness and praying for forgiveness/ sharing it with whom they want to forgive, or with them, they would like to receive forgiveness from.
First they were material beings, then it changed, they became translucent.
What was new for me, I recognized that during a pe-project for the first time visuals did not seem to matter at all, what lastet was the intent for sharing and spreading oneness and forgiveness.

For what reason I do not know, but I recognized no costumes, but what revealed for me, that you were out there, were the feelings, I also get when reading post/pm's
But I cannot tell them in clear terms, I just know that they are different, probably it takes a lot of training to describe them in every little detail.
I realized four of you, unfortunately I could not sense more, it is after all a matter of training, at the moment I am at a point, where I can sense users, whose ideas and thoughts I got to now a bit better.

1. Romain: As it was his idea to start a pe on forgiveness, was the first one I met, welcoming me, he was asking if I am ready, and if my intetion is set clear, I answered with a "yes".
A plea for forgiveness for being late (it is impolite to leave someone waiting :) ).

2.Alysia and betson: You might ask yourselves why I put them together here, I was told that they are working closely together, so it makes a perfect sense that they also appeared there together.
They asked me how far I will go this time, I just could smile, as I was not sure.
There was also a plea for forgiveness towards them: Towards Alysia, the reason was what I posted on "the discussion on the ulitmate negative possibility", towards betson, according to our last chatroom-discussion.

3.blink: I remember that during the pe, suddenly some discussion points from "discussion on the ultimate negative possibility" appeared, it was like we were recapitulating what we talked about there.
I plead for forgiveness, for insisting too much on my own pov ("discussion on the ultimate negative possibility").

What was amazing about this pe, there was a feeling of total equality and oneness, the whole scenery enlightened by pul (that is the term that would probably fit best to describe it). Us instead of me and you.

If you got someone who was a little upset, it was me, because I took so much time to tune in, I was scared that it might not work this time.  :-[

I did not dare to ask for forgiveness on passed historical happening, to me it seemed like I would be misunderstood as an hypocrite, who is trying to whitewash his ancestor's bloody hands.

yours sincerely,


Title: Re: Sathurday 27 Oct all day NEW PExploration,
Post by LaffingRain on Oct 28th, 2007 at 11:18am
hi all, going to post my PE before I read the others just so I don't get influenced by the other PE's and might be some corelations anyway, we'll see!

Did the PE sat. nite then went to sleep thinking maybe I'd get more. Woke up bright eyed and bushy tailed feeling like I'd been with a bunch of people who gave me hugs and genuine effection. great to start off a day feeling loved.

Sat. Night. Oct. 27. 2007  Thought about wearing a hat, was not rummaging for clothing this time. did jump on my horse again..seems I like horses. got there and there was already folks climbing all over the top ahead of me. didn't recognize anybody but felt the oneness. sometimes I have been able to recognize a person, but most times just presences.
this is a long one.  first I observed some past aborigine natives sitting cross legged smoking something, passing the pipe, they had no shirts on. they were invoking a ceremony for fertility gods and growing crops..this was part of their survival instincts in  a hostile environment. they did all ok to grow crops to cover their minimum needs.
It was very sacred to them, the power they built up there on this rock area. the feelings are still there.
they danced, the powers felt as colors and smoky colors of pink, purple rising like smoke and clouds and vapor.
our group was many more this time, I was surprised then I remembered what Romain said, we might have some others join in. I was glad of this as we all held hands to make  a circle around this historic moment around the past, around the natives in the center who slowly disappeared, we moved around in a circle. Forgot to mention the natives did a kind of hokey pokey dance, I was surprised again..they lined up and made some movements with their feet..looked a little funny, had to laugh.

then it was free for all again, diving into the rock or at its base to check down under. I felt the insides, felt like marble, grey/black color, smooth, cool to touch, was surprised again, doubted what I felt.
went down, down, down until came to water, not the ocean but some water inside the earth, probably from the ocean? rivelets, like caverns. came to a big cavern, found one lone overseer who kept out negative forces from the area. he appeared as a huge lizard man with a long was a disguise. I asked lizard man how it is the rock can change colors? he said it is a reflection of resonant energies left behind.
not satisfied with this explanation I asked him to be kind enough to explain a more scientific explanatio.
he smiled and said here, I'll show u. there were several tubes of light. they looked solid but they were not solid. they extended down from the center of the Earth up this rock. in a sense, the different hues would travel up these tubes to the surface during a rhythmic phases and intense enough to be seen during atmospheric periods of right conditions by human eye. we drifted to top of tubes which energy spiriled out the top of the tubes like vapor, like fluid vapor with form then dispersed into the surrounding air and upwards.
the explanation would have to do, as I am no scientist but he was most obliging.

ok, thats all. what fun it was! love, alysia

Title: Re: Sathurday 27 Oct all day NEW PExploration,
Post by betson on Oct 28th, 2007 at 11:22am

Along with the sense of my spirit guide being with me, all the slight sensations of movement seemed appropriate as we sped toward Uluru. We passed over a strong field of PUL energy and I asked if that was it/ either the rock's force or you-all, but the guide hesitated, then said no, we were not going to stay there and that I was to go  on for a healing.

