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Message started by EliteNYC on Sep 1st, 2007 at 5:53am

Title: Who agrees that...
Post by EliteNYC on Sep 1st, 2007 at 5:53am
Setting your mind on the things of the flesh is death, but setting your mind on the things of the spirit is life and peace?

There is a quote in the Bible, and I agree with it.

Here the quote is: "For they that are after the flesh do mind the things of the flesh; but they that are after the Spirit the things of the Spirit. For to be carnally minded is death; but to be Spiritually minded is life and peace. " - (Romans 8:1-14 AV)

There was a time in science class where we talked about genetics, evolution, etc, and for some reason it does give a feeling of death. In contrast, if people are talking about the spirit or spiritual experiences it does give feelings of peace. The latter also gives feelings of love and tolerance.

This is one of the reasons I believe the Bible.

What do you think?

Title: Re: Who agrees that...
Post by Nanner on Sep 1st, 2007 at 6:02am
Hi and a heart filled welcome to the Afterlife Knowledge Board,
I agree with your thoughts as Goethe states "Mankind only understands what he sees".

Flesh is material, so therefor someone whom only believes that what he can touch and see tends only adhere to such. Whereas the spirit is non-material, everlasting and free.

Please never forget that which is "material" can be altered by mankind for the ego purpose of mankind, but that which is "non-material" can not be altered by mankind, so therefor is the real truth.

Thank you for such wonderful thoughts,

Title: Re: Who agrees that...
Post by Patrick on Sep 1st, 2007 at 6:28am
I think Marshall McLuhan sums it up pretty well with: "We're not sure who discovered water, but we're pretty sure it wasnt the fish."

Title: Re: Who agrees that...
Post by Nanner on Sep 1st, 2007 at 6:35am
;D Patrick - that was a really good one, and so true!  ;D

Title: Re: Who agrees that...
Post by betson on Sep 1st, 2007 at 10:17am
I agree, Elite!

It was a great surprise to me that this peace of soul and mind comes so readily
when reading truth about spirit. It didn't hapen in church Sundayschool, I admit,
but only later on my own and also happens now with Bruce's and some other books
on spirit.  Yes, I find that significant.

Thanks for the reminder,

Title: Re: Who agrees that...
Post by spooky2 on Sep 1st, 2007 at 9:17pm
One variation of what's meant with this bible quote may be the identification of our experience with physiological processes. You can hear it everywhere on the media, when they talk about that our mind is a complex of brain processes. But, in proper science, as science should be, physiological processes are simply correlating to experiences. Nothing of causality here. You can't speak of causality between things of a totally different category.
 So, focused on physiologic processes (part of physicalism) all you get out is physiology, and not experiences. They can try as long as they want, it's ridiculous. Flesh to flesh, spirit to spirit.

 Plato has mentioned this physiology-mind issue in one of his early dialogues, I think "Apologeia" or "Kriton".


Title: Re: Who agrees that...
Post by vajra on Sep 2nd, 2007 at 6:33am
For sure the Bible is full of wisdom, but I guess it's important to remember too that it seems to have  been 'adjusted' considerably to fit the message those in early church times wanted to push.

I've no knowledge of the quotation but at a wholly practical level I find it illustrative of my own life experience. (interpreting the very biblical 'flesh' as meaning a materialistic worldly orientation)

My conditioning led me to focus intensely on worldly matters (like career, making money, getting ahead, whatever) in my early working life, with a determination that almost killed me when thyroid and other health issues struck but I couldn't or wouldn't back off.

Working with meditation, energy raising and coming to treat the worldly stuff as incidental has (after years of struggle) raised my vibe and given me back the ability to feel good in myself and about the world.

Most seem to be naturally wise enough to keep their vibe up, to not get sucked into the intense focus on the material like I did. But for those of us that way inclined the closing down of awareness so that   we lose the connection upstairs quite literally has the potential to lead to death.

I'm convinced of the view that there's a very real feed of higher energy that's essential for human survival.....

Title: Re: Who agrees that...
Post by pulsar on Sep 2nd, 2007 at 7:29am
Hey everyone,

about evolution...Elite, I had the same kind of feeling when talking about evolution in biology class, it shows you one more time, how old life itself is, and that, according to the million of years, evolution now is going on, you are only one single, changeable being in this whole process. We creep around here for some 80 years, and that is, referring to evolution, one small dot of time of a biomass, that will sooner or later be eaten up by evolution/nature again, to take the single parts to create something new out of them. Therefore the evolution does not care about your consciousness, your feelings, your personality, only your biomass. And even if it seems like it came to an end, it slowly goes on changing, we won't even recognize, our liftime on planet earth is way too short.
That sheds fear, of course, it reminds us of our own insignificance.
Evolution was one factor making me questioning religion/spirit after all. Religion/spirit says that everyone, as individual is special and is in his own way valuable.
But if you look at this machinery, we seem to be like clothes from a big factory, we are "worn" and if broken, thrown away, maybe recycled to be something new. And no matter how hard we try, this machinery cannot be escaped, we are bound to it, and have to accept its rules.
Therefore the flesh is none of our own, it is lend from nature (so to say), because we insists that we have our free will and are parts of the nature, that are able to recognize its beauty and how it works, so I came to say "lend". Our body alters since we were born. Some go that far to say consciousness is also evolutionary matter, just interaction of biochemical substances, driven by electrical impulses, so our consciousness, according to evolution, would also be ceased to exist, when the body falls to parts.
Scientific approach end.

Belonging to the spirit, its realms and realities....the spiritual approach surely makes one more comfortable, according to the possibility the spiritual realms give us, ever living consciousness, a body being only a shell, that is left behind by the spirit, meeting our deceased loved ones on the other side.

I do not dare to declare one of the two sides as ultimate reality, lacking knowledge what is really real, according to my pov, we will never know, but it is at least a possibility to be seen, that everything reveals to us, when passing over.

Humanbeings scratch the surface, it is one of their limits, even when it comes to spiritual matters, we only get short glimpses, that was the lot.

Yours sincerely,


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