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Message started by blink on Aug 12th, 2007 at 8:42am

Title: may have seen a spirit yesterday
Post by blink on Aug 12th, 2007 at 8:42am
It's been a long time since I've had one of these kinds of expeiences but here goes.

Yesterday I was sitting in a "quiet place" in the midst of a day in which I was listening to "yoga-trance" music all day while creating order (i.e. cleaning).

I was sitting there looking at some art prints on the wall. I began to feel open to guidance suddenly. I remember that I deliberately opened myself to the possibility of seeing/feeling spirits around me.

This is not an activity I do very often these days.

I looked up at the framed print before me and saw a clear profile of a man with almost Grecian features (not sure how else to describe him). I got the impression of a blond man, with curly hair and a very short beard. The image was "ghostly" in that it was a whitish reflection coming off the surface of the print. There was a lot of detail.

I saw the image clearly, so I looked at it for a while, talked to "him" a little bit. I shifted my head up and down to see how the image changed. There was no other position from which I could receive this perfect silhouette.  When returning to the precise postion, the image returned.

I sat up and mulled this over for a while. I looked at the print on the wall again. This time I could see the "spirit" full frontal. It was just the head only again. There was no change in expression or any impression of anything except that an image was being shown to me. It was the same kind of image, and very detailed.

Very odd. Is this person looking for someone? I'm not sure why he was shown to me. I haven't received any answers, although my dreams have seemed very "busy" this week.

love, blink :)

Title: Re: may have seen a spirit yesterday
Post by blink on Aug 12th, 2007 at 9:53am
I forgot to was about the size of a normal head, or very slightly smaller, from that distance, in both instances.

Title: Re: may have seen a spirit yesterday
Post by betson on Aug 12th, 2007 at 11:47am
Hello lady,

You may find soon, randomly or by searching, that he is /was the god of somethingorother,
something important to you that needs looking after. In other words, the message isn't done
yet; this animation/spiritualization was just to catch your attention and remind you that
there are more things under the sun than we have dreamed.   ;)

Love, Bets

Title: Re: may have seen a spirit yesterday
Post by chilipepperflea on Aug 12th, 2007 at 1:21pm
Neat experience Blink! Maybe it has something to do with the picture?


Title: Re: may have seen a spirit yesterday
Post by juditha on Aug 12th, 2007 at 1:37pm
Hi Blink im with Ryan here,i also think it could be something to do with the picture,i started to get a sense that this person was somehow close to the artist what painted it and also the background of the picture could have some meaning to him,i feel he will give you more next time you study the picture. Im also getting a name Harold or Harry. Im also getting 14th century.    Love and God bless   Love Juditha

Title: Re: may have seen a spirit yesterday
Post by laffingrain on Aug 13th, 2007 at 11:59pm
it occurred to me when reading that it appeared next to the picture, that there was a connection, like Juditha and Ryan already said. so let us know, it could be that a Greek artist had another life in a linear sense is related or came back as an artist in another time in which the painting was done then.

Title: Re: may have seen a spirit yesterday
Post by blink on Aug 14th, 2007 at 8:02am
Thank you for all of your replies!

I didn't know if this would be considered a possible valid sighting. I don't know the various ways spirits appear.

I am confused because the "heads" didn't have any kind of animation at all. But I guess some people can see "ghosts" who are simply images? I get confused sometimes because I occasionally see an image of some kind, but nobody seems to be jumping up and down behind people, the way that mediums sometimes report things.....


But, anyway. The art print on which the images appeared was a copy of Van Gogh's The Starry Night Over the Rhone, in which two lovers walk away from a river's edge sprinkled with lights from the far shore, under a sky full of stars.

Next to it are two actual photographs (framed together) of heads from statues in an unknown museum (I recently bought these and other inexpensive prints, previously used, at a thrift store). One is a young boy's head with long, loose curls, in white marble. The other is a child's head and torso carved into the top of a stone burial chamber. The head and torso are lifting up as if being pulled upward by an unknown force. It is really breathtakingly wistful and haunting to look at.