Briefly I got a sense of individuals and some movement so I think we were there for a moment and then moved on. I was abit irked as I'd designed a headress of feathers and had been looking forward to this for some time.
As far as I can remember this was the first time that my Spirit Guide counter-acted my intent, not counting earlier times when nothing happened. I'm glad that you all got together and had a good time!

Love, Bets

Title: Re: Sathurday 27 Oct all day NEW PExploration,
Post by LaffingRain on Oct 28th, 2007 at 1:55pm
still waiting on Romains post and several others perhaps? but already noticed some wow items, and some points of corelations going on.

first, Vee!!! eeeeeeeeeee!!! you got all dressed to go to the desert! sounds like something I would do!! the main point is you got there, and there was the sand, but you had not read the posts here first to see where you were to go!  thats called a PE y'all!!

Pulsar, you are doing great, I don't know how you do it as I don't think you've read about it as much as us?
yes Bets and I do work together off scene a lot. She and I got the book forum off the ground by asking Bruce to give it to us. We've been watching over it since then.
Pulsar, there is no grudges when exploring and same here. so we already are forgiven, sometimes just takes awhile to shake off negativity, but we can get quicker at that, I sure appreciate the PUL you try to express and succeed in expressing.

before I get off and wait for Romain, wanted to say to Thomas, I read yours about the drums and dang if I had forgotten to mention yes, I heard drums! I saw bongo drums, and they told me they stretched animal hydes across the surface of these home made bongo things, and two aborigine fellows played them.
I heard a different first omm pa pa, then they build the beat into a faster thing.

I should use a tape recorder reacts to sound to verbalize these PE's but it all happens so fast and hard to talk at same time.

see y'all later. everyone did good, thanks for yours too Blink. have more comments but waiting for Romain...eeeeeeeeeee

Hi Betsi, just read yours and you had a guide with you took you to healing, it was a part of our venture into forgiveness, which is a healing. I think this is a big hit! the thing is they won't allow us into a PE unless we are completely relaxed with no worries. lately the energies have been intense, so some of us were taken to the healing place.

Hi Peggy, I think you may have some good hits especially about Romain's involvement with the rock. I wonder that you got names. this is good. maybe someone recognize the names. the scattering of the energy I got that too, I called it a dispersement, same thing though. will have to re-read everyone's post! lots of good things happening here.

Title: Re: Sathurday 27 Oct all day NEW PExploration,
Post by Romain on Oct 28th, 2007 at 2:20pm
Haven’t read any of the post as of yet; here a draft copy of my notes for the PE Oct 28th

Friday 26th -10:20-45
Decided to take a pre-run to Uluru; put on CD Deep Journey.
Within a few minute was there looking at it from a distance in the air; very impressing; saw energy patterns flowing already in circle when I arrive, could not indent anyone for the time being but seems like energies were swaying/chanting/mantras; standing and swaying left to right in unison .
A shy LRain move inside the circle to make her present felt; impression of flowery long dress knees long sort of a hat with long rime. I join you again in dancing my dear princess; then told you let do some exploring/went down one of the mountain track leading toward the bottom you wanted to see the waterfall painting; was met by an aboriginal down that path. He was kind of stout/little fellow; what caught my attention was is wide nose and wearing necklace of some sort had also a long skinny spear he was caring in his left hand.
Show us the way to a cave where we went in; he lit a little fire inside, we sat down; he rub his hand together and throw something in the fire/went puff/ kind of an offering of some sort; a welcome I guess. We sat around the fire and he rub is hand again but this time they were full o little bones that he threw in front of us; that where I got  inform that he is/was a shaman. Told us he could see us and we can see him / welcoming us to his place of dreams/ Alysia wanted to have a closer look at those bones bits, pick one and threw it back down fast. She got up and said let visit the waterfall painting; we could see some on the wall in the cave beautiful but could not figure what they mean. Stated loosing focus; gave gratitude and thanks our host, back to C1. 10:45

Saturday 27th-2:00-3:00
CD into the Deep;
Flew right into Uluru; lots of peoples gathered in circle joining hands/meditating /giving PUL/Forgiveness; felt energies building up/heart Chakras fully open forming a ball of energy in the circle ; white pure energy gathering; went down to the middle of Uluru to mother earth core and back up again gathering power; came shooting upward and like a thunderstorm light up the grid a few second/minutes. What a sight to see/fell/experience. All I can say is wow.
Came back to us but this time it was a deep deep purple colors surrounding us filling us with energies of forgiveness; then it exploded in waves and waves coming from the center where we stand and al the way/surrounding Uluru and everything in her path all the way down covering the land and the whole earth.
Got blow out of Uluru and sent into the stratosphere where I could see the earth light up with purple colors; was show what was happening to the planet just beautiful.
Felt great with a sense of release/gave gratitude to all/ask forgiveness and blessing.

