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Message started by tmerc8 on Feb 15th, 2007 at 3:07am

Title: What are dreams? And a few other questions...
Post by tmerc8 on Feb 15th, 2007 at 3:07am
Are dreams an exercise for the mind or a glimpse to the afterlife?  Perhaps maybe both?

Are prophets different than physics?  And if so, how?  

Who WAS Edgar Cayce?  

Title: Re: What are dreams? And a few other questions...
Post by augoeideian on Feb 15th, 2007 at 5:22am
Hi there tmerc8

Good questions  :)  If I may offer my thoughts as best as I can;

I think the biggest thing with dreaming; are they conscious or are they random unconscious thoughts.  By saying conscious; to be conscious of the unconscious.  And the unconscious expresses itself through symbols.  Whether to say it is a realtime happening is the debate.  The unconscious is our soul.

It is my thought; in developing the Ego one becomes conscious of the unconscious while dreaming.  So instead of random thoughts the Ego is trained to become aware of its own unconscious and the unconscious world (while asleep)

If we look at the science of the spirit (Rudolf Steiner work) in order for the spirit to perceive itself and what is around it, it must bring itself and whatever is in that person's life, bring it up from the inside to the outside.

Therefore if one has a dream about a car travelling fast - the Ego is bringing up the unconscious in a symbol of a car, the car representing the Ego and travelling fast may represent being busy or going towards a goal of achievement, for example.  

So what this is saying - we don't just float around and bump into things which may cross our paths it is saying I create my own world - it comes from me.  However, you are also in my world therefore we are not seperate - I know you and to perceive you I bring you up from within myself.  This may be what the collective consciousness is - we are part of the same substance therefore the law operates within this substance.

Also with this, there is different levels to dreams.  Dreams would either be within our earth realm, that is under the Moon level or the more intense dreams would be beyond the Moon that is the start of the true spiritual realms.  When we sleep we do, in fact, go to our spiritual home every night - this is a phenomena - it is two lives that we live. Our waking life reality and our sleeping life reality.  And here we may look at an inversion of sort.

In this state of being in our second home is very rarely conscious as here we are not using any of our mental faculities in order to perceive us being there - it really is in our deep sleep, almost as if dead.  I believe in exercising our Ego to be in a conscious state while in our deep sleep we may perceive our second home- this is rare though and I would say the art of the ascended Masters (or Madams).

Also, some dreams may be memory recall, some dreams are visions and some dreams come from our senses.  We must always trust our intuition when trying to decipher anything asleep or awake.

Memory recall dreams would be flashbacks into a past life or the last year etc.  When waking one would have a strong feeling that this was an past event.  This is carried by our Ego retaining memory. Here we might say the past, the present and the future are rolled into one and therefore the memory recall relates to the present just as much as it does to the past.

Vision dreams are very strong in their nature and is the awakened Ego perceiving events and itself truthfully i.e. not randomly.  For example; if you need to know an answer one would use the 'twilight' time - that time just before feeling asleep when the un-conscious mind comes to the front and the rational conscious mind slips into a different state. Again the Ego will use symbols to communicate to the rational conscious mind.

Sense dreams happen in the state of being semi awake - that is our spirits are very close to our bodies.  Because our rational mind is in a state of being dormant our senses take over and randomly choose pictures to interpretate our feelings that come from our sub-conscious mind.  These feelings are normally our supressed anxieties, fears or the opposite of happiness or joy.  Therefore if we were anxious about an circumstance our sense will randomly choose pictures that we identify with.  As well if, say, a picture would fall off the wall while we are sleeping our senses would hear it and create a whole dream about this one sound of a picture falling.

Indeed, dreaming is a very complex subject and this is my studies to-date.

I would say prophets are the same as psychics - both using an awakened Ego.  Clairvoyant or Seer is a similar term.
Though, I would say a Prophet is a sacred word denoting an Ego immersed in the Holy Spirit.

Good question who was Edgar Cayce; the sleeping prophet whose work it was to allow himself as a vessel for spirit communication.  Although, I have a feeling it is Edgar Cayce's Ego talking.  He is a phenomena and it is easy for us to be blaise and say .. oh I think about this about Cayce and any other great spirit worker when .. these people are the giants and our opinions upon them are drops in the ocean.  It has been said Edgar Cayce is the reincarnation of Ra from ancient Egypt.

So there you go now; I'd appreciate any comments.


Title: Re: What are dreams? And a few other questions...
Post by recoverer on Feb 15th, 2007 at 2:09pm
Perhaps it is possible that at "times" dreams are just a random play of our subconscious mind.

However, however, however, I've been paying close attention to my dreams for the past couple of years, and almost every night, at least once a night,  I receive a dream that comes from my spirit guidance. I've learned a lot about myself and other things through dreams.

Dreams can also help you work out psychological issues. For example, one night I had a dream about a matter that was very hurtful for me. I couldn't remember the details when I woke up, but I felt a good amount of negative energy leave my solar plexus area after I had it.

Quite often I'll ask a question before I go to sleep, and I'll be provided with one or more dreams that provide an answer.

I believe that part of the reason dreams are so symbolic, is because the complexity of the symbology lets you know that an intelligence beyond your everyday intelligence has taken the time to figure out what symbology to use.  Plus, our subconscious mind probably wouldn't bother with symbols.

There is more to symbology than this. I believe that sometimes symbols are used instead of the actual thing, because our mind might not be open to seeing the real thing, or the real thing might be too close to the reality of the situation and cause us to wake up from the dream prematurely.

I've also found that dreams can tell you about things you don't know about, sometimes about events that are going to happen in the future.

I've also had dreams that don't become significant until months after the dream occurred. How could something such as a random fluctuations of one's subconscious mind have such foresight?

