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Message started by dave_a_mbs on May 17th, 2007 at 11:21pm

Title: three nuns were on the way to heaven ...
Post by dave_a_mbs on May 17th, 2007 at 11:21pm

I forget who it was who told me about the three nuns trying to get into heaven.  

St Peter met them at the Pearly Gates and said, "You'll each have to pass a little test before I can let you in." Turning to Nun Number One, "Who was the first man?" She said, "Oh my, that's an easy one. It was Adam." St Peter said,"OK, go on in," and she walked through the Pearly Gates.

Then turning to Nun Number Two, "Who was the first woman?" She replied, "Oh my, that's an easy one. It was Eve." "OK, go on in."

Turning to Nun Number Three, "What were Eve's first words when she saw Adam?" She looked puzled, "Oh my, that's a hard one..." "OK," says St Peter, "Go on in."

;-)  d

Title: Re: three nuns were on the way to heaven ...
Post by laffingrain on May 18th, 2007 at 2:02pm
:) it was Juditha

Title: Re: three nuns were on the way to heaven ...
Post by dave_a_mbs on May 18th, 2007 at 10:20pm
Oh crap. And I thought I was being so original!
So much for having a "senior moment" while telling jokes.

Title: Re: three nuns were on the way to heaven ...
Post by laffingrain on May 19th, 2007 at 5:25pm
HAR!!! ok heres some jokes:

from the book "How to Make People Think You Are Normal." by Wayne Allred.

1) Resolve that whenever anyone tells u to have a nice day, vent your frustration by yelling "DONT TELL ME WHAT TO DO!"

How to Relieve Stress

Make your to do list and fill it with things you've already done. (I actually do this)

Pay the collection agency in pennies

Disconnect your computer keyboard and use it to surf down 10 flights of stairs

Smear cream on your body and lay in a dark room filled with cats

Answer the phone all day by saying "I'm sorry, we are not in. Please leave a message after the tone. Then leave no tone.

Get a puppy:

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