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Message started by Chumley on Dec 31st, 2006 at 9:52pm

Title: O.K., Saddam is history. When BUSH crosses over...
Post by Chumley on Dec 31st, 2006 at 9:52pm
Justice will demand, that he finds himself locked in a dark
s**thouse with a bowie knife in his hand... and a five foot chain
fastened to the wrist of his other hand...
And in there with him, fastened by the wrist on the OTHER
end of the chain... with a bowie knife in HIS hand...
It's his old buddy, Saddam!
Poetic justice, anyone???

Happy New Year(?),


Title: Re: O.K., Saddam is history. When BUSH crosses ove
Post by dave_a_mbs on Jan 1st, 2007 at 12:24am
Alas, a little charity is called for here, B-Man.

Mr Bush is a sincere, almost fanatically "good person", rather like Torquemada and Savranorola (sp) who ran the Inquisition to get rid of the Bad Guys. He is destined to be 100% aware of what he is doing.

After several hundred hours of past life regressions I've noticed that the deeply sincere souls often try to solve problems by force. Then, as they mature they realize that slapping the waves does not make the pond any smoother. Then they start looking for ways to be helpful. Finally they reincarnate as little people of no specific importance, like you and me.

We might not like his methods, but by the rules of karmic entabglements he is dealing primarily with those who are in a position to need that kind of interaction,  whether to work out their own karma, or just to learn. So what we are seeing is the educational activities of the world at work. We are not required to join in, nor anything else. On the other hand, it is unlikely that we'll get rid of this kind of thing for some time to come, as we have to have somewhere for young immature souls to practice growing up.

Now as for feeling guilty because I voted Republican, that's another matter.


Title: Re: O.K., Saddam is history. When BUSH crosses ove
Post by Chumley on Jan 1st, 2007 at 7:34am
Bush has a penchant for KILLING people, Dave.
-Remember Karla Faye Tucker?
Bush, in a high comic falsetto: "PLEEEEESE don't kill me..."
-Bush, who set a new record for death warrants signed during
his term as governor of Texas...
-Bush, who pumped his fist in satisfaction as the war on Iraq
I could go on here.
Bush DOESN'T mean well, Dave. (Unless you think that getting
your rocks off on vicarious murder can be part and parcel of "doing
good deeds", that is...)


Title: Re: O.K., Saddam is history. When BUSH crosses ove
Post by Never say die on Jan 1st, 2007 at 9:05am
Wow I agree with Chumley  :o

Should Bush when he dies and crosses over be held accountable for the some 3,000 young American soldiers that have lost their lives in Iraq for a war that was started under false pretenses of the so called WOMD? Not to mention the innocent Iraqi civilians. I would think so  ::)

Title: Re: O.K., Saddam is history. When BUSH crosses ove
Post by Boris on Jan 1st, 2007 at 2:06pm
If it had not been for Bush, Saddam would have aquired nuclear bombs, and would be using them as threats, or maybe even using them. He was certainly trying to get them.
His record of mass destruction is proven by the mass graves, over 100,000. This would have continued if he had remained in power.

I find I can not be polite about the brainlessness of liberals.
Just absolutely no brains at all.

However, I think Dave's discussion of the course of development through reincarnation is very interesting and on topic for this forum.

Title: Re: O.K., Saddam is history. When BUSH crosses ove
Post by Grant M on Jan 1st, 2007 at 5:06pm

The Republicans of the 1980's rarely spoke against Saddam Hussein.

Saddam has been quoted as saying "I liked Ronald Reagan, he sold us planes and helicopters"

and Donald Rumsfeld shook Saddam's hand and sold him weaponry in the 1980's.

They have helped him in the past while turning a blind eye to his murderous transgressions.

If Saddam continued to play to the American's tune he would still be alive and in power today.


Title: Re: O.K., Saddam is history. When BUSH crosses ove
Post by Boris on Jan 1st, 2007 at 5:44pm
Yes, the US made huge mistakes with him. But that was before his attack on Kuwait. It was only then that they began to know what he was.

The US made the same mistake with the Taliban. They helped the Taliban fight Russia, smuggling arms in thru Pakistan. But that all changed with 911.

This is off topic, and maybe someone can suggest a  forum on
a different web site.

It is on topic in the sense this is a religious war we are in.
But Bruce is not into war, he is into love.

Title: Re: O.K., Saddam is history. When BUSH crosses ove
Post by Grant M on Jan 1st, 2007 at 6:13pm
But Bruce is not into war, he is into love.

Well said Boris



Title: Re: O.K., Saddam is history. When BUSH crosses ove
Post by augoeideian on Jan 8th, 2007 at 5:34am
Saddam Hussein’s beheading was quite an ending to 2006.  I’d like to share an article written by a brilliant astrologer here in SA.  It makes me ponder destiny and fate.

Death Star Rising

The execution of Saddam Hussein during the holy days of Eid dominated the end of 2006.  The death of a political tyrant, whom many described as a monster, marked a decisive point in the history of Iraq.

Looking back into the mythology of this ancient region of Chaldea; Babylon, the legendary city of this region, was protected by Merodach, a deity known as the glory of the Sun, Lord of birth and of Babylon.  The key image in the legend is of Merodach slaying a dragon-shaped demon.

This powerful legend is clearly linked to the story of the hero Persus, slaying the snake-haired demon, Medusa.  Many mythologies have a version of this myth right up to St George slaying the dragon.  It is a powerful image of traditional spirituality, echoed in astrology by the bright star Algol, which means ‘the head of the demon’, and was called Ras-al-Ghul by Arabian astrologers.  The Chinese equivalent is the star Tseih She, signifying death and destruction.

The Fixed Star Algol is situated at 26 degrees Taurus and is considered the most evil of the Fixed Stars and is associated with violence and panic.  It is about people losing their heads, whether in panic and confusion, or by fatal physical injury to the head and neck.

On November 5 2006, when the sentence of death by hanging was passed on Saddam Hussein, the Moon was in Taurus, the sign associated with the Middle East.  Taurus is also the Sun sign of Saddam Hussein, born April 28 1937.  As news of the sentence was received, the Taurus Moon was conjunct Algol.

At the time of Saddam’s execution on the gallows, at dawn on December 30 2006, the Fixed Star in the constellation of the Diadem, the crown, was overhead, a symbol of power gained or lost.

Venus, the ruler of Saddam’s Sun sign Taurus, had moved from its birth position in his chart to his 69th year – a meeting with the fatal Fixed Star, Algol.  That is a striking event in itself but it is made more interesting by the historical astrology.  The ancient city of Baghdad was refounded on July 31, in the year 762 AD.  Progressing that birth chart for the city of Baghdad over 1244 years to the present time, we find Taurus at 27 degrees, rising in the East, the place of Algol.

All the themes converge:  the righteous man slaying the monster; the fatal injury to the head and neck, and the fact that the violence in Iraq is threatening to break out of control.  It’s a startling convergence, but it is not the whole picture.  Add the fact that George Bush also has Venus at Taurus 28 degrees.

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