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Message started by juditha on Sep 30th, 2007 at 6:22pm

Title: derek paranormal egypt sphinx a link to this is on
Post by juditha on Sep 30th, 2007 at 6:22pm
Hi Derek Acorah was great tonight doing his medium on the programme on tv Paranormal Egypt.

Derek said the sphinx and Pyramid Kathra are connected,he said of a prince 4 thousand years ago called Tomoses,who had a spirit come to him and show him the sphinx in the form of a sun god.

Derek then sensed a roman which irritated him and he told this spirit roman to get away,then the spirit of Tomoses told derek that the spirit who came as a sun God told him to clear the sand,so its true beauty can be seen and must build walls around the sphinx,when Tomoses did this,the spirit returned to him and said he had done well and he would be a great king.

Then Derek said there was very great sadness that had been left behind,then he heard the sounds of horses and carriages coming at great speed.lots of men who were intent to take away the beauty of the sphinx and this had left deep sadness,he said there was a strong link with the sphinx to the kathra pyramid.

Then Derek started to get this pain in his temples,then he was aware of a group of people and could feel there power and vibration and then he said,if only they had known that the spirit of the pharoh was watching them ,when he was buried.

Then derek said there were a lot of masters and one of them was unusual,he was the head and had lots of facial hair and very prominent eyebrows thick,with a bold personality,small in hieght,with very high cheek bones and quite feminine also a physician,he came along and chopped pieces off the sphinx's face.

Then dereks hands started to change,there were marks on them like henna prints,and these men were the ones that did this ti the sphinxs head.

Then derek went into the tomb and this spirit was coming to him and he told this spirit to leave him as he didn't feel good about him coming in,then Sam told derek that this spirit wanted to swipe him and cut his tongue out and derek told sam that this spirit can't do that as its against spiritual law then sam told derek the spirit wants his eyes so hes blind,apparantly this spirit was noble and felt as if derek  was a let down and this spirit thought that derek was saying he was wiser than him and derek told this spirit ,that he was not wiser than him and that he was just an instrument.Pharoh kathra asked that the sphinx be a likeness of his face,then sam told derek that the physician spirit wanted to spit in his face,this spirit had a vicious side of him.

This spirit new all wisdom and he did not want things exposed after all these years,then derek said NO,NO,NO as he had two physical ladies with him and derek told them that he could not let this spirit enter as he would use him to intimidate the ladies,this spirit did things which were cruel to people and this was never told.

This spirit follows derek while he was walking,so he asked Sam to stop this spirit,No,NO,STEP BACK,STEP BACK,then derek was took over,dereks going mad,hes walking fast and the spirit is saying through derek,did you know i did not approve of the construction,dereks kneeling and touching the wall,saying tunnels not ended,derek walks fast again,he grabbed his chest,moaning,he comes round and  finds this tunnel and says valuable information in there.

Derek said there was a temple underneath in a small area and then stops to the right  and theres the tunnel,which leads to the pyramid and it is blocked and information is valuable in tunnel and that this was a spiritual promise as spirit never lie.

Derek said the sphinx was built for pharoh kathra,derek exposed a secret the spirit physician hade tried to hide this was a massive breakthrough fo egyptology and derek was convinced that the sphinx was part of it and that there are still chambers yet to discover and now the knowledge is exposed.

I might not have got my spellings of egyptian names right as im not the best speller.

Love and God bless    Love juditha

Title: Re: derek paranormal egypt sphinx and pyramid
Post by Boris on Oct 1st, 2007 at 12:25am
Juditha, I dont quite follow your story.  Was Derek in some underground place, while channeling? While the TV camera was on him? Did he point out the location of a hidden tunnel? Was the interfering spirit trying to prevent the secret being discovered?

Anyway, I have heard before of great secrets supposedly being hidden under the sphinx.

Title: Re: derek paranormal egypt sphinx and pyramid
Post by juditha on Oct 1st, 2007 at 12:19pm
Hi Boris   Derek was inside the pyramid,what looked like a walled chamber around him and he knelt on the floor and layed his hand on one of the walls and thats when he was being told by spirit that there was another tunnel and also a temple behind this wall and the bad spirit was trying to prevent derek from finding out about it as that spirit when he was alive used his men to deface the sphinx.

I have put you a link here what shows dereks paranormal episodes,its really good.

Love and God bless    Love Juditha

Title: Re: derek paranormal egypt sphinx a link to this i
Post by wade on Oct 11th, 2007 at 11:31pm
Thanks for the link I will check it out. I also wanted to add that edgar cayce said there was a chamber under the spynxs left paw with the lost info of Atlantis. Also a geological crew took readings and there is in fact a chamber there. Another interesting fact is tha a KGB satalite picture of the great pyrimid of Giza shows a circular chamber underneath the bottom chamber of the pyrimid....Just thought youd find that interesting..

wade ;)

Title: Re: derek paranormal egypt sphinx a link to this i
Post by spooky2 on Oct 12th, 2007 at 4:47pm
I'm still waiting that finally an international team of scientists is allowed to check this all out. I mean, with all those modern state-of-the-art devices it must be possible to scan all that somehow or am I wrong?
There are rumors that the Egyptian government is trying to hinder and delay that to get the maximum of money out of it for licences, tourism etc.

Yeah, that would be great, if they would find such an Atlantean crystal Cayce told of.