Went back down to see what was/is happening to the others. Seems like everyone were just basting in the purple flame colors and in awe enjoying it.

Spooky came in. Are you left handed Spooky/you came with a guitar/carry it on you back/like the lower bout would be on you higher right shoulder and peg head lacing toward the left  bottom. Like if you play left handed and then swing the guitars on you back from right to left??
Saw a red head look like a church minister present across from me with a colorful piece of cloth hanging from around her neck going way down to her knees some blue/red /yellow/orange etc colors..??
Saw energy being wearing jewelry like greed/blue/Navaho (turquoise)??
Was also show images of poor children from around the world; begging for food ask to be taken care of; saw a brother with his two sister standing there; not sure what they wanted but send them love.
Blew into pieces and became one with the universe; came back to C1 very relaxed/happy feeling. 3;00


Now let read some of your post..:)
And the hits.

Thanks for listening/reading;
With love; Romain

Title: Re: Sathurday 27 Oct all day NEW PExploration,
Post by Romain on Oct 28th, 2007 at 4:11pm
Hi all;
Seems like you got quite a few hits..IMO.. ;D

1-Blink- in a dark place; maybe in the cave with us. There was lot of love feeling there.
moving around in circle all connected. Deep purple colors..!. ::)

2-weexldax- Yes lots of children's in the second part of the PE; my heart went for them did notwant to leave either. :-[ Especially those 2 girls with the boy standing behind them. Who are they?

3-tgecks- Dancing/ the feeling of digeredoo too; but dismiss it because i thought it too much know abo/digeredoo..i should have listen more carefully.

4-Vee- Yes there're a lot of sand it's in the desert..and you made it..great.
One was aqua colored with a wide brim hot for Aqua color like blue.. 8-)

5-Pulsar:there was a feeling of total equality and oneness, yes it was..i believe we all left the ego behind. thanks for joining.
I did not dare to ask for forgiveness on passed historical happening, to me it seemed like I would be misunderstood as an hypocrite, who is trying to whitewash his ancestor's bloody hands.))). when it's come from the bottom of you heart with love energie it's NEVER Hypocrite.. ;)

6-Alysia; the lizard man..think pushy you ask specific questions about how it change colours..maybe that's why you throw that perticular piece of bone back down to where you pick it did not like his answer.. ;D

7-Betsi: Yes some of us were taken to the healing place. that's what it all about. You ISH (higher Self helper) know what's best for you. He/She will never let any harms come to you, remember that..Fears is the worst one to'll get there dear Soul.

So guys we did a darn good job...thank you all.
With love;Romain

Title: Re: Sathurday 27 Oct all day NEW PExploration,
Post by PhantasyMan on Oct 28th, 2007 at 7:57pm
Hi group.

 The experience didn't go as expected.

 After relaxation, I did some exercises (from Bruce).  I remembered the feeling of love, which gave me a huge boost.  After, I tried to remember the feeling of forgiveness...  but I didn't really  remember it, so I started to forgive to a lot of people I know:  Some ex-girl friend, events with my parent, with my friends, with me...

 The feeling was there, so I targeted Urulu.  I was aware of a group, on a huge rock.  Didn't see faces, just ball of color.  I was observing from the sky.  Each time I wanted to join I had a shift in my awareness.  

 I was only able to observe from distance.  Each time I felt I was there, I could only "see" my foot.  I was "close".  Not able to open to the group.

 I also have a bi-location experience.  While I was trying to open to the group, I was also on a rock, far away.  There was 2 young guys, observing the group with binocular.  They were aware of my presence, but what happen with the group was much more interesting to them.

 After I click out.  I was in myself, observing images... like a film.  Each images merged with the next one.  It was not like hypnagogic  images.  Each images was associated with a feeling.  One of the image that took form was my father.   The image was gigantic and I felt a huge amount of fear.  I had to close the image, and reopen it to be able to go through.