The head I saw was of an older man than these prints show, a man in the prime of his life.

Why would images of a head appear with no other indicators? Why would the eyes in the frontal version be closed? Why would I receive only images and no message, and why so delicate and careful?

I wonder if these "older" images could be related somehow to the museum statues which were photographed?

The images I saw could have been suggested by these photos, or related in some way.

I will need to meditate on this.

love, blink :)

Title: Re: may have seen a spirit yesterday
Post by laffingrain on Aug 14th, 2007 at 2:15pm
the more I think about it Blink, the more it seems what you saw was a thought form. have you ever read anything about thought forms? I've a pamplet on the shapes and colors of emotional thought forms. also theres psychometry to consider. Psychometry is done by usually holding an object and seeing if there are any images come to mind through nonphysical senses, using touch, however, I would say seeing images is very close to psychometry as images are seen in both cases; you must be using the 3rd eye chakra where things are imaged.
the only reason I say this is you had no feeling a spirit was around to give a message. although thats still possible there was someone in the background assisting your 3rd eye.
I've seen camera lens pick up auras around objects which is an energy field, all humans have an aura field of various sizes and colors according to their thought forms and emotions.
and objects give off a stationary type energy field, sometimes just an emanation of light.

I'm still going with that the original artist has attached this energy to the object. such energy of thought is indestructible, although we tend to think thought forms fade away into nothing over years of time, they don't really, they may get weaker or transmute into something else if interfered with, but energy is energy is light is light and is not as degradable, say, as is material items subject to deteriation process occurs in material plane. every item has an astral energy counterpart.

for skeptical scientist type folks there is a human ability to hullicinate but Blink's experience seems not to be that because she has been developing herself.
once when I was around 4 or 5 I believe I hallucinated a ghost just to see if I could. I saw an abandoned house across the street and wished hard to see a ghost. I pumped up excitement to go along with it. after a few minutes I saw a white filmy form pass back and forth in the window I was focusing on. then it just stood there as if making sure I noticed it. I do believe in spirits, naturally, since I do retrievals, but in this case I believe I experimented with my mind's capability.

let me know if your meditation yields anything up. love, alysia

Title: Re: may have seen a spirit yesterday
Post by blink on Aug 14th, 2007 at 4:33pm
Maybe it was some kind of thought you say, Alysia.

I did actually feel a "connection" of some kind, but it was more of a calm and peaceful feeling prior to the experience of seeing the images. Maybe "wonder" is an odd word to use, but it is like a kind of wonder that feels like it is "coming on" as the experience takes place.

I felt that "opening" place of relaxation happening in my mind and heart. Then, images.

I don't exactly feel troubled by this, but maybe a little meditation on this occurrence will give me more information.

love, blink :)

Title: Re: may have seen a spirit yesterday
Post by blink on Aug 15th, 2007 at 8:16am
Another thing strikes me. The photos next to the Van Gogh art print hanging on the wall are of upper torsos with heads attached (of course....).

I'm trying to remember exactly what I saw the other day. You know, it gets more difficult with time so everyone should write every detail of these things down immediately! I did not.

I do remember that the frontal face was just that...a face. Seems very economical, on reflection. Just enough to get my full attention but nothing superfluous, and nothing, incidentally, to place a date on the individual. Perhaps this was just something to get my attention and nothing else!

Kind of like a magician delighting you with his tricks....

love, blink :)

Title: Re: may have seen a spirit yesterday
Post by laffingrain on Aug 15th, 2007 at 10:19am
hi blink, I was looking at orb websites for awhile and there's another phenonmenon going around now among the picture takers..theres a small type of orb which is quite fast, whizzes around, stays stationary, then whizzes back and forth and has been caught on camera; this is different than the orb caught in a still clip.
I bring this up as they are catching this on a movie camera nowdays and was wondering if the phenonmenon would be increasing among the population.
I don't have the link, but it's not just one person who is filming the active orbs, there's a whole group, I believe it's in another country.
sometimes we just don't have a clue what we're looking at.