I also have waking dreams. I ask a question and get an answer in the form of a short waking dream. It takes no time at all for my spirit guidance to come up with a detailed and clever dream response to my question.

Title: Re: What are dreams? And a few other questions...
Post by Da_Bears_1_fan on Feb 15th, 2007 at 2:47pm
Dreams are simply showing us what the next life will be like. Also, they are used for guidance for you now.

Title: Re: What are dreams? And a few other questions...
Post by Da_Bears_1_fan on Feb 15th, 2007 at 2:49pm

augoeideian wrote on Feb 15th, 2007 at 5:22am:
Hi there tmerc8

Good questions  :)  If I may offer my thoughts as best as I can;

I think the biggest thing with dreaming; are they conscious or are they random unconscious thoughts.  By saying conscious; to be conscious of the unconscious.  And the unconscious expresses itself through symbols.  Whether to say it is a realtime happening is the debate.  The unconscious is our soul.

It is my thought; in developing the Ego one becomes conscious of the unconscious while dreaming.  So instead of random thoughts the Ego is trained to become aware of its own unconscious and the unconscious world (while asleep)

If we look at the science of the spirit (Rudolf Steiner work) in order for the spirit to perceive itself and what is around it, it must bring itself and whatever is in that person's life, bring it up from the inside to the outside.

Therefore if one has a dream about a car travelling fast - the Ego is bringing up the unconscious in a symbol of a car, the car representing the Ego and travelling fast may represent being busy or going towards a goal of achievement, for example.  

So what this is saying - we don't just float around and bump into things which may cross our paths it is saying I create my own world - it comes from me.  However, you are also in my world therefore we are not seperate - I know you and to perceive you I bring you up from within myself.  This may be what the collective consciousness is - we are part of the same substance therefore the law operates within this substance.

Also with this, there is different levels to dreams.  Dreams would either be within our earth realm, that is under the Moon level or the more intense dreams would be beyond the Moon that is the start of the true spiritual realms.  When we sleep we do, in fact, go to our spiritual home every night - this is a phenomena - it is two lives that we live. Our waking life reality and our sleeping life reality.  And here we may look at an inversion of sort.

In this state of being in our second home is very rarely conscious as here we are not using any of our mental faculities in order to perceive us being there - it really is in our deep sleep, almost as if dead.  I believe in exercising our Ego to be in a conscious state while in our deep sleep we may perceive our second home- this is rare though and I would say the art of the ascended Masters (or Madams).

Also, some dreams may be memory recall, some dreams are visions and some dreams come from our senses.  We must always trust our intuition when trying to decipher anything asleep or awake.

Memory recall dreams would be flashbacks into a past life or the last year etc.  When waking one would have a strong feeling that this was an past event.  This is carried by our Ego retaining memory. Here we might say the past, the present and the future are rolled into one and therefore the memory recall relates to the present just as much as it does to the past.

Vision dreams are very strong in their nature and is the awakened Ego perceiving events and itself truthfully i.e. not randomly.  For example; if you need to know an answer one would use the 'twilight' time - that time just before feeling asleep when the un-conscious mind comes to the front and the rational conscious mind slips into a different state. Again the Ego will use symbols to communicate to the rational conscious mind.

Sense dreams happen in the state of being semi awake - that is our spirits are very close to our bodies.  Because our rational mind is in a state of being dormant our senses take over and randomly choose pictures to interpretate our feelings that come from our sub-conscious mind.  These feelings are normally our supressed anxieties, fears or the opposite of happiness or joy.  Therefore if we were anxious about an circumstance our sense will randomly choose pictures that we identify with.  As well if, say, a picture would fall off the wall while we are sleeping our senses would hear it and create a whole dream about this one sound of a picture falling.

Indeed, dreaming is a very complex subject and this is my studies to-date.

I would say prophets are the same as psychics - both using an awakened Ego.  Clairvoyant or Seer is a similar term.
Though, I would say a Prophet is a sacred word denoting an Ego immersed in the Holy Spirit.

Good question who was Edgar Cayce; the sleeping prophet whose work it was to allow himself as a vessel for spirit communication.  Although, I have a feeling it is Edgar Cayce's Ego talking.  He is a phenomena and it is easy for us to be blaise and say .. oh I think about this about Cayce and any other great spirit worker when .. these people are the giants and our opinions upon them are drops in the ocean.  It has been said Edgar Cayce is the reincarnation of Ra from ancient Egypt.

So there you go now; I'd appreciate any comments.


This says it all right here! Nice post !!

Title: Re: What are dreams? And a few other questions...
Post by Cosmic_Ambitions on Feb 15th, 2007 at 3:27pm
A strange oddity with dreams that I have experienced is randomly remembering a past dream that I may have had years ago in great vivid detail for no apparent reason. I have just been sitting there before having experienced what is almost akin to flashbacks of long ago dreams that I hadn't remembered since the day that I had them. It is a truly surreal experience beings the dreams were so faintly remembered when I initially woke up from them and then completely forgotten until years later.

Maybe diamonds aren't the only things that are forever!


Title: Re: What are dreams? And a few other questions...
Post by Da_Bears_1_fan on Feb 15th, 2007 at 8:42pm

Cosmic_Ambitions wrote on Feb 15th, 2007 at 3:27pm:
A strange oddity with dreams that I have experienced is randomly remembering a past dream that I may have had years ago in great vivid detail for no apparent reason. I have just been sitting there before having experienced what is almost akin to flashbacks of long ago dreams that I hadn't remembered since the day that I had them. It is a truly surreal experience beings the dreams were so faintly remembered when I initially woke up from them and then completely forgotten until years later.

Maybe diamonds aren't the only things that are forever!


What the heck does PUL mean??? I know what you are saying though! I get flashbacks of dreams as well! Deja vu creeps me out!