Title: Re: Sathurday 27 Oct all day NEW PExploration,
Post by spooky2 on Oct 28th, 2007 at 10:28pm
Hi there, my PE, well, "trip" I should say lol (not read yet others' stories):

During a little self-hypnosis, I came to a helper with the thought in my mind to participate in the PE. I then had the idea to appear somehow special, so that maybe one could remember me, and I chose to wear a light grey, silky-shimmering sort of underwear, a white glowing ball of light hanging on a neckchain before my chest, and above it a dark gray long cloak with a hood, (to make me appear a bit mysterious :-) ), and having a long staff in my right hand (hello Gandalf!). Then I decided to visit everyone else who wants to participate and invite them. I didn't exactly remember who had planned to be there, I just let myself appear to some people. I remember visiting Bets and Alysia, who immediately recognized me, and PhantasyMan and Pulsar; someone female, it could be Vee or Gweexldax maybe. And someone who was indecided. I said to each one who was puzzled to don't worry, it's just me (lol), and tried to let some white light pour over, and showed a picture of, or a hole leading to, Uluru, with the option to go with me there. So I went a few times back and forth. When I was back standing on the rock, other people arrived there on their own.

 The rock itself was quite impressive, large from near, and from a distance not so impressive through it's size, but through it's exposed location on a desert plane. It appeared as yellowish/orange, or, more abstract, as a violet crystal, much like an amethyst.

 I gave everyone a long staff, as that seemed to be right somehow, as they were, so I thought, good tools for what we're going to do, they can serve as a vertical energy conductor and can give support, grounding, and would connect the group members.

 There was another person, and to me it seemed like an authority. Looked like a male native Australian, and I had the impression we had to follow his advice; I couldn't figure directly what he wanted, the helper I had met at the beginning in my place was beside him and seemed to translate for me/us.
 We came to stand in a circle. The surrounding became gloomy and violet. A strong wind started to blow. Our staffs made electric sparks, going from one to the other, and let energy flow in a vertical colummn. I dropped my cloak. I received/thought:

 The Dreaming...humans' awareness is mostly outside of The Dreaming, while the basis of their physical life is still inside The Dreaming, it is continously going on, The Dreaming is the physical, especially the earth, only seen from a different viewpoint as the physicists' one; rather than as formulas, in the Dreamtime the physical, the earth, it's rules and form-giving powers and processes are appearing as beings. Even emotional patterns of animals (and humans), emotions, are appearing as beings.

 Around our circle then beings came closer, fluttering around us, appearing as shadows. The atmosphere became scary, the wind blew stronger, I focused on my staff, on my standing, on the energy colummn, stating we have good intentions, and finally we all work for the All-Good. "They are curious about us" it came to my mind. I could make out one of the many shadowy beings. It's body seemed to be the size of a cat, but it looked in some respect similar to a bat's body. Very large ears, round knob-eyes, a nose like a dog, and a very broad mouth with teeth, a very slim-skinny body; it was flying around, but had narrower wing-skins than bats have, it would not be able to fly physically. That being fluttered all around me, it noticed me obviously, but I couldn't make contact with it. I then thought I had to make myself more similar to it, and watched from outside my body shapeshifting into a similar looking being, and flew along with the other one, the first time the other one seemed to be fleeing the "me"-bat-being, but then my impression was, we/they became familiar, or befriended somehow, so that each of us had an impression of each other. Then I focused back on my human appearance. It wasn't scary then anymore.

 Finally, we enhanced the vertical energy-colummn, it was glowing light-grey/white; it seemed to me, these beings could pick up some informations from this energy colummn for their own benefit and evolution, as we could, too, in having these beings nearby and watching them.

 Then the ceremony was over, the scene became lighter, with more natural color, like it was evening or morning. All were walking around slowly and relaxing. Someone thanked me.

 I then stood before the ceremony-master, the native-Australian looking man, and we sat down, facing each other. He drew something in the sand between us. Our staffs were standing upright at the right of each of us. Then both staffs moved in the middle between us and melted there and disappeared in a line of light. Then the man reached out and with his fingers he painted something on my forehead. Then I left the scene.

 At one point, I don't remember when it was, I was standing close to one of the PElers, and above us was a large, white glowing ball of light, we rose upwards, and it was as if we were in the middle of a vast, ever extending empty plane. Then we returned.


Title: Re: Sathurday 27 Oct all day NEW PExploration,
Post by betson on Oct 29th, 2007 at 10:30am

Spooky brought up Dreamtime---since I've returned I've noticed I am much more aware of whether I'm acting in the physical I used to know or in more recognition of Dreamtime. I'm thinking that being there with those spirits, whether or not one remembers speaking to them, has helped in this. I thank them for their influence.


Title: Re: Sathurday 27 Oct all day NEW PExploration,
Post by Romain on Oct 29th, 2007 at 10:52am
Hi all; I like the rote/explanation Spooky /received/gave of Dreamtime; very interesting and quite to the point, we are living an illusion... :-/

So you not left handed Spooky...humm..ok.

