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Message started by Aras on Jan 17th, 2007 at 3:58pm

Title: was this obe
Post by Aras on Jan 17th, 2007 at 3:58pm
This morning I woke up and was very tired so I decided to try and go back to sleep. As soon as I did, the buzzing started around my head and it was very strong.. usually In the past I have been scared, but today I wasn't scared and I let it happen. The buzzing was so loud and it seemed the vibration was just immense.All of a sudden it stopped, and I felt the bed underneath me sink, or went away from my body.. and then I was in blackness floating around and could see what looked like bright dots of light all over. I knew at the time that I was lying in bed with my eyes closed, but where I was I was floating around very fast and had my 'eyes' open to see the lights.  Any of you experience this blackness and dots of lights?
=) Aras

Title: Re: was this obe
Post by recoverer on Jan 17th, 2007 at 5:15pm

My belief is that OBE is just one way of experiencing things. I used to have out of body experiences with all the effects. Then I had some without them, I'd go to wherever I went with a slight sensation of movement. I've also found that you can go from one location to another immediately.  Time and space aren't actually real. It has more to do with vibrational rates. That's why your vibration rate increased by your crown and/or third eye chakras right before you experienced yourself at a level beyond your physical body.

Regarding the points of light, this is how things played out for me.

1. I had a couple of OBEs where I flew through space at a fast speed and flew past numerous stars very quickly. When I initially projected I set the intent to visit my disc/soul group.
2. I had an OBE where I flew loops around clusters of stars, and then immediately found myself by a beautiful lagoon of some planet. I also set the intent to visit my soul group/disc at the beginning of this experience. So I figured that this is what I had done.
3. I read Howard Storm's near death experience, and found that at some point he and Jesus went to a place where spirits appeared as stars, points of light.
4. Points 3 and 2 made me realize that this is what took place during the two OBEs spoken about under point 1. This explains why the stars/points of light were clustered so closely together, and why I passed them so quickly.

I didn't stop to speak to any of these spirits. I now understand why. Long story.

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