Title: Re: What are dreams? And a few other questions...
Post by Steve_Ed on Feb 15th, 2007 at 9:04pm
PUL is an acronym for Pure Unconditional Love.  It relates to things such as accepting somebody for who they are without prejudice, possitive attitude, self-less acts, etc.  Depending on perspective, one might see it as a very powerful fuel/resource in the afterlife but I am sure it is far more than just some energy that one would put into a fuel tank. [smiley=happy.gif]

Happy Feelings,
Steve Ed.  

Title: Re: What are dreams? And a few other questions...
Post by augoeideian on Feb 16th, 2007 at 7:50am
Creation is so amazing and that question - that question which so many people have debated, written books on, philosophised and pondered- why are we here, and who are we!  I think it's so great - imagine if it was all clear cut straight ok this is it - what would we philosophise over and what would we dream?!

What get's me with dreams is after having a deep one is that feeling of something is different or something happened - it is almost like a connection - although the dream is fill of symbols and hardly makes sense at all it leaves such an impression for days after and trying to remember all of it and like you say CA out of the blue .. a past dream will just flash into the mind stronger than the time of trying to remember the dream. eish.

I like what you said here recoverer

I believe that part of the reason dreams are so symbolic, is because the complexity of the symbology lets you know that an intelligence beyond your everyday intelligence has taken the time to figure out what symbology to use.  Plus, our subconscious mind probably wouldn't bother with symbols.

There is more to symbology than this. I believe that sometimes symbols are used instead of the actual thing, because our mind might not be open to seeing the real thing, or the real thing might be too close to the reality of the situation and cause us to wake up from the dream prematurely.

It must be super-super intelligence and the fact it uses symbology shows us it's a creative intelligence (and a loving one) It's almost as if dreaming .. and life .. is God's creative art which we are a part of.

I agree with you; our subconscious mind probably wouldn't bother with symbols.  This says we need symbols to go through our cognitive mind to communicate with us.  It also says our cognitive mind is a processor and with this most probably isn't needed in the subconscious either.  

And you saying the real thing might be too close to the reality and we wake up prematurely - is very profound, it makes me think of a veil.

Also, like what you said about - waking dreams - that's an art and i think it's has to do with the veil.

The intelligence of foresight in a dream is astounding - it must be time and space.

In honesty my theory is - its already happened therefore it is - to me I feel we travelling backward through the already happened therefore we can have premonitions because they not in the future they in the past.  Kind of travelling back to the point of origin.  Dave's post on time and space makes me think of this.

This also might explain Deja vu .. maybe?  And Da_Beers it's interesting you say dreams are showing us what our next life is going to be .. reckon?  So with my theory it's our next past life .. lol.


Title: Re: What are dreams? And a few other questions...
Post by DocM on Feb 16th, 2007 at 10:49am
I am presently in the process of forming a synthesis for myself on dreams and consciousness.  Ok, its not done yet, but when it is, I will post it on this thread.

My feeling is that life and spirit  are all centered around conscious awareness.  In that sense, waking consciousness and dream consciousness are simply two different states of awareness.  For those who believe that our subconscious is external or separate from what makes us an individual, I must respectfully disagree.  Whe you dream, and when you do remember the dream, the "you" that was there was truly there as an observer/participant.  You feel your personal self experienced it.  Brendan has his "bot" hypotheses - that the subconscious is some mindless drone copy of ourselves that can't escape from its dream symbolism and can't use rational thought or will.  I myself don't see it that way.

I believe that in dreams, we do connect to the universe, and in that arena, one must speak a different language.  This is where symbolism comes in.  Our awareness is flooded with signals and data while dreaming, and in order to make sense of this "non-language" data in our subconscious mind connection, we attach symbols to the data via our own personal interpretor (star trek universal translator).  Sometimes the data comes from thought in the physical world; other times we are getting data from what Jung called the collective unconscious or what I call the all-that-is.  This would include messages and spiritual communications from deceased loved ones.  

Researchers in sleep believe that thoughts need to be processed a certain way to enter into long term memory.  For this reason, it is common to forget dreams upon awakening since they are not physically processed the same as waking thought.  It is interesting that with the statement of intent of to remember dream as one is falling asleep, that waking memory may be altered - to me this is less from a scientific physical basis, and more of a spiritual one.  

Some feel cheated if, instead of visions of the afterlife or dead loved ones, the dream is about a topic from their waking lives during the day.  To me, it is no less important.  Our waking thoughts, or our subconscious thoughts are influenced by events in physical reality as well as from beyond the physical.  

Many here, such as Vicky, are interested and knowledgeable about dream symbology and interpretation.  There are certain universal themes in dreams that Freud/Jung and others picked up on (dreams of houses usually represent the person themselves), and certain archetypal symbols have universal meanings (snakes) when analyzed.  

So, in a nutshell, I believe that dreams are subconscious awareness expressed in symbols.  The topic of dreams, either something from your physical daily life or from a deceased loved one (or other realm), is purely dependent on where your thought is going - what direction, and what has meaning to you.

The exception to all of this may be dreams of deceased loved ones who have passed.  My sister had a dream at age 11 of our grandmother Frances, smiling, looking at her in a loving way and waving goodbye.  The next morning, she told my father, who drove to her apartment, and found her dead in her bed.  This to me is an example of communication, as there was no way my sister could have known in her waking consciousness of her passing.  Our grandmother was not thought to be sick or ill.  It appears that given the right lines of communication, love and circumstances, that some dreams may be direct communications from the afterlife.  However, these dreams, at least for most of us are few and far between.  Unless it is just our "interpretor" getting in the way of interpreting the message.