Thanks for sharing; with love Romain

Title: Re: Sathurday 27 Oct all day NEW PExploration,
Post by Romain on Oct 29th, 2007 at 10:56am

betson wrote on Oct 29th, 2007 at 10:30am:
I'm thinking that being there with those spirits, whether or not one remembers speaking to them, has helped in this. I thank them for their influence.


Bets; yep being there help a lot of souls/our selfs included.
I enjoy the experience immensely. I needed to get back into it and this just did it.

Now what's next??????
Romain TB

Title: Re: Sathurday 27 Oct all day NEW PExploration,
Post by betson on Oct 29th, 2007 at 11:34am

Romain, aren't there some spiritual traditions that recognize that in some states of 'mind', everything is mirror-image? (right would be left, etc)

Are we all in the same state at a PE? Do we stay in the same state that we travelled in--astral, etheric, etc ?

Just wonderring,

Title: Re: Sathurday 27 Oct all day NEW PExploration,
Post by LaffingRain on Oct 29th, 2007 at 11:55am
wow Spooky. wow Romain. I need to be like Spock and go assimilate all this stuff!

some thoughts before my brain gets cranking: I imagined a floppy hat, over one eye to wear, yet I did not concentrate heavily on what to present myself in clothing this time, yet Romain and Vee have noted my love of hats of which I collect. Vee, you mentioned the beany hat with the antannae on top. I have a drawing of the hat in my book, the chapter on PE. thanks dear remembering that. its like a kudo to me.

Romain, I wear long skirts or dresses in cooler weather, its a new thing for me. used to wear jeans for my first 50 years. changed my style I guess! sometimes I wear jeans if it's going to be rough going.

amazing hit for 3? of us regarding the shaman showing up. I called him an overseer but I think shaman is better word, then Spooky mentioned shapeshifting, which shamans are noted for that activity.
I always thought of Spooky as a shaman or shapeshifter in training, well we are all trainees are we not?

blow me down. I think I had a good hit with the surprise factor coming in. a feeling. I saw a lot more folks there this time and Romain did mention some other folks would be there. I didn't know for sure they would be. I thought well, maybe Romain went and asked them to be there which is great if they show up. then I was expecting a small circle of the usual 20 or so people and imagine my surprise the circle was huge.
peace feelings, like it's something to do with the shift in consciousness energies around the world, that we are joining in with this.

yes I like this especially; Spooky I applaud you to go and help folks to join in..this sort of thing Bruce does, and Bruce in a way, taught me to do it, as I watch him do it, you lent your energy to them to follow you into the PE, I'm positive this helps the PE immeasurably as its a spiritual principle of your heart space, you have an open, giving heart to think about others anytime you do. makes me happy in the heart too!

I like your description of the dreamtime. I like to call us dreamwalkers to denote the suggestion of we are not just dreamers, but also in movement, as in walking our talk.

also, in regards to physical life is an illusion; just that it alludes to something else within creative capacity, we do blink in and blink out of reality, out of priorities and back into them like a blinking light, like awake, then asleep, then finally, always awake to universal principles rather than small concerns. I too am very happy with our dreamwalking, which shows the oneness I felt.

Peggy, I keep seeing this little boy at the PE, I didn't mention it before, I sense other children there also, but this little boy has such a cute smile looking up at me, a little aborigine kid with no shirt on. don't know if related to your PE or not. he seems to say he enjoys the visitors to the rock very much.

all in all an element of celebration was there for Earth is going through a lot of changes and no reason not to heartily welcome in the changes by expecting that they will be good for us, to create peace on Earth.

oh gracious,  is my brain cranking these days! love to all, I'm ready whenever you are, for the next one!

Title: Re: Sathurday 27 Oct all day NEW PExploration,
Post by LaffingRain on Oct 29th, 2007 at 12:07pm

betson wrote on Oct 29th, 2007 at 11:34am:

Romain, aren't there some spiritual traditions that recognize that in some states of 'mind', everything is mirror-image? (right would be left, etc)

Are we all in the same state at a PE? Do we stay in the same state that we travelled in--astral, etheric, etc ?