Title: Re: may have seen a spirit yesterday
Post by spooky2 on Aug 15th, 2007 at 8:28pm
Hi Blink, Alysia and everyone,
don't know if this relates to Blink's experience, however, I remember Robert Bruce telling in "Astral Dynamics" about a special form of OBE where he went into pictures, as if these were 3D reality. From what he told (he has his own nomenclature) it seems to me that one can step inside a space which is created, fed, from different sources, as: the current impressions (sensual inputs like pictures etc, thoughts, emotions), unconscious things, and things coming from elsewhere.
The last point is tricky. Probably the best indicator for being of this category is what Bruce (Moen) called the "unexpected", part of this is the feeling that it has a life of it's own.


Title: Re: may have seen a spirit yesterday
Post by juditha on Aug 24th, 2007 at 4:43pm
Hi Blink I wondered was VanGough a artist in the 14th century as i was getting 14th century from the picture you were looking at.

Love and God bless    Love juditha

Title: Re: may have seen a spirit yesterday
Post by juditha on Aug 24th, 2007 at 4:44pm

wrote on Aug 12th, 2007 at 1:37pm:
Hi Blink im with Ryan here,i also think it could be something to do with the picture,i started to get a sense that this person was somehow close to the artist what painted it and also the background of the picture could have some meaning to him,i feel he will give you more next time you study the picture. Im also getting a name Harold or Harry. Im also getting 14th century.    Love and God bless   Love Juditha

Title: Re: may have seen a spirit yesterday
Post by blink on Aug 24th, 2007 at 4:56pm
Actually, Juditha, Van Gogh was a 19th century artist, born in the 1870's. But that doesn't mean you were wrong. I'm not sure what you were picking up, but it's possible that the other person is still related to the picture in some way that we don't understand.

I was thinking about this thread again just today, as a matter of fact, remembering that I wanted to add more to it, but time flies away from me these days. I was thinking about the images I saw, and also thought about the shroud of Turin. The head looked a little like that, like an impression of a face, but a different face than on the shroud. The shroud itself is not detailed, but the enhanced images that have been made of it are fairly detailed.

But I haven't thought of the shroud in a long time. And, I'm not sure this fellow was a blonde either. It was a man, that much is certain. But I think the blonde part may be my own imagination. There's no reason to assume that he was blonde, and I think that was an overlay of my own assumptions.

It puzzles me.

love, blink :)

Title: Re: may have seen a spirit yesterday
Post by blink on Aug 24th, 2007 at 5:10pm
Some info....there are 3 "starry night" pictures done by Van Gogh:

A Brief Understanding of Three Starry Nights.

Starry Night by Vincent van Gogh has risen to the peak of artistic achievements. Although Van Gogh sold only one painting in his life, the aftermath of his work is enormous. Starry Night is one of the most well known images in modern culture as well as being one of the most replicated and sought after prints. From Don McLean's song 'Starry, Starry Night' (Based on the Painting), to the endless number of merchandise products sporting this image, it is nearly impossible to shy away from this amazing painting.

One may begin to ask what features within the painting are responsible for its ever growing popularity. There are actually several main aspects that intrigue those who view this image, and each factor affects each individual differently. The aspects will be described below:

1. There is the night sky filled with swirling clouds, stars ablaze with their own luminescence, and a bright cresset moon. Although the features are exaggerated, this is a scene we can all relate to, and also one that most individuals feel comfortable and at ease with. This sky keeps the viewer's eyes moving about the painting, following the curves and creating a visual dot to dot with the stars. This movement keeps the onlooker involved in the painting while the other factors take hold.
2. Below the rolling hills of the horizon lies a small town. There is a peaceful essence flowing from the structures. Perhaps the cool dark colors and the fiery windows spark memories of our own warm childhood years filled with imagination of what exists in the night and dark starry skies. The center point of the town is the tall steeple of the church, reigning largely over the smaller buildings. This steeple casts down a sense of stability onto the town, and also creates a sense of size and seclusion.
3. To the left of the painting there is a massive dark structure that develops an even greater sense of size and isolation. This structure is magnificent when compared to the scale of other objects in the painting. The curving lines mirror that of the sky and create the sensation of depth in the painting. This structure also allows the viewer to interpret what it is. From a mountain to a leafy bush, the analysis of this formation is wide and full of variety.
Van Gogh painted Starry Night while in an Asylum at Saint-Remy in 1889.

During Van Gogh's younger years (1876-1880) he wanted to dedicate his life to evangelization of those in poverty. Many believe that this religious endeavor may be reflected in the eleven stars of the painting. In Genesis 37:9 the following statement is made:

"And he dreamed yet another dream, and told it his brethren, and said, Behold, I have dreamed a dream more; and, behold, the sun and the moon and the eleven stars made obeisance to me."

Whether or not this religious inspiration is true, it is known that the piece is not the only Starry Sky painting that Van Gogh ever created. Gogh was quite proud of a piece he had painted earlier in Arles in 1888 that depicted stars reflecting in the Rhone River. (THIS is the one I have) Like Starry Sky this previous piece shares many of the qualities that have made Starry Sky such a popular painting. For instance:

The stars in the night sky are surrounded with their own orb of light.
The Reflection of artificial light (new to the time period) from Arles in the river makes the one's eyes move around the painting; thus keeping the viewer visually involved.
There are structures in the distant lit up in a warm glow of light.
Starry Night over the Rhone contains one final aspect that is not featured in the Starry Night piece; humans. In the bottom right corner of the painting there is a couple walking along the river. This gives the painting a down to earth feel with a natural quality. Although this painting is not nearly as popular as the seconded Starry Night piece, it still creates a pleasurable and life like environment to look at. It is also resides as a very sought after piece when it is placed with Starry Night and the following painting to create a montage of Van Gogh's Starry Night works.

Cafe Terrace At Night was also painted in Arles in 1888. The similarities between this piece the previous two are vaguely similar. This piece offers a new type of perspective on the star filled sky.

The Stars are barely consumed in their own light.
The bright yellow wall draws in ones attention rather then assisting to move one's eyes around the painting.
There is a sense of balance attributed to the dark cityscape silhouette to the right of the painting (Contrasting the bright yellow wall).
Never the less these three paintings have astounded millions of people and remain three of the best works ever to flow from Van Gogh's paint brush. Each Day hundreds of people crowd around the original paintings located in various art museums to offer their own personal interpretation as to the meaning of the pieces. Although we may never know how Vincent himself truly felt about these paintings, mankind still embraces their greatness.

I find this part catches my eye: Starry Night over the Rhone contains one final aspect that is not featured in the Starry Night piece; humans.

I used to have a copy of the later one, Cafe Terrace at Night. My partner is currently working on a piece which takes after "Starry Night" the original one of the three. It occurs to me now that my partner has placed a whitish female looking figure over the landscape in his picture. You can barely see it at this point, kind of like a vague whitewash. It is not obvious. The land and the sky are her body, and the stars, in their swirling colors, seem part of her body. I haven't discussed or mentioned this aspect.

Well, it's really going to be a tremendous painting when it's done...

Strange strange strange. Honestly, I have been wondering what is on the other side of the wall in my neighbor's apartment, wondering if I should go take a look. Maybe I won't need to do that!

love, blink :)

Title: Re: may have seen a spirit yesterday
Post by juditha on Aug 24th, 2007 at 5:18pm
Hi Blink  I did have an impression of a man's face and the man had grey receding hair and a thin mastache and a thin beard around his chin but he looked in his 80's and  when i wrote that i got the name Harry,Bets wrote to me and told me that i got the name Harry at the same time she was doing a retreival for someone called Harry,so i think sometimes we are tuning into each others spiritual experiences.

