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Message started by pleione86 on Sep 15th, 2007 at 11:53pm

Title: Psychic attack...
Post by pleione86 on Sep 15th, 2007 at 11:53pm
I'm not really sure where this post should, I'm sorry if this is in the wrong section. Anyway, I feel that I'm having a problem with a psychic attack. I have tried seeing many different types of doctors, etc and they cannot find anything wrong with me. In fact, I have tried everything I can think of to get better. It basically comes down to the fact that I think I need some help from an outside source. I don't want to be dependent on others, and I really want to help myself, but I was wondering if there is anyone here at this forum that can help w/ something like this (or knows of any other place I could go to get help at)? I have tried looking in my area for help, but I haven't found anything. I asked at another forum and someone recommended here...

Title: Re: Psychic attack...
Post by egdio7 on Sep 16th, 2007 at 12:32am
some nice info at this site.  it wouldn't hurt to check it out.  hope you feel better soon.

Title: Re: Psychic attack...
Post by pleione86 on Sep 16th, 2007 at 1:05am
Thanks, but I was just saying that I've tried most things that I can think of for this. I really just feel that I need some outside help, and that's what I was looking for...

Title: Re: Psychic attack...
Post by the_seeker on Sep 16th, 2007 at 1:25am
therapy can be quite useful, and it does involve you helping yourself.  i've done it, and it's nothing to be ashamed of or think of as a crutch.

if you mean more like past life regression or psychics, they can probably be helpful too..   they're in some phone books

Title: Re: Psychic attack...
Post by pleione86 on Sep 16th, 2007 at 3:02am
Yeah, as I already said, I've been to several different doctors about this and I currently see a therapist. It's just that these things don't really help with a psychic attack. I've also looked in my area, as I already said, and am well aware of the local "psychics." There really aren't any where I live or, if there even are any, I wouldn't trust the type that offer their services to you for money (which seem to be the only type). This is why I looked online for help.

Title: Re: Psychic attack...
Post by pulsar on Sep 16th, 2007 at 4:50am
Hello pleione,

how does this psychic attack look like? (Don't know if what I am telling you is comparable, but I had for quite a time panic flashes connected with the fear being ceased to exist after death, but was stupid enough not to go to a therapist)
It is easier to talk about stuff like this (it is a very personal matter for sure), if you tell what plagues you.
Don't misunderstand this, it is not to force you to answer, you decide if you want to tell about it or not.



Title: Re: Psychic attack...
Post by betson on Sep 16th, 2007 at 11:29am
Greetings Pleione,

Have you tried 'dialoging' with this psychic source? It doesn not have the strength to enter the physical even if it does try to scare you. You can distract the 'attack' mode by asking it what it wants.
If it's not ready to have a talk, you can stop its session by saying "I see you not here!"
or "I don't want to play this game any more!"
These statements have more power than may seem apparent, because they have been used for hundreds of years successfully--try them.  :)

(The term 'psychic attack' is not one many of us are familiar with. If there were another way to briefly describe what happens, we could be more helpful.)

Please post again and let us know!

Love, Bets

Title: Re: Psychic attack...
Post by vajra on Sep 16th, 2007 at 1:35pm
Hi all. This may be complementary to your question Plelone. I've just taken a look at your link, and it really set me thinking about my own history of fatigue problems.

Pardon my off loading all of this but I've struggled through almost 18 years of chronic fatigue which appeared out of almost nowhere at age 35, on the face of it caused by a thyroid problem (i had a thyroidectomy for a thyroid cancer in 2005) , caused by gut problems, caused by candida and caused by it's now looking like mercury poisoning.

I've tested positive for a high level of immune response to mercury. (am about to commence chelation therapy having had 8 amalgam tooth fillings removed)

I'm much better than I was, but still suffer from low energy and high blood pressure, and know that all is still not right as I almost never feel truly well.

While I'm not bad at the moment I've been very ill for periods of years at a time - secondary issues like neuritis, chronic sinus infections, back trouble, immune dysfunction, foggy brain, gout, migraines, food sensitivities and inappropriate long term prescription of antibitotics by a doctor have not helped either.