Just wonderring,

Hi there Bets, i know this addressed to Romain and I hope he answers but u brought up something I'm working on regarding the Cosmic Mirror.
don't know that I can explain anything, just some reflections on having gone obe and observed this cosmic mirror thing.
In several obes the mirror effect is produced when I receive a thought ball or rote from the other person I'm interacting with. as we are mirrors to each other, it expresses our true one-ness. it is as if for a moment, while I am there, out there, I cannot tell if the rote is in my head or their head, it is "my thoughts" or my memory being sent to me it seems from them, and where I sometimes wonder, how they know of my memory..then I realize that "all is known" out there, this is the mirror effect of universal consciousness, we become open books to others. I should say, nothing is hidden from universal mind. often, might be a slight tendency to feel naked, but without the self consciousness might be there, just it is what it is sort of feeling, which goes along with our PUL explanations.

most interesting when it does occur. love, alysia

Title: Re: Sathurday 27 Oct all day NEW PExploration,
Post by Romain on Oct 29th, 2007 at 6:17pm

betson wrote on Oct 29th, 2007 at 11:34am:

Romain, aren't there some spiritual traditions that recognize that in some states of 'mind', everything is mirror-image? (right would be left, etc)

Are we all in the same state at a PE? Do we stay in the same state that we travelled in--astral, etheric, etc ?

Just wonderring,

Hello Bet;
I like the explaination from Alysia or what she is working on.. :)

For myself the only time it happened is on the few times i went concious OBE in my house; everything in the living room was mirror like; none of the furniture was at the right place; so i started moving things back into woke up right away.
Thanks for pointing that out i completely forgot.

Regarding the state of PE...darn good questions..i know for a fact that i was in F10 the firs time i did it; but the second time i went to F15 to do the exercise.
Make you we stay at the same level then when we start?? Not sure; i'm sure other used different method; phazing is one and what level is phazing?
Maybe someone else can answer this.
Waiting for that smiling face of your to show up... ::)

With love Romain

Title: Re: Sathurday 27 Oct all day NEW PExploration,
Post by spooky2 on Oct 29th, 2007 at 10:00pm
Hi Romain, I'm right-handed, you know left hand at the neck, right hand at the body lol. Yes, sometimes I imagine to take an instrument with me on PEs, but this time I carried this long stick, having it in my right hand.

On the mental states, Bruce told on the workshop in Germany that it could be that on a PE people are tuned to different Focus Levels, and that it can still work then, the perceptions would be differently "colored" then. "Phasing" doesn't refer to any particular Focus Level, it only says you phase from one focus of awareness to a different one. When somebody is trying to make conversation with you and you don't respond because you're elsewhere in your thoughts, you're "out of phase" to that person's focus of awareness.

Some similarities with my experience:

Blink mentioned a maypole, I mentioned a tube of light in the middle of the group, and the long staffs. She mentioned that at one point it became very dark, and that's what I experienced too.

GweexlDax told about wind, I too. She heard a flute; this helper I had is usually playing a simple wooden flute at the place I meet him. She said some were interacting with local spirits, yes exactly.

Tgecks confirmed the maypole thing Blink mentioned, and wrote that love shot around from heart to heart, I saw electric sparks going from the people's staff to staff.

Vee saw someone very tall in gray, I imagined to be clothed in gray, I'm physically average in size though.

Pulsar mentioned a clan chief or guiding entity, sitting down with him eye to eye, pretty much the same what happened to me.

Alysia mentioned the lizard man. It has similar aspects to that ceremony-master-authority man I saw, as well as to this creature I saw, as this creature was animal-like, and as well perceivable through this special ceremony. Also she had a sort of "sitting" with him, like me and Pulsar.

Romain saw someone with necklace and spear, and jewelry, I had put on this glowing sphere at a neckchain, and had a long staff.

Shapeshifter and shaman Alysia? Yes, why not! Mediator between the worlds. I actually feel most of the time to be between the physical and wherever my thoughts are.


Title: Re: Sathurday 27 Oct all day NEW PExploration,
Post by LaffingRain on Oct 29th, 2007 at 10:50pm
the Pe's just keep getting better my opinion and I like it we had a good number of participants on this thread.
Phantasy man, I think you had a genuine PE too and just wanted to congratulate you along with the rest of us. you did some forgiveness work, with your family, and every little bit helps to make you a more freer spirit when you explore as well your physical reality, there are benefits to forgiving, impossible to recount here and I do commend you following the guidelines. then another thing, there was some folks u mentioned observing the group on the rock, as with binoculars, to symbolize their distance, but awareness of this group who joined with another group, so that gives me a feeling that we are in truth, a larger body of peace makers during the shift, on the planet, than we can really grasp right now and thanks for your exploration to point that out, although it's my pov.

what I think about phasing and focus levels probably can put into a thimble and not sell it. but I do believe the focus levels are very fluid things and easy to start out in 10 and gravitate to 21, do a retrieval, float into the future time line, and go back to 10, my thoughts. don't know much about phasing, but could be we are starting to do it.

one thing I remember Bruce saying, I have some workshop tapes of his, and his exercise book will say think of a time when you felt loved, and regenerate that feeling just before you do an exploration, this make you more expanded into your area.