Love and God bless    Love juditha

Title: Re: may have seen a spirit yesterday
Post by blink on Aug 24th, 2007 at 5:42pm
I think we are all connected, Juditha, so that makes sense to me! I'm glad you and Bets have a match there. Wonderful! I can see why you responded to my description. Perhaps the visions we each had were related. That's also a possibility.

I think there are multiple layers to the connections that we have, as Bruce recently described in the thread in which he talks about his "twins" which are perceived by others in his workshops. Therefore, it is interesting how our experiences can overlap.

I think it is something to pay attention to.

Below are the words of the song by Don McLean referenced above, one of my favorites:

Starry, starry night.
Paint your palette blue and grey,
Look out on a summer's day,
With eyes that know the darkness in my soul.
Shadows on the hills,
Sketch the trees and the daffodils,
Catch the breeze and the winter chills,
In colors on the snowy linen land.

Now I understand what you tried to say to me,
How you suffered for your sanity,
How you tried to set them free.
They would not listen, they did not know how.
Perhaps they'll listen now.

Starry, starry night.
Flaming flowers that brightly blaze,
Swirling clouds in violet haze,
Reflect in Vincent's eyes of china blue.
Colors changing hue, morning field of amber grain,
Weathered faces lined in pain,
Are soothed beneath the artist's loving hand.

Now I understand what you tried to say to me,
How you suffered for your sanity,
How you tried to set them free.
They would not listen, they did not know how.
Perhaps they'll listen now.

For they could not love you,
But still your love was true.
And when no hope was left in sight
On that starry, starry night,
You took your life, as lovers often do.
But I could have told you, Vincent,
This world was never meant for one
As beautiful as you.

Starry, starry night.
Portraits hung in empty halls,
Frameless heads on nameless walls,
With eyes that watch the world and can't forget.
Like the strangers that you've met,
The ragged men in ragged clothes,
The silver thorn the bloody rose,
Lie crushed and broken on the virgin snow.

Now I think I know what you tried to say to me,
How you suffered for your sanity,
How you tried to set them free.
They would not listen, they're not listening still.
Perhaps they never will...

love, blink :)

Title: Re: may have seen a spirit yesterday
Post by orlando123 on Aug 24th, 2007 at 6:15pm
This is one of my favourite songs too. And I think Van Gogh was an interesting man, very passinate and driven, and misunderstood and undervalued in his day. I think he only ever sold one painting and at one point was reduced to cutting up bits of sunflower paintings and selling one flower at a time.. Bit different to see what they go for now. He also once tried to be a Christian chaplain of some sort, working with poor miners and tried to live a Christ-like life sharing their own poverty and helping with their daily lives, and he got sacked by his church for not being dignified enough. This is what I remember from a project I did on him a long time ago. His life ended sadly of course too, but he was producing marvellous paintings up to the end, living his life his way I guess.

I know the main Starry Night painting well, but only came across the Rhône one lately, which is, as Blink said, is interesting for the couple you see with arms interlinked in the bottom right - a nice human touch, beneath the infinite night sky. I live in the same region of France as where Van Gogh ended up living, although the eastern end of it whereas he lived in the western part. Some day I guess I'll got to St Rémy. I went to Arles many years ago and remember having a drink in the café from the picture with the terrace illuminated by night.

Title: Re: may have seen a spirit yesterday
Post by blink on Aug 25th, 2007 at 5:39am
Orlando, very nice to think of you there. I have been to Paris twice...beautiful. When I was there I loved seeing the owners of petite dogs in the cafes together. It is indescribable.

I saw this article on CNN this morning (4:34 a.m. here to be precise)

It's about a Greek fire in which people could not escape. In the countryside. They were trapped, and a considerable number of them, at that. I guess it just happened.

Now I think back to my vision. And how I thought it could be a Greek man. And how the images were displayed on the Van Gogh immediately next to the partial statues in the photographs on my wall.