Title: Re: What are dreams? And a few other questions...
Post by recoverer on Feb 16th, 2007 at 2:59pm
If a person wants to find out what dreams are about, the best thing he or she can do is keep a dream journal by his or her bed, and upon waking up from a dream immediately take notes.

I've found that sometimes I don't remember the contents of a dream when I first wake up, but when I lay there with pen and dream journal ready, a part of the dream will come back to me, and as I continue to write additional parts of the dream come into my memory.

I've found that it isn't necessary to remember everything that took place in a dream. I tend to remember what is significant.

Sometimes I'm too tired to wake up from a dream, and if it is important for me to do so, I'll hear a voice or some other noise that wakes me up so I'll do so. When I hear a voice it will say something that relates to the dream.  

Another comment about symbology. I've found that the symbols always combine to present a message, and there are never items that don't relate to the overall message. A dream will include some ingredients that form the background of the scene in which the dream takes place. Sort of like a stage. These ingredients tend to be the parts that are hard to remember.

When I take notes my guidance will sometimes flash points of white light.  Because of their intensity level and the sense of beauty I feel coming from them, I know that they come from the World of spirit.  Either they'll flash one on my right hand (my writing hand) in order to confirm what I'm thinking while writing a particular portion, or they'll flash one right above my heart chakra to let me know to take this point to heart. They'll also flash them by particular words I have written so I will pay special attention to that part of the dream.

They'll also send me additional thoughts and images as I take notes, in order to add to the dream. For example they'll show me an image of a person who symbolizes something to me. Overtime me and my guidance have worked out a language and know what specific symbols mean. For example, a lion is a symbol for fear, green is a symbol for love (heart chakra color), yellow and orange are symbols for willpower (color of second and third chakras), and one of my cousins is used as a symbol to wake up from an issue that is confusing me.

If I analyze a dream with my eyes closed, my guidance will send me visual messages that elaborate and/or clarify the point I'm thinking about. Sometimes I'll experience a short waking dream that presents the message in another way or adds to it.

Whatever the case, after analyzing probably around 1,000 dreams the past two years, I know that they tend to come from spirit guidance.  

Title: Re: What are dreams? And a few other questions...
Post by recoverer on Feb 16th, 2007 at 3:12pm

Regarding the below, I have similar thoughts.  My feeling is that all of time exists at the same time just as all of space exists at the same time.  If we look at the earth from outer space, we'll find that there is much more to it than what we can see from down below. Despite what people used to believe, the World is round, not flat (there are tribes of people who still believe it is flat). If we look at time from a higher perspective, we'll find that it isn't linear.  

Non-linear time could be an explanation for Deja vu. I've heard of another one. Before we incarnate certain moments of our life are designated as "wake up" moments. When we experience them milestone like memories come to life. Not necessarily at a conscious level.

augoeideian wrote on Feb 16th, 2007 at 7:50am:
The intelligence of foresight in a dream is astounding - it must be time and space.

In honesty my theory is - its already happened therefore it is - to me I feel we travelling backward through the already happened therefore we can have premonitions because they not in the future they in the past.  Kind of travelling back to the point of origin.  Dave's post on time and space makes me think of this.

This also might explain Deja vu .. maybe?  And Da_Beers it's interesting you say dreams are showing us what our next life is going to be .. reckon?  So with my theory it's our next past life .. lol.


Title: Re: What are dreams? And a few other questions...
Post by Da_Bears_1_fan on Feb 16th, 2007 at 9:34pm

augoeideian wrote on Feb 16th, 2007 at 7:50am:
Creation is so amazing and that question - that question which so many people have debated, written books on, philosophised and pondered- why are we here, and who are we!  I think it's so great - imagine if it was all clear cut straight ok this is it - what would we philosophise over and what would we dream?!

What get's me with dreams is after having a deep one is that feeling of something is different or something happened - it is almost like a connection - although the dream is fill of symbols and hardly makes sense at all it leaves such an impression for days after and trying to remember all of it and like you say CA out of the blue .. a past dream will just flash into the mind stronger than the time of trying to remember the dream. eish.

I like what you said here recoverer

I believe that part of the reason dreams are so symbolic, is because the complexity of the symbology lets you know that an intelligence beyond your everyday intelligence has taken the time to figure out what symbology to use.  Plus, our subconscious mind probably wouldn't bother with symbols.

There is more to symbology than this. I believe that sometimes symbols are used instead of the actual thing, because our mind might not be open to seeing the real thing, or the real thing might be too close to the reality of the situation and cause us to wake up from the dream prematurely.

It must be super-super intelligence and the fact it uses symbology shows us it's a creative intelligence (and a loving one) It's almost as if dreaming .. and life .. is God's creative art which we are a part of.

I agree with you; our subconscious mind probably wouldn't bother with symbols.  This says we need symbols to go through our cognitive mind to communicate with us.  It also says our cognitive mind is a processor and with this most probably isn't needed in the subconscious either.  

And you saying the real thing might be too close to the reality and we wake up prematurely - is very profound, it makes me think of a veil.

Also, like what you said about - waking dreams - that's an art and i think it's has to do with the veil.

The intelligence of foresight in a dream is astounding - it must be time and space.

In honesty my theory is - its already happened therefore it is - to me I feel we travelling backward through the already happened therefore we can have premonitions because they not in the future they in the past.  Kind of travelling back to the point of origin.  Dave's post on time and space makes me think of this.

This also might explain Deja vu .. maybe?  And Da_Beers it's interesting you say dreams are showing us what our next life is going to be .. reckon?  So with my theory it's our next past life .. lol.


LOL I hear ya!! :)

Title: Re: What are dreams? And a few other questions...
Post by augoeideian on Feb 19th, 2007 at 11:33am
Da_Bears  :D

Matthew you made a very good point

In that sense, waking consciousness and dream consciousness are simply two different states of awareness.

