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Message started by OutOfBodyDude on Dec 24th, 2006 at 7:29pm

Title: Great Example-ETs Aiding Humans Shift Consiousness
Post by OutOfBodyDude on Dec 24th, 2006 at 7:29pm
Whitley Strieber is a writer who has been abducted by aliens his whole life, and basically started a relationship with the aliens.  After seeing the movie based on his most popular book Communion, I read his book Transformation: The Breakthrough.  In Communion, he realises somthing out of this world is happening to him, and learns about his abductions by hypnosis.  He is unsure about why they chose him, what they want, who they are, ect... he knows nothing. But in Transformation, he begins to explore, he starts a relationship with the aliens, trying to figure out his unanswered questions.  What he learns from them is remarkable.  The aliens are abducting him to teach him things.  He is taught not to fear death, they teach him about leaving his body and exploring other realms, they teach him that there is life after death, they teach him the importance of being healthy, they teach him how to appriciate the world and feel love for everything and everyone, how to look at things from a different perspective.  I find it amazing that he is being taught by these aliens all of the things that I have been learning lately in my life.  It seems like these aliens really do want to help mankind, like the letter from the "alien" from my previous post.  Perhaps all people who are abducted by aliens, if they can learn to get past their fear, can learn these important things as well.  Some of us can obviously learn these things on our own.  But some obviously cannot.  Maybe these aliens have a greater agenda for us.  

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