While the silver lining has been the triggering of a long search for meaning which almost immediately started me down the spiritual path (I doubt I'd have survived without Buddhism and meditation) it's basically destroyed the core years of my working life as every time I've tried to get something off the ground that requires commitment I've gotten ill. To the point where at this stage I'm a bit gun shy.

Being an engineer with a rationalist bias towards the physical (slowly being eroded by experience  :)) it never crossed my mind that the cause could possibly be something like psychic or similar attack. Reading the article and others like it is a bit of an eye opener though - lots of the symptoms sound awfully familiar. Especially the talk of abrupt energy drops, minds effects and so on.

Presumably one would expect physical and psychic causes and effects to intertwine.

I've certainly been around people that fit the bill as regards being unconscious but very serious energy vampires, most notably  my parents (who as a result of my emotional openness and naivety and a seriously dysfunctional relationship were a huge struggle for many years - the start of the troubles more or less coincided with my moving back into the vicinity of the family home having been away for most of my life at school and work) and one that I worked with. Five minutes in their house is enough to drop my energy through the floor - nowadays I stay away as much as I responsibly can.

I've done lots of work on forgiveness and breaking ties with a spiritual healer that has helped, but there's maybe still a way to go. I've likewise managed to at least partially break an energy blockage in the solar plexus/3rd chakra area at a TMI Gateway programme last year - this was quite painful and produced an enormous emotional release.

I've found since that Kundalini meditation raises my energy and helps so much, but it's incredible the way I can go from being all fired up to being hardly able to drag myself around in a hour or so.

So what gives? Do any of you have any experience of this sort of thing? How can one establish if there's something going on? Any thoughts on fixes?

Thank you all....

Title: Re: Psychic attack...
Post by juditha on Sep 16th, 2007 at 3:43pm
Hi vajra and pleione I always ask God every night to surround me with protection of love and light and to bless my home and everyone in it,which always makes me feel better,but i have also suffered for a lot of years,mentally and physically,ive had two minor strokes,my heart does not beat regually without tablets to help it do that,i also am on tablets for my thyroid which is normal now but i have to take tablets every day to keep it that way,i also have Ischemia.which is narrowing of my blood vessels ,so im on asprin every day and cholesteral tablets every night and antidepressants for anxiety and depression,which i have had for quite a few years.

I have never considered that this is some kind of physcic attack,i think its more down to the way the world is today,too much stress,as its years of ongoing stress thats made me so physically ill.

Love and God bless   Love juditha

Title: Re: Psychic attack...
Post by dave_a_mbs on Sep 16th, 2007 at 4:28pm
Hi Pleione-
What kind of stuff is happening to you?

There are two general approaches - One way is a "fix it" approach which can be therapy, a pill, a spell, a charm against the night or whatever.

The other way is to embrace the whole area of experience so that you are at one with the problem, which more or less turns the attackers against themselves so they go away or alter their efforts from negative to positive interactions.

It sounds like you've tried the "fix it" part. Perhaps someone here can help with a more spiritual approach.


Title: Re: Psychic attack...
Post by juditha on Sep 16th, 2007 at 4:42pm
Hi pleione If you are getting attacked by spirit,then ask God to protect you by surrounding you with his love and light as this is the protection prayer also tell them to go to the light,which is waiting for them,as they have no power over you,all they are doing is trying to scare you,but they can no way harm you as ive had a similar experience and they could not get past the light and love of God,i will also say a retrieval prayer tonight and put you in my thoughts and ask God to send his guides and helpers to take these spirits through the light.

Love and God bless  Love juditha

Title: Re: Psychic attack...
Post by betson on Sep 16th, 2007 at 6:15pm
Oh Vajra, Plieone, and Juditha!

You share such beautiful light with so  many other souls through this board, it's a shock to hear of
your troubles !  So many of the bright lights here have gone through such  extreme  darkness !

