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Message started by Kyo_Kusanagi on Jan 4th, 2007 at 3:22pm

Title: Hilarion on *True* 'Protection from neg entities'
Post by Kyo_Kusanagi on Jan 4th, 2007 at 3:22pm
I just spent the last couple of hours typing out the article "Hilarion on *True* 'Protection from negative entities'", excerpted from the latest Winter Solstice 2006 Hilarion channeling December 2006, channeled by Jon C Fox.

Thank you Hilarion, and Jon! :)


Hilarion on *True* 'Protection from negative entities'
(Excerpted from the Winter Solstice 2006 Channeling, channeled by Jon C Fox.)

Hilarion : The very idea of creating 'protection' (from 'negative entities') around yourself, generates the *idea* that you 'need protection'. Hence, when you are seeking to protect against, you are opening a way, an avenue, in which you will receive a variation, a shifted energy form, from that very source, that you are trying to protect against.

... ...

Generally for most people, because of their habit patterns, habits extending back across many past lives, they will put their attention on their thoughts, their ideas, their fears, their hopes, their dreams, their plans, and in many ways then, even when it is in the most positive, they are very strongly connecting to, and effecting, their reality.

This constant movement, is that which is producing your reality, shaping it, forming it. The fuel of your emotions, being that which makes it most strong and clear, and those nuances relating to your own personality, drawing to you or rejecting from you, those aspects that have most relevance to your own life.

Therefore, does it not make sense, that you are actually aligning with those energies, those concepts, those ideas, when you move out of the place of  Presence and Oneness, that you are aligning with those concepts and ideas that are most harmonious to what you then, see as most important.

Thus, the whole idea of, psychic protection, is one you might wish to re-examine, and come to a new understanding about; in the sense that, when there is joy, a sense of great light and love, an energy from you, positive, helpful, loving, that *this* is the energy that would go out into the world, into the universe in various ways, and create the sort of scenarios, connections to others, and other aspects of being that you find most desirable, without having to know, precisely, how they would be.

You do not have to be in control of the outcome, to have an awareness of its innate, positive nature. *This* is true psychic protection, in that you are creating a protective, helpful, beneficial, cosmoethical, loving universe.

... ...

(Hilarion continues on this subject later below.)

Qn : Aajonus often talks about how parasites are our friends, and serve as garbage collectors, eating decaying tissue. Is this true of all parasites, or are there also a class of parasites that can eat healthy tissue, and which may not be in our best interests. Similarly, there are many today talking about phenomenon of mind/psychic parasites which feed off our thoughts and emotions. Would there also be two classes of this kind of parasites – those which feed off negative thoughts and emotions, and those which are taking healthy energy away from us, or which are not in our best interests. If this latter category does exist, what can we do about them?

Hilarion : It is a useful tool, by comparison, you can then learn about both (parallels). And that is what makes it so interesting.

What determines whether tissue is healthy or diseased? This is not as easy to know as you might think. What determines whether the mind parasites or entities, are working off of negative, or positive? What determines whether your thoughts are negative, or positive?

Many times, this is a more difficult issue, to understand, then you think. You’ve made assumptions about it. But in point of fact, the whole idea of a parasite, is in and of itself, incorrect. These are beings, they interact in the world. They survive and they exist.

They have their own way, of working with different types of energies. All beings, physical and non-physical, tend to specialize and work with various kinds of energy. And, so do you.

And so, if there is an overlapping of those areas of speciality, you might say, that is a healthy relationship, or positive thoughts. And if those other beings, are then choosing to compete with you, for those energies, you would call them parasites.

But what is a parasite? As opposed to just another, independent or sentient being? By the very definition, you are saying that they are somehow, taking away. Now in the physical world, you have the specific names of the different creatures. Each of these, as living organisms, much simpler than a human being, in that they have fewer cells, sometimes being a single cell, sometimes being just a few cells, and that these have fairly specialized and simple functions.

They are then here, to come into existence, to learn about live. Just as you began doing, many many eons ago. So in this sense, to call them a parasite, to say that they are somehow taking away from you, is in and of itself, an intriguing notion, that should certainly be reexamined.

But at its core, then the answer to this question, is that it really depends on how you define these activities, of healthy versus diseased, or, of positive versus negative. And this is not simply a matter of nomenclature or definition, because it is important to recognize, that the beings that you are working with around this, have contribution.

They have something to teach you. Lessons to be learned in existence. And understanding of consciousness, an awareness of beingness. It is unique to their own form, and that which is different from your form. But this does not, in and of itself, make it that which is somehow ‘bad’.