And symbols are non-language.  That's a good statement.  We should discuss whether we can actually talk in the unconscious realms.  

Unconscious realms = when we not there
Conscious realms = when we are there

And what you say Recoverer we don't live in a linear world; so either in the waking state we process a linear world or we register a non-linear world.

Waking consciousness = linear state with a sense of the non-linear
Dream consciousness = non-linear state with a sense of the linear

Both are states of awareness and possible both may be experienced via versa.   I suppose it's the word sense either it's a sense or it's real. That is it's not sensed through the five senses but the .. yes the sixth sense. maybe?

Title: Re: What are dreams? And a few other questions...
Post by OutOfBodyDude on Feb 19th, 2007 at 2:23pm

Unconscious realms = when we not there
Conscious realms = when we are there

My belief is that unconsciousness does not mean it is not experienced.  It simply means that our normal state of consciousness cannot access the experience.  I also think it means that our base level of consciousness, the one we experience in daily life and the one which allows us to experience and remember dreams and OBEs, is not aware at that certain level of "unconsciousness."  However, this does not mean we were not there having the experience.  We have many subtle energy bodies, yet our base level of consciousness is only capable of having full awareness in just a couple of these bodies.  That does not mean these bodies do not explore in their resonated levels of being, just that we cannot gain the memory of the experience due to our primitive base level of consiousness and its limits in comprehension of nonphysical reality.

Title: Re: What are dreams? And a few other questions...
Post by laffingrain on Feb 20th, 2007 at 5:07am
interesting thread. I've been keeping a dream log about 7 years and definetely going somewhere with it insofar as the symbols of the future, personal only, but sometimes involving friends or retrievals, the symbols are getting more literal and less open to interpretation error. there is an emotional body which has a different movement out there developed over the years. it now glides instead of walking, well, it feels graceful because thats how I feel in my emotions these days. this movement out there my guides told me long ago had to do with C1 "pacing" myself, which would reflect when I go gliding as I've been calling it.
this is the way I become lucid, through realizing I am enjoying the gliding movement.
and then the experience will unfold as it will.

also I have a theory developing. TMI teaches us we have unlimited mind, and C1 is limited mind, this is following up on Dude's thought.

the collective mind, chock full of symbols is where the unlimited aspects of mind reside, where we dream at, what is called mostly unconscious.
my theory involves us "blinking" in and out of consciousness, from one reality to the real time reality. we can blink out while in a dream state and blink back into another scene of the dream and be somewhat conscious, the scenery has changed, but we don't know how we got there. we blinked out.
then we awaken into C1, we are now blinking back into this other dream of physicality.
throughout the day we may try to concentrate on our work, or projects and find we are blinking out again here too into a day dream. we may be driving a car on automatic pilot blinking out. I've trained myself not to do that in a car.

my theory during the ascension process, or call it the shift in consciousness, is that the blinking on and off become of shorter duration until the mind is one stream of awareness and phasing in that case is one of the signs this is happening, the limited versus the unlimited areas merge like a river flowing.
this fairy is what my emotional body "feels" like somewhat when phasing or dreaming or obeing..
I believe the emotional body would be a different body than the mental body awareness: but a picture denotes the movement I was trying to explain:
in any case, we are definetely a lot more than what we express on this physical level of expression..the bliss and freedom of movement, and the magnitude of experiencing ourselves in these inner treks, are quite a fringe benefit to the shift in consciousness.

Title: Re: What are dreams? And a few other questions...
Post by Rondele on Feb 20th, 2007 at 10:50am
Just to add something I remember reading about dreams.....if we only dreamed once or twice a year, we would put far more stock into what they mean.  By dreaming several times per night, we tend to dismiss their importance.

Makes sense to me.

Title: Re: What are dreams? And a few other questions...
Post by laffingrain on Feb 20th, 2007 at 1:16pm
thats right Rondele. I used to keep a journal back in the 80's for while. then some author turned me off from exploring the dream world by saying something I took negatively, so gave up dreaming for many years as of any importance to my well being or growth.

they said dreams were subconscious desires expressing out there only. wishing to be buddhist and not understanding that philosophy wholly, I wished to be without desires. so I dreamed not but sporadically, although its said we dream whether we remember or not, or whether we want to or not. some dreams still impounded with enough force to recall with definite messages in them how to live my life.

later when I got serious again and began writing them down, I figured this author just hadn't gone far enough with it. sure, we have desires which can outpicture, but there's so much more out there than desires. theres retrievals and other floaters and travelers with their own bodies of awareness that you can meet. there's family relatives who wish to get  message through, theres a future road to walk down and see the end result of.

but most people don't put stock into the dream landscape as of worthy of study.
so it has to be a conscious decision to find out about yourself to go this route and it takes courage to face yourself out there because of the belief system crashes you can bring back to C1.  the crashes get easier to face them, replaced by a sense of accomplishment that you understood who you were and why you did what you did, either here or there.

so its a matter of focus..where you wanna look. there is no wrong, there is no right, there is just life in its myriad expressions. its a phenomenal type of journey all in all.

love, alysia

Title: Re: What are dreams? And a few other questions...
Post by Rob Calkins on Feb 21st, 2007 at 12:33pm
Many interesting and helpful observations on this thread.  Traditionally we’re informed that dreams come in something like 90 minute sleep cycles.  However, I suspect that at some level we’re always dreaming – it’s just that our conscious focus is moved away from our dream consciousness.  I can fall instantly into a dream state or wake up and take notes about a dream and then go back to a dream state.  That doesn’t fit with the old dream cycle approach.  I like Alysia’s idea of blinking in and out.  