Lets all pray for and meditate on the idea of improved health for each other! Medicine and treatment too, and avoiding those whose interactions sicken us.

God Bless Us, Every One!


Title: Re: Psychic attack...
Post by vajra on Sep 17th, 2007 at 12:19pm
Thank you very much Juditha and Bets. Hope it didn't come across as a try for sympathy.

Thinking a bit more about this I guess malevolent use of psychic abilities must happen, but I suspect there's not too many hunched over pots of gunk going 'hubble bubble' while consciously wishing ill on others. That our tendency to think in these terms may reflect imagination, adversarial thinking and popular mythology rather than reality most of the time.

If on the other hand you think in terms of the way 90% + (?) of our society is based on competition and adversarial relationships there's a heck of a lot of people living from fear (aggression is essentially a fear driven pattern of behaviour) and seeking to put down others to get ahead. Even so called 'business acumen' is ultimately not very nice, although most of the time it's along with lots of other selfish behaviour wrapped up in socially acceptable terms.

We're conditioned to think of this stuff in physical and conscious emotional terms (and lots negative does happen at the physical level as a result of selfish urges - we get injured by stress, inappropriate use of dangerous technologies, food additives and pesticides for example, as well as by our responses to negative emotions we experience as a result of being treated badly by others), and the egotistical mindset our culture transmits mean we at first tend to poo poo any suggestion that it's wrong. ('of course it's only weaklings and lazy gits that can't cope')

If however you think in terms of the power of mind, and of our proven ability to influence others and our environement by our intentions (try reading The Field by Lynne McTaggart for pointers to sources of experimental confirmation of what many know intuitively) the negative emotions generated within work, societal and other exchanges and many close family relationships mean (a classic is parent expects xyz of a kid, and withdraws affection and turns to active if subconscious dislike when it's not delivered. There's so many forms of energy parasite around using all sorts of strategies to draw energy from others - a book like the Celestine Prophecy even describes these) that it's probably the case that most of us have to survive in a sea of negativity, resentment and hostile intentions.

Those doing the harm to others (most of us) are normally ego driven and unconscious of what they are doing.

Add the fact that many whose consciousness is open and sensitive enough to be receptive to non-ordinary realities like we discuss here are emotionally open and not very well equipped to protect themselves (most people build a shell, but the price of this is a closing down to subtler realities, to spirit  and the needs of others) and it's no surprise that many of us get ill.

There's souls around too who are wise enough that they can be open when needed, but at the same time don't take on what's not their responsibility. I guess we all have to get to this stage, it must be a critical learning step on the spiritual path because the resulting step up in energy levels must be important to helping us to open us even more.....

Title: Re: Psychic attack...
Post by spooky2 on Sep 17th, 2007 at 8:59pm
Hi pleione86,

if you suspect a living person to be the source of a psychic attack, I would think about how I perceived this person, what impression this person made on me. I believe when someone actually can influence another through a psychic attack, the victim is somehow connected to the attacker, in what way ever: Appearing as powerful, scary, mighty, clever, dark, light, evil, whatever. Some persons can manage it, intently and even with training, or unconsciously, to be very impressive on others, but when the others think it through, and notice the means and process, how that works, the impressive power can diminish rapidly, then, so to say, much of the magic is gone.

Then I would think over in what relationship I am with this person. Am I fearing, am I devote, am I angry, am I dependant etc. Through this one can become able to most efficiently draw a line, break the connection to the attacker.

Then, there are all kinds of imaginative methods. That's not childish. When feeling psychicly attacked, imagination is just the means of choice. For example: To imagine to cut off a line of connection; to imagine a shield around to rebound any bad influences or protect from draining; to imagine to be like air for any attacks; to imagine to be made of light, flashing and blinding anything which wants to do you harm; imagine helpers who defend you.

Overall, fear, anger, and any strong emotional reaction will strengthen the connection to the source of the attack, and/or will make the attacks/the attacker seem more powerful. A cool attitude, deflecting and ignoring attacks will do best I think. After all, I believe no one has any power to do psychic attacks to someone else, but only assumed that one is truely believing this- that's the trick, but one has to learn and practice it.