was thinking some more on the mirror effect out there; have read up some on other's obes, that their furniture or room walls, doors, etc. were not in the right place in obe, so what Romain experienced is commonplace, that obers can think about what they have in common, not easy to draw conclusions, just keep it in mind what is common to us all; it may be that the energy body reflects brain hemispherics?
and when we explore we are synchronizing the left/right hemisphere?

something we don't usually do in C1?  for example. one time laying in bed, I had thought the night before I would like to do another obe trip after many years not trying or caring. so in the morning I woke up and said to meself, self, we didn't go obe, par for the course, self. then I turned over in bed to roll on my side just for to change position. then I woke up in my mind. I thought I was awake. I was facing two directions. like dual consciousness PM said. so this is confusing at first time. I said to self, self, didn't you just roll over? so why are you facing this wall when you should be facing the other wall? then some part of my mind looked down at my body. I had two bodies, one was facing one wall the other facing the other wall and both bodies were sort of superimposed on each other, like siamese twins. lol.

soon enough you get the feeling you should pull yourself together and go have some coffee!

so thats not phasing exactly but the mirror effect I suppose. Maybe Romain was seeing the mirror effect when he saw Spooky with left handed.
count me in for the tube of light Spooky. saw two of them, possibly three.
love, alysia

Title: Re: Sathurday 27 Oct all day NEW PExploration,
Post by spooky2 on Oct 29th, 2007 at 11:07pm
On the mirror effect, Robert Bruce has a simple but striking theory on this. He states, when out of body, you just have no body, and that means, you haven't a frontside or a backside. When you now move in one direction, and then back, you don't need to turn around; but it might be that the interpretor gets in at some point and telling you you must have turned around, and then the confusion starts. He says when you then see your appartment mirror-reversed, and are seeing, for example, no door where you think there has to be a door, you start to make up a door where it's supposed to be, and then you find yourself in a mix of real and made up environment.


Title: Re: Sathurday 27 Oct all day NEW PExploration,
Post by LaffingRain on Oct 29th, 2007 at 11:36pm
I felt all the sensations of a physical nature of turning over in bed, the effects of gravity as well, so there was two bodies. in this case.

but I can understand traveling obe with no body just like your awareness being out there. so I think we're both right on, no argument. what makes me feel I have another body is that I have the same physical feelings of touch, sound, etc as I do in C1 in "some" of these excursions, but not all, but they are all good ones whether I seem to be in a form of realness or just floating around like an egg shape thing.

thanks Spooky, it's hard to not be a

Title: Re: Sathurday 27 Oct all day NEW PExploration,
Post by Gweexldax on Oct 30th, 2007 at 1:49pm
At first, I had the assumption that I had to have absolute control over everything, and "mildly dictate" what would happen to me and when. I learned that I had to endure long gaps, and frustrations. When I "let go" and waited for guidance, I went along with the sudden shifts from one level to the next. It isn't easy to STAY in one scene for me. I would like to, but in time, I hope to be more help, rather than "The scattered observer". I have seen a few images that are very much like the hypnogogic showcase.  It's different in PE, because I have a desire to see and learn, and hopefully help. During lucid dreaming, I want to enjoy the experience like an amusement. I have been told by Spirit to "Stop worrying". I am still working on that. Outside our group, I have two friends who understand what PE is about. There are some aquaintances who will NEVER "get" it, and that's ok. It gives me more time to spend with a Higher Consciousness.

Title: Re: Sathurday 27 Oct all day NEW PExploration,
Post by LaffingRain on Oct 30th, 2007 at 3:04pm

Gweexldax wrote on Oct 30th, 2007 at 1:49pm:
At first, I had the assumption that I had to have absolute control over everything, and "mildly dictate" what would happen to me and when. I learned that I had to endure long gaps, and frustrations. When I "let go" and waited for guidance, I went along with the sudden shifts from one level to the next. It isn't easy to STAY in one scene for me. I would like to, but in time, I hope to be more help, rather than "The scattered observer". I have seen a few images that are very much like the hypnogogic showcase.  It's different in PE, because I have a desire to see and learn, and hopefully help. During lucid dreaming, I want to enjoy the experience like an amusement. I have been told by Spirit to "Stop worrying". I am still working on that. Outside our group, I have two friends who understand what PE is about. There are some aquaintances who will NEVER "get" it, and that's ok. It gives me more time to spend with a Higher Consciousness.

hi Peggy, I think you are doing fine, especially the desire part I understand the intention is perhaps 90 percent of the exploration.
I mean the desire to see and learn and hopefully help. I think you've helped me.

perhaps by the opportunity to talk here as well. sometimes I forget and get doubts too, but this time I kept setting the intention that I wanted to get whatever the group wanted to get, what would be shown to be most helpful, and then just have to trust I suppose! you're lucky you have two friends know about PE! I have no friends outside of this forum know about PE.
there are a couple of other forums doing our kind of stuff though that I've ran across. who knows? maybe we can continue to do these and get better each time. love, alysia

Title: Re: Sathurday 27 Oct all day NEW PExploration,
Post by pulsar on Oct 30th, 2007 at 3:15pm
Hey there,

just a short intervention.