Title: Re: derek paranormal egypt sphinx a link to this i
Post by AhSoLaoTsuAhhOmmra on Oct 12th, 2007 at 5:47pm

spooky2 wrote on Oct 12th, 2007 at 4:47pm:
I'm still waiting that finally an international team of scientists is allowed to check this all out. I mean, with all those modern state-of-the-art devices it must be possible to scan all that somehow or am I wrong?
There are rumors that the Egyptian government is trying to hinder and delay that to get the maximum of money out of it for licences, tourism etc.

 My sense is that the above is part of it, but that it also goes deeper than just temporary, narrow sighted greed.   My sense is that there are groups of people, people wealthy and influential in a material way beyond most average people's conceptions, who very much "like" the systems in place, are aware that there are other realities out there, but who will do anything to keep the pre-existing systems in place.  

 No doubt, some of these have given Hawass, the Egyptian gov., etc. money to keep things under wraps.    They do not want humanity to be fully aware of our true history relating to beings from others systems, the Atlantean history, or the spiritual truths and technology which are plain to see.   There is so much invested on so many sides to keep this revolutionary info from becoming obvious in a material way to the public.  

 If the public knew all that was contained within, and below the G.P., there would be faster changes in mass belief systems regarding key issues...and that is SCARY to those with the real  material power in the world.   Just as they fear the return of the Great Initiate, who in another life designed the Great Pyramid.  

  As far as Cayce and the Atlantean crystal goes, Cayce's source did not indicate that such would be found, but very much indicated that the hidden chambers in Egypt and hidden info in 2 other places, would also be eventually found.  

Title: Re: derek paranormal egypt sphinx a link to this i
Post by spooky2 on Oct 12th, 2007 at 7:14pm
Yes J., this is very sound and reasonable what you're saying- although, one thing: There is a point when those very wealthy people develop a sense that there is actually something about these things buried in the Egyptian desert in specific, or about these topics we discuss here in general. When they think their income, or status quo, is threatened by new discoveries of this sort, then at least they must take it seriously, and that again would mean they finally accept the reality of this "spiritual" matters- but that would mean, they logically had to adopt these found-to-be-true matters for themselves, for their own spiritual welfare- so then finally they wouldn't hinder those breathtaking discoveries! Or do I believe too much in the ability of comprehension and insight?!


P.S. I just found, it's the same question like whether black magic is possible or not.

Title: Re: derek paranormal egypt sphinx a link to this i
Post by AhSoLaoTsuAhhOmmra on Oct 12th, 2007 at 7:49pm
 Dunno ultimately Spooky...but i've experience with people who know or believe that there is more to life than physical matter, and who do not act constructively to others or for the collective.   Cayce's source called these groups in Atlantis, the Sons of Belial.  Maybe many of them have reincarnated again, in similar conditions?

  Maybe you are just being a bit beautifully naive?  I would say that is all in all a good trait.

Oh, black magic has a long history, and plenty have become involved with it, and to use it for their own selfish ends and aims.   What seems unbelievable is that while they might be aware of certain things and nonphysical principles, they either don't believe in, don't perceive, or ignore that what you put out comes back to you, and that hurting others hurts self too.  Believe it or not, some people have convinced themselves that they like hurting and pain, and like doing it to both themselves and others.

  Or from another perspective, why do alcoholics drink even though they know its bad for them, and those they love?   Sometimes people seem to not be able to help themselves and get addicted to destructive behaviors and patterns, cause its all they consciously know, or its just a matter of being a comfort level.    The unknown is even scarier to most, than the awareness of karma,  i would say.

Title: Re: derek paranormal egypt sphinx a link to this i
Post by AhSoLaoTsuAhhOmmra on Oct 13th, 2007 at 11:22am
 Just to add a little more to my last post.  I get the sense that the people that i was talking about earlier, are very head polarized and being so, they can be and are aware of the nonphysical in an intellectual or mental way (in a sense like the Greys were or Reptilian E.T.'s are), but the heart is still cold and shut off...  Truly spiritual and aware people are those who have both active and balanced in relation to each other.   Over heart people, tend to be mostly harmless to others but also rather ineffectual in a practical, universal way (in a narrow sense).

 When the Head is shut off from the Heart, all kind of destructive to self/other behavior and actions can ensue.

Title: Re: derek paranormal egypt sphinx a link to this i
Post by spooky2 on Oct 13th, 2007 at 7:23pm
Quote AhSo: "What seems unbelievable is that while they might be aware of certain things and nonphysical principles, they either don't believe in, don't perceive, or ignore that what you put out comes back to you, and that hurting others hurts self too.  Believe it or not, some people have convinced themselves that they like hurting and pain, and like doing it to both themselves and others."

 Exactly, that's what I meant. On the one hand, some people are aware of nonphysical beings, of life beyond death, on the other hand they're not aware of the "great picture", their own position in the whole. It's as if in one respect they have a fairly wide range of perception, in another respect they're extremely narrowed.

 Just some days ago I meditated about torturers, to get a grip of them, what's going on inside them (and how their victims cope with that in the afterlife). I found them to be extremely narrowly perceiving and thinking. To have someone in their power, and torture this one, shows them a human to be in a more or less "material" state of being, which then further gives the torturer the impression to be the one "controlling", "to be in charge", and a relief by suppressing their fear to be confronted with anything regarding their own position in the world of spirit, because the mechanistic-controlling view blocks it. (The victims I saw in states of regaining health by letting go more and more of their memory-attachments of their damaged physical bodies).

So it seems, as you put it, when someone is head-polarized and heart shut-off to the extreme, such a human is able to commit acts of extreme violence. And, to come back to those to-be-discoveries, those people can act in ways which look quite contradictory in itself.


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