Title: Re: Psychic attack...
Post by LaffingRain on Sep 19th, 2007 at 5:04am
Hi Pleione just to add to all the good thoughts coming your way on this thread, this things on your plate will pass. they always do.

we can sometimes get into a victim mode without even an effort, so you must keep your thoughts positive whenever this belief system comes calling where you believe you are being victimized. its just a belief system you can say to yourself, and belief systems are highly fluid things. being a victim entails you carry a feeling of that you are guilty of something or else you would not be under attack this way, seemingly, it comes from outside yourself. but we ourselves draw such experiences to us, in order to overcome and become strong in building character, to finally know you are in essence safe from harm and your fear is taking over, and its not the truth of who you are.
if this attack entails a person or being u know of, then u have a place to start asking the why of it, to remedy what you can in a logical way. having an imaginary conversation with this person leaving off attitude can yield up some interesting things towards healing the situation. visualization, that of peace, of light, of saying you're sorry, to apologize if something happened that might have been your error, this sets in motion a change within also.
last but not least, we all have assistance on hand, nonphysical guides can be called upon and I have done that in emergencies or just experimenting, and you might do this too and have a breakthru.
just be very quiet and look at the panic or fear when it arises, but not try to run away and then ask for help and your guidance will come as they can see your signal, the ones who travel around looking for those who make supplecation.

love, alysia

Title: Re: Psychic attack...
Post by vajra on Sep 19th, 2007 at 5:58pm
As ever Alysia you shine a light that shows up another angle!  :)

I guess it's true that ultimately we bring into existence whatever we experience.

But how the individual sees it depends on what level he/she relates to it from  - seen from a personal perspective we experience it as attack or at least some sort of malign external influence. This has been my experience, and is the way I expressed my situation above.

Yet the peculiarity is that while I wasn't intensely enough aware to say that I caused it there is this sort of itch in the back of my awareness that intuitively suggests that this may well be true...

Title: Re: Psychic attack...
Post by LaffingRain on Sep 19th, 2007 at 7:15pm
Hi Vajra, thanks for reading me and your compliment. its great to have a family atmosphere here and I thank Pleione for bringing up a hard to talk about subject.

It feels awful when bad things seem to happen to good people. our heart goes out to each other..but if feels so much worse to think we are helpless creatures in the face of Murphys law, say. if we want to be in control of our fate, to be saying we do indeed create our own reality, then it just boils down to it was that we needed to learn on a soul level how it was exactly that something that feels so bad happened to us. this way one never need fear being a victim, if they can get to the point of truly believing we do create our own reality, its just that the higher self and the human here need to constantly keep up a steady communication, or like the religious ones would say, to pray without ceasing, to me, same thing to be communing with higher self purpose of gaining Earth experience.

also its so interesting to be reading Destiny of Souls, to see, why, when in the subconscious mind, as well Newton explains there is a superconscious mind which holds the other life memories, its so interesting to see how an accident, what we call an accident, is created on the soul level for a certain purpose of growth of that soul as well the other soul/s involved.

love, alysia

Title: Re: Psychic attack...
Post by Kyo_Kusanagi on Sep 23rd, 2007 at 8:28am
Hilarion on True Protection against 'negative entities' and psychic attacks :

Hilarion : The very idea of creating 'protection' (from 'negative entities') around yourself, generates the (false) idea that you need 'protection'. Hence, when you are seeking to protect against, you are opening a way, an avenue, in which you will receive a variation, a shifted energy form, from that very source, that you are trying to protect against...

Personal Hilarion Reading (thanks to Jon's willingness for making this service available all these years) might be helpful if you might like to receive further, personalized advice from Hilarion :

Title: Re: Psychic attack...
Post by dave_a_mbs on Sep 23rd, 2007 at 2:59pm
Excellent point, Kyo. Thanks!

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