Also, it seems to me that it’s important to pay attention to the dream landscape.  In some of my dreams I’m just a point of awareness and the dream content doesn’t fit any normal dream symbolism but seems to involve feelings, a sense of energy, motion or action, and sometimes there will be a vaguely seen field of energy.  There’s nothing that comes across like visual images from our waking physical lives.  I suspect the visual images in our dreams (the symbols) may sometimes be our physical consciousness interpreting the nonphysical impressions that touch us in our dream state.

Anyway, a couple more observations that may or may not be helpful.  In any case, dreams are fascinating and they put us in contact with something that goes way beyond the physical.  I hope this thread goes on for a while, everyone’s offered some great thoughts.  Great how we learn from each other.  Thanks all!

Title: Re: What are dreams? And a few other questions...
Post by recoverer on Feb 21st, 2007 at 1:12pm
Does anybody have dreams from years ago that they still remember?

For example, years ago, when I first started to check out the spiritual market place, I attended meditation classes with a teacher from India for a short while. One night I had a dream where I was standing at the end of a plank that was sticking out from the upper level of a high scaffold.  The room was black. I could either jump off of the scafold and hope I could fly, or I could walk back to the scaffold where the teacher was. I chose to jump with the hope I would fly astrally.

After this dream I decided to stop seeing this teacher. It was a good move. His motives weren't pure. He couldn't get his own guru thing going, so he ended up being the translator for a very well known, but phoney guru, who has a history of doing some really negative things. I believe the creator of my dream was looking out for me.

Title: Re: What are dreams? And a few other questions...
Post by laffingrain on Feb 21st, 2007 at 2:07pm
thats interesting self guidance or thru your guides, dream type obe Albert.
I see the black room as a clue what you deducted and later decided was true. the black room was void of light.

yes I remember some early dreaming regarding learning astral travel and the separation of one body from another. the earliest I was 3 or 4 yrs old. I used to wet the bed. one day I was promised I could bake cookies with my foster mom if I didn't wet the bed that night. so I said OK! :D   During the night I "awoke." why am I awake I thought? oh I know, I'm supposed to go to the bathroom now. So all happy this was happening, I went to the bathroom recalling each step upon the floor, turning the knob, and the entire details of being with physical body, everything was as solid as can be.
returned to bed and awoke again; laying in a wet bed! I was vastly confused and upset, as my accomplishment of being a "good" girl had been snatched from me.
the rest of the story...I could not let this happen, I would not be allowed to make cookies in that case, also I didn't want to disappoint this woman I stayed with. for a very long time I rubbed the stain dry until I heard my door open and she said good morning, did u wet the bed? No mam, I said. I got up in the night!  let me see she said. the bed was dry and she thought the stain was from a previous time. she was tired of stripping my sheets, lol!

the funny thing is, after this experience I never wet the bed again.

love, alysia :)

Title: Re: What are dreams? And a few other questions...
Post by recoverer on Feb 21st, 2007 at 3:50pm

Interesting pee dream.  ;D Made me laugh so hard I almost wet myself.

Just kidding, I couldn't resist a pee joke. :o

Perhaps early on you were being reminded of something.

There are a couple of repeating dreams I had as a kid (a few times each).

In one, I was standing in a boxing ring that was made completely out of rope. It was suspended in the air. The dream would end after I fell through a trap door.

In another, I would be smothered by my pillow.

I never figured out what they were about.

Title: Re: What are dreams? And a few other questions...
Post by laffingrain on Feb 21st, 2007 at 4:19pm
Albert, just an idea about falling thru the trap door. when your astral is entering the body from beinig out, a lot of times the brain interprets and brings you a symbol of falling, so looks like your awareness was attempting to record the feeling of recoincidence.
I don't know how to interpret the being in a roped off court.

Title: Re: What are dreams? And a few other questions...
Post by Rob Calkins on Feb 23rd, 2007 at 11:41am
I remember quite a number of dreams from years ago during periods when I was keeping a dream journal.  The remembered dreams were intensely felt but I don't think they were nearly as dramatic or potentially scary as Recoverer jumping of the scaffolding.  I agree you made the right choice.  Don't know if I would have jumped though - kudos for your courage.

Remembering old dreams somehow seems different than ordinary memory.  In part it seems like I am able to reexperience the dream as opposed to pulling up memories of it.

Title: Re: What are dreams? And a few other questions...
Post by blink on Feb 23rd, 2007 at 11:54am
Before my marriage 17 years ago I had a premonition about it. Looking back, the premonition described the entire course of the marriage.  I wrote these sort of dreams down periodically and have been able to review them over the last year.

During the marriage I had repeated dreams of my current partner, an old flame. I even visited him in dreams over the years and saw his ex-wife and accurately described her to him last year.

In my dreams I always wanted to return to this old flame.  I kept wandering over to his place and peeking in--in dreamland. But I never expected to reunite. Never. It was completely shocking when it occurred. And I mean Shocking---like lightning bolts physically travelling through my body. Overwhelming. Scary Overwhelming.

There is so much truth in our dreams.

love, blink

Title: Re: What are dreams? And a few other questions...
Post by laffingrain on Feb 23rd, 2007 at 1:50pm
dear Blink, I could write a tragic and glorious folk song  just based on what you described. I won't probably, but I be understanding kiddo!!!

isn't life amazing how we write our own scripts outside of linear time?

Title: Re: What are dreams? And a few other questions...
Post by tmerc8 on Feb 23rd, 2007 at 2:13pm
Thank you to everyone who has added their input to this thread.  Very interesting ideas!

I have been dreaming about dead relatives and/or friends since I was about 22 years old.  My Aunt had passed away and I started dreaming about her alot.  In my dreams I would know she wasn't physically alive anymore but it didn't seem to freak me out.  Then through the years I came to the conclusion that she had kept visiting me in my dreams because we had never gotten a chance to say goodbye.  I was the only one in our immediate family that didn't go to the hospital to see her before her dying day.  I haven't dreamed about her since I thought she was trying to say goodbye to me in the first place.  

