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Message started by george stone on Jun 2nd, 2007 at 2:38pm

Title: Ndes. how is it that some people have them
Post by george stone on Jun 2nd, 2007 at 2:38pm
How is it that some people have ndes and others do not.A woman who died,and was broght back after 10 mintues,said she did not remember a thing.Is it that they forget or what?George

Title: Re: Ndes. how is it that some people have them
Post by betson on Jun 2nd, 2007 at 9:30pm

I've heard that too, George, that some people don't recall any experiences while they were near death or passing. But we 'click out' while OB if the experience gets to be too much for us, so I suppose they could click out too.

In alot of NDE's I've read about, the person passing spends the first few minutes sort of getting their bearings, circling around, etc. Perhaps that lady didn't have time to notice anything unusual. Or perhaps she was given an anaesthetic that she could not overcome. Maybe she had her soul grounded in worries about family or leaving and couldn't notice the other 'scenery.'

In other words, I expect many reasons, all very innocent, could account for her lack of NDE memories, nothing to worry about.


Title: Re: Ndes. how is it that some people have them
Post by EliteNYC on Jun 2nd, 2007 at 10:30pm
I think it's possible that their spirit mind barely, if at all, kicked in, as they passed from the physical state. It might have a little, but they probably don't consciously remember it.

I like to consider it like dreams, we don't remember most of them, and eventually wake up consciously again.

Title: Re: Ndes. how is it that some people have them
Post by senote on Jun 3rd, 2007 at 11:39am
Perhaps the people who have them have some reason or need for it for example perhaps they have a strong fear or death and this is an opportunity for their spirit self or someone on the spirit side to help them. Perhaps there was simply no reason or need for this woman to have that experience.

Title: Re: Ndes. how is it that some people have them
Post by Boris on Jun 3rd, 2007 at 7:20pm
It could also be a matter of timing. Some people have the life review
right in the middle of the death crisis. Like, "my whole life flashed before
me". Some have it in the tunnel while going to the light. Some have it
later after the initial orientation experience. And it could be that the near
death does not last long enough for it to come up on the agenda.

Incidentally, some people don't remember their dreams at all.
When asked, they say, "I never dream".  But if tested, they would probably show symptoms of dreaming, like rapid eye movements.

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