I see a relationship there, but is it relevant? Some might say I am cloud-gazing....and I have done that in the last 24 hours too....thinking about this puzzle. Creating a puzzle?

Why am I awake at this time of night? Why did I read that article? Why am I here on this site? Because I am.

I guess someone wants a retrieval right about now....why else would someone wake me up like this? I'm going to go along with this and see what happens....

Okay, I'm back. Although it's five hours or so later. I haven't looked at the news again. I did try to do a retrieval, and did seem to float past a few images, but I didn't talk to anyone that I remember. I did get a name, Laura, and I had a  last name, but lost it. I remember seeing a couple of different women. There was a child that I saw, or felt also. I didn't see flames, but smoke, maybe. Some cars. A roadside inn or gas station, something of that sort. Seemed to be a gas station or rest station. Fell asleep later.

I don't know why it didn't resolve as a normal retrieval, but I haven't done one in a long time, to tell the truth. Not unless I'm doing them while sleeping.

Well, enough obsessing....yes, France is beautiful, Orlando. I brought out my photograph album of Musee D'Orsay, and there were several Van Gogh's there, including his self-portrait. I took photos I shouldn't, back then, just couldn't resist. So, they are there, along with a multitude of photos of statues, at the Louvre, etc. etc. Lovely memories.

Ah, yes. Now I remember. I believe yesterday was my ex-husband's brother's birthday. There's a connection here. They are both French natives, and their mother was a Russian immigrant. The brother lives outside of Paris now, but has not personally shared his address with my ex or me. I haven't spoken to him since the death of my mother-in-law in '93. The letters stopped long ago. My ex-husband and he are estranged. Seemed to be all about money back silly. Well...perhaps it is time to call and let him know where life has taken his brother and is positive change that has occurred, although difficult, but perhaps some kind of resolution is needed.

love, blink

Title: Re: may have seen a spirit yesterday
Post by blink on Sep 6th, 2007 at 4:07am
Ok, guys, last night there was a picture of Luciano Pavarotti on CNN, when he was younger, in 3/4 profile. The headline said he was gravely ill, and the picture was of an attractive mid-youngish man with curly hair and a very short beard and moustache. This morning I see a different picture of him, an older one.  I don't recall seeing pictures of him for a long long time.  I am not a "fan" although I have nothing against opera music.

He died last night at 71 of pancreatic cancer. I haven't noticed him in the news earlier.

The photo on CNN that I saw was what the image I saw on the wall in the framed print looked like, but in a completely even profile. And then there was the "closed eyes" version...which could have been someone different but was more ambiguous, and seemed to represent sleep or death to me when I looked at it, because it had an aged quality to it.

You don't have to believe me but it's true. When I saw the picture on CNN last night I was not exactly startled, but my vision made sense. Finally.

Can you see the connection? The European influence in the image. The photographic nature of my vision with physical details. There was an initial display of the detailed face and later one of a  "death-mask" like face which was placed so as to possibly be in the "future" in the sequence of events I experienced.

I believe this was a premonition. Don't ask me why. I don't know. Strange, but it all adds up for me.

He was a great artist, in carrying with our theme here on this thread. And I think it is no accident that I have lately been listening to my Sarah Brightman and Josh Groban cd's, which I had put away for quite a long time. And I think that Sarah Brightman sings one of the songs he did, Nessun Dorma....

I love musicians, used to be one, am recently being brought out of my shell into the live venues again to enjoy the local offerings....but not a big opera fan. I guess this will cause me to pay more attention to his music. Perhaps there's something there for me.

love, blink :)

Title: Re: may have seen a spirit yesterday
Post by LaffingRain on Sep 6th, 2007 at 8:35pm
I do wonder if there's a deeper connection to him, as you must be wondering why it was given to you. sometimes we may have associated with a person in another timeline. I do believe this can cause you to wonder about it, then when you least expect it, an answer may show up, what the connection was for. in any case, we will know someday. love, alysia

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