But recently...I had a friend pass away (coincidently the day AFTER my beloved cat Seussy) and I was wondering if she would show up in my dreams.  Well, she finally did.  A few nights ago I dreamt I was at some sort of costume party sitting on a couch.  I looked over to my right and lo and behold!!  There she was!  Sitting and listening to a band plan.  When I reconized her I moved over and apologized for not shedding a tear at her funeral.  (Like I said, my cat had died and I was all out of tears and emotions for that particular day)  So I cried with her and asked her what it was like to die.  Which so happens to be my standard question when talking with a deceased person in my dreams.  They usually answer my question but I can never remember their reply when I wake up.  Anyways, after sitting and chatting for awhile I remember walking down a corridor with her in front and I asked her if she would take care of my cat.  As soon as I asked this question I felt ashamed for some reason.  Like it was such a petty thought.  I felt like apologizing and the next thing I know we are back on the couch and she had turned into a little grey kitten.  Which looked an awful lot like the 5 month old kitten we have now.  I've been searching dream books for meanings but I have been told to be careful what I read.  Each book will represent a symbol in different ways.

Any ideas what would be a 'pretty accurate' book about interpreting dreams?

Much Love,


Title: Re: What are dreams? And a few other questions...
Post by tmerc8 on Feb 23rd, 2007 at 2:28pm
On a sidenote...

Anyone here ever read the book "What Dreams May Come"?  I saw the movie (with Robin Williams) when it first came out and years later a friend of mine suggested reading the book.  Ironically that was the very book that got me thinking about God again.  And ultimatley began me on a journey of discovery and seeking truth.  

I can also remember after watching the movie looking at my girlfriend and exclaiming...Now THAT'S what I hope the afterlife is like!!  

Just wanted to mention this because it was a huge stepping stone in my life.

Much Love,


Title: Re: What are dreams? And a few other questions...
Post by laffingrain on Feb 24th, 2007 at 2:01am
great movie it was!  It seems like with dreams and obes they have to cook in the subconscious awhile before you get your own answers what it means.

thats how it is with me. I write them all down and the answers come later. you can look up on the internet what cat means, but it won't be able to decipher what it means to you.
the kitten represents a replacement for the one that died, right?
so there you have the idea of new life.
also a pet is a part of us, something we love.
in a way, your friend could have seen the kitten as your symbol for new life, and to continue loving what is in your life to love, instead of anguishing over the other cat.
also, if this is a concern, about the spirit cat, if you want you can do a retrieval. this is basically to "imagine" the cat living in the best circumstances, soft pillow to lie on, food abundant, ect. this produces a love field out there for the cat should u be wanting it to greet you once you cross over.
however, you can also bypass the retrieval, and just ask the animal caretakers to attend to the animal. There are these workers, and they are well suited to this task in great affection. my sister is one. these are able to pick up your visions.
love, alysia

Title: Re: What are dreams? And a few other questions...
Post by tmerc8 on Feb 24th, 2007 at 7:27am
I've always said to my wife then when I die whoever greets me better have my cat with them...That's how much I loved him.  No matter how physcotic that sounds...

He meant that much to me....Which brings me to another question....Do animals/pets share past lives with humans?

Title: Re: What are dreams? And a few other questions...
Post by tmerc8 on Feb 24th, 2007 at 7:29am

however, you can also bypass the retrieval, and just ask the animal caretakers to attend to the animal.

How do I do this?

Title: Re: What are dreams? And a few other questions...
Post by laffingrain on Feb 24th, 2007 at 12:56pm
hi T. I don't know that animals retain individuality in that linear sense. possibly. there are some stories of heroic dogs which saved a human's life progressing ahead spiritually above other average dogs. have heard stories about they have a group soul pattern and merge into their group advancing or evoluting that way. maybe theres some truth in both points of view; I just know nothing dies that has lived and can be found out there.
my daughter visits in dreams her cat too. in a way, this particular cat helped to save her life by it's behavior, informed my daughter she had a psychotic boyfriend living with her. first he wanted to kill the cat, later he let on clues how easy it was for him to kill her. me and my other daughter one day moved the man out as swiftly as possible. if the cat hadn't yelled as much as it did, my daughter was blinded by love, and would never have avoided this man; only she loved her cat more. her and the cat have a terrific bond and have reunions from time to time as it did die of old age, it's in the astral now, healthy as can be. I'm sure these bonds are unbreakable, of love and you will rejoin what you love.

I think the past is going on now, so I can't answer your question about animal souls being attached to you life to life but anything is possible. I do know that human spirits would be able to influence an animal briefly, to deliver messages what not.

take care, alysia

Title: Re: What are dreams? And a few other questions...
Post by laffingrain on Feb 24th, 2007 at 1:06pm

tmerc8 wrote on Feb 24th, 2007 at 7:29am:

however, you can also bypass the retrieval, and just ask the animal caretakers to attend to the animal.

How do I do this?

through visualization with emotions, use the happy feeling, works good. desire and love produces the circumstances as creative stuff.  when we ourselves die, we can choose to become guides of the inner planes. the caretakers are those who lived a physical life involved with the well being of animals. all you have to do is ask and release and check your dreams periodically for clues your animal is taken care of. symbols are often used to communicate to you by these helpers.

Title: Re: What are dreams? And a few other questions...
Post by tmerc8 on Feb 24th, 2007 at 3:13pm
Thanks laffingrain!!

You are a kind soul.

Title: Re: What are dreams? And a few other questions...
Post by EliteNYC on Feb 25th, 2007 at 4:11am
Dreams are experiences with your subconscious mind.