You may find that a microscopic examination of them, tells you something, that you have revulsion for, or you do not like, or you find such unappealing. Or similarly by looking with psychic vision, at various entities that you find ‘dark’ or difficult.

But when you hold up the rejection or fear to these, when you do not understand them, is where you end up getting into trouble. But when you understand the energy, when you raise the energy (within yourself that relates to that other being), when you make *yourself* (ie. self-responsibility) that much more healthy, more positive, more understanding, more clear, more loving, more powerful; these energies themselves have their own natural ability to transform, to raise the vibration, of the negative entities, or of the physical parasites, and shift them, into ways that, they (and/or their relationship to you) no longer exist as they had before.

That is the essential quality or principle, that *must* be understood, in working with any of the Vonderplanitz methods, in developing healthy tissue, or various abilities to raise your vibration, as for instance might be suggested by such beings as Dr Bruce Goldberg, or Robert Bruce, or Waldo Vieira.

In understanding and working with the different principles though, you will see that it is useful to compare these (parallels) and learn from them as a result. On your planet at the current time, there are many difficulties with certain parasites or viruses, that are beginning to take precedence over the others. Those that are able to work very consciously, with other beings, such as (the protozoan that causes) malaria, working with mosquitoes, are becoming a bigger and bigger problem.

The reason for this is that the techniques that have been utilized, in the past, to neutralize them, by various drugs, and so on, and stop these parasites from the harm they do to humans, are becoming less and less effective, as they have gradually adapted.

And in a similar way, the consciousness of various entities, that draw thoughtforms from human beings in a parasitical way for their own health, for their own strength, are becoming more widespread on planet Earth, as people are coming to more deeply understand the inter-relationships between the vibrations. So then, is this problem solved.

As people are better able to understand the true nature of health and disease, so then, is this solved. As the body becomes stronger, clearer and more powerful, as its own aspect of helpful circulation, generally beneficial hormones, various helpful naturally mosquito-repelling smells, occur on its surface; the likelihood of a bite, by a malaria borne mosquito, is then far reduced.

Additionally, by the bite, the malaria has less to infect, less to work with, less to drain from, because the strength and the high (raw healthy) fat content, of the healthier tissues, is not that which it thrives upon. Rather, seeking carbohydrates, and various substances that are necessary for its own survival.

Similarly, when the thoughtforms that are available as that which you release are those that are not so desirable to a (intrusive) non-physical entity, it will move on, find another host, someone else to work with. So (comparing the parallels) it is indeed a good analogy.

However, one cannot state with greater clarity there is just this or that one type. Because given the conditions, the environment of the body, the environment of the consciousness, one would then see that any, of the various entities, energies, beings, bacteria, parasites, viruses, or whatever, have their place. And would find a suitable vibrational match, or would not.

And that this will depend on many factors that must be understood as much more than just black or white. But when there is, an attunement, to a parasite, or a negative entity, look for the energy, the lesson, the message, that which is a resonance in you.

We began speaking about this a bit, when we spoke about the ways in which, such resonances can occur. You can then look at them more deeply, and understand for yourself, that because you are in a physical body, the energy that *you* (choose to) manifest at the non-physical level, the energy of calling, to entities, creating of fear, working with the energies of love, that these non-physical attributes, that you are very clear about, as a very important part of your own life, are *much* more powerful, then those that are emanated or worked with, by non-physical beings.

This is the most difficult part for people to accept and understand for themselves. It is as if, they are unable to grasp, the Law of Manifestation. But in coming into the world here to manifest, in coming into your own understanding of your own consciousness and your own being; such awareness of this, can change your life (and soul) for the good. Thus when you attune to, for instance, the fear of a negative entity (or intrusion/attachment), you are welcoming the consciousness of that battle (or intrusion/attachment). Conversely, when you raise your vibration to the place that you choose to be a being of pure light, that your pupose be to love and strengthen ALL beings (ie. to love cosmoethically and universally), such an energy will enable no hold, no resonance or reflection back to you, from any of these negative entities.

This is the *true* nature of protection, when you understand it and work with it, in that you are creating a protective, helpful, beneficial, cosmoethical, loving universe.

(Winter Solstice 2006 Hilarion Channeling, channeled by Jon C Fox)

Title: Re: Hilarion on *True* 'Protection from neg entiti
Post by laffingrain on Jan 4th, 2007 at 11:23pm
thanks Kyo. that was the right timing to give us that. :)  there was a minister used to channel Hilarion, his name was Rev.Bernard or Barnard. was wondering if you came across this name in your catalog of Hilarion teachings?

no big deal. just wondered if Barnard published anything. I knew him personally and respected him.


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