@ Romain

concerning "I did not dare to..."

I am serious about this, the intention comes from the bottom of the heart, but I was too scared it would be misunderstood.  Maybe just a matter of insecurity, that will be left behind when I am more into pe/astral travel/ working with different states of consiousness/ healing/ forgiveness.


You are right, I have not read much about how to PExplore, astral travel, different states of mind/consciousness, what I try to figure out since I joined the akc-board, is "how far can I go with my recent state of awareness". Keeping in mind, that curiosity is one feature, that motivates to go on, just like Bruce said. I have not even finished Voyages into the Unknown and Voyages beyond Doubt.
I have not even considered, that something will reveal for me, by just keeping an open mind to the topics we deal with on akc.
But what was suspicious to me, and I think in the end it was what made me join the board, were those incidents, e.g. when visiting memorial places, or old castles, where I could see scenes (like a time travel!) that must have been connected to those places. I could not explain them, what I thought of them, was, that they might have occured as images, that make those places and the lifestlye during the time periods when they were used, more accessible. I always had a penchant for imagining things.

yours sincerely,


Title: Re: Sathurday 27 Oct all day NEW PExploration,
Post by tgecks on Oct 30th, 2007 at 8:22pm
One of the most enjoyable things about attending programs at Monroe is the group energy. It always seemed easier to me to get "there" when there was a group of us doing it together.

And just so, this was a amazing group energy at a power spot that it seems almost every person found. The similar descriptions are wonderful and great confirmation, too.

How about we do it again this Saturday, November 3rd? Anyone want to play again?

OK- new post time.


Title: Re: Sathurday 27 Oct all day NEW PExploration,
Post by LaffingRain on Oct 30th, 2007 at 10:57pm
Pulsar I would enjoy a post about when you saw the scenes of a castle from the past, if you are able to describe details what state of mind you slipped into, whether you saw colors, whether the pictures moved or were static, etc. I'm very intrigued, you see this not my gift but I have seen some images, but not like in a castle where history may have taken place.

you could put it on any thread you want to. but no pressure.

Thomas, i will be there if you start up a thread.
love, alysia

Title: Re: Sathurday 27 Oct all day NEW PExploration,
Post by Vee on Oct 31st, 2007 at 1:54am
tgecks, you said about doing another PE on Saturday, the 3rd, I would like to go for that if some others wanted to, but where would we go? (This time I intend to be prepared). Vee

Title: Re: Sathurday 27 Oct all day NEW PExploration,
Post by tgecks on Oct 31st, 2007 at 9:21am
You may remember from Bruce's book how his description and the ones from Tony and Denise and his other partners were similar in some respects, idential in some, and completely off in others.

In this spirit I would support folks in not trying to have the idential experience or judging your performance based on other poeples' descriptions. From what I read above, we had a very successful gathering, and it has generated momentum which can help carry others to it. This does not even consider the effects of what we are doing on the "other side" which is very excited and interedted in our gathering as well.....

So-- I propose again another PE this Saturday, same place, same intention.

Meet sometime on Saturday at Uluru (Ayers Rock) and continue our porcess about forgiveness. Whatever this means to you--- I just say as part of my intention: "I intend to work on forgiveness for my self, for others, for the planet....."

The Lizard Shaman still waits in Dreamtime.....

I have started a new thread about it.

Y'all come, now. You can come now, or you can come on later......


Title: Re: Sathurday 27 Oct all day NEW PExploration,
Post by Vee on Oct 31st, 2007 at 12:44pm
OK, I'm in, Saturday at Uluru it is. Maybe I'll wear jeans and a sweatshirt this time, that lace outfit didn't really fit in, although I enjoyed it. Vee

Title: Re: Sathurday 27 Oct all day NEW PExploration,
Post by LaffingRain on Oct 31st, 2007 at 11:30pm
Vee, I loved the way u dressed up! and didn't it get u in the mood to go out?

so please, I want to know what you're wearing to the PE. and please put your name down on the Nov 3 new thread, just so I'll remember to look for you at the next PE.

also jewelry was mentioned by a couple of Pe'ers and I thought it might have been your bracelet they caught a glimpse of...?

see ya soon!

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