Some dreams reflect on what happened yesterday; some deal with opportunities that need to be seized; others are astral travels in other dimensions of life.

Title: Re: What are dreams? And a few other questions...
Post by karmickiss on Feb 27th, 2007 at 8:04pm
Hi everyone! I've been having a great time reading and responding to threads I figure, while on a roll....;)...I absolutely have enjoyed this thread,and think there have been such intellignet, and informative replies..and things I'll put into my little box of spiritual "tools"...speaking of, I too, have thought dreams to be extremely useful,and on so many levels!

Laffingrain, as has happened many times, I've been able to relate to so much you wrote, and specifically the wetting the bed "dream", that felt so real! I did that too! And I confess, it happened twice after that when I was small, and felt just as betrayed of the opportunity of being a "good girl"...I'm so glad you shared that, or I would never have recalled that! I've also kept dream journals on and off, and some I kept up for quite a while, and I still make note of any really powerful dreams...I have one that reoccured in childhood,around bed-wetting days....and I remember it as vividly as if I had it last night...

The dream started out very abruptly with myself, naked, sitting on my hands and knees on a metal table, a bare metal table, that was large enough to sit that way, but would have been too short to lay out flat. Something makes me look to my left, and to my surprise and amazement, there are twelve other metal tables exactly alike in a row to my left side...and stranger, there were 12 other little girls that were identical to me in every way, body, age, and the only difference was I was the only one looking to my side and noticing all the other tables and "selves". After this sinks in, I notice that there are these floating circular flat disk-like objects that would come to float at the other girl's I watched, one by one,the other girls(that were identical to myself) hopped onto the floating disks, to be carried away into some place I couldn't see, and then as one girl got off a table, another girl just like her replaced her, and so I decided to look in front of my table, and sure enough, there was the disk, floating invitingly at my table,the tables and disks were like 3or4 feet off the ground or so,something was making me hesitate, but I finally, hopped onto the disk to be transported into what looked like a dark movie theatre.Then, I was being asked various questions, that always ended with the one ominous question,"Do you want the 'good one', or the 'bad one' ?" By this point in the dream, I'm feeling very nervous, b/c it then hits me I've been here before, and I desperately try saying,"The good one", but it's a question that dosen't care about the answer, b/c on the screen, was a child,a boy, around my age at the time, small, like 5or so...and for some unknown reason,he would start trying to pull out his own tongue, and eventually, it was a very bloody, terrible dream of mutilation , and the "movie" would play in color, and then in black and white...finally, after a long time of trying to get up and out of there, or to"wake", I would, in tears,and frightened to the bone...this dream I had over and over, for a few years, it's why I recall it so well...Usually I have some kind of insight to my dreams,but that one, even though I recall it so clearly, my mind still dosen't really come up with any strong suggestion as to what it really meant to me at the time...but Anyhow....

That is entirely enough out of me! I've also had the future dreams...but one thing about those, I can dream something that will happen the next day to the tiniest detail...but the catch is, it's not about any real significant events...they just seem like random time to sit back and enjoy more of everyone's posts, this is a great thread!...Tanja

Title: Re: What are dreams? And a few other questions...
Post by laffingrain on Feb 27th, 2007 at 9:01pm
hello dear karmickiss,  wow, what a powerful dream. so you were a bedwetter too? they say its from childhood truama. I don't know that I felt that way at that age, but maybe because I always wanted to go to my mother instead of this other house.

so the dream of the children on the disc. the question presented to each child, where an answer was either not expected or maybe the question was one you needed to remember?
like its a duality world, here, that is. and in the dream it is asked to "choose" this or that.
the little boy, is that you too? sometimes all the figures in a dream are us.
he tries to tear out his tongue. what does it mean? he wants to not to have to answer the question? just thinking out loud, I like to work with symbology. its bloody here, for sure a blood and guts world, don't fret over the symbols too much, I've met some powerful dreamers and blood seems to be a potent symbol to work with.
I'd say the little boy is stymied for sure about a world with both good and bad in it.
keep your log handy, this kind of dream is one you should keep handy and get more out of it as you go. love, alysia

Title: Re: What are dreams? And a few other questions...
Post by karmickiss on Feb 28th, 2007 at 11:52am
Hi all! I've been getting so much out of this board again,simply by showing up, I know I say it alot, but despite some inevitble clashing of opinions or personalities(which I think is entirely normal, and even helpful for the opening of other ideas/options....etc..) I'm grateful that it's here, I've gained so much from so many people.

Thanks for your thoughts, Alysia, you are so awesome in the way that you are constantly giving of yourself,your thoughts, and energy to so many posters here, and I'm positive in all places, internet, or off line.You know, I wouldn't have thought too much about digging that dream back up for analysis, if I didn't read this thread...but I think you're right, about keeping it handy...already,some things popped into mind...another way dreams tell us things.

When you mentioned trauma, childhood trauma, it resonated strongly within me, b/c I had never considered the thought the boy was probably another aspect of myself...and in that case....maybe it was my mind attmepting to put things that might have been occuring at that time, out of my mind, and to never "talk" of it.It's interesting, b/c my childhood has several "blank spots" my memory...things are brought up even by friends from childhood, and so many times people are frustrated with how little I recall about being a kid...yet in general, the things I do remember are in vivid detail, or I don't recall at I will keep that dream more available...b/c perhaps it's another clue to the puzzle I'm trying to sort out now.

It really impresses me how powerful dreams can much worthy information can be found from analyzing our derams...and such value in sharing them with others who know something about dream interpretation. I'm also constatnly amazed at how much easier it might be to help someone else interpret a dream...and how hard it might be to interpret my apple on my own head again, is the most difficult to describe...:) It's why I think these forums are a real gift,and open up possibilities that might not have been considered before....Best wishes for all.....Tanja :)

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