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Message started by OutOfBodyDude on Nov 26th, 2006 at 3:35pm

Title: Dream of Iraq War became lucid
Post by OutOfBodyDude on Nov 26th, 2006 at 3:35pm
I had a dream last night that I was in the Army. We were in a battle. I just assume it was against Iraq.  the battle field was so weird. It was a nice little valley with green grass all around, and a huge building was separating us from the other army. We were launching huuge missiles over the building. But there were enemy troops on our side too, in this crawl space type thing. And there were troops on my side who had allied with the enemy in this crawl space, so I had to be careful not to get killed by one of them. Eventually I was the only troop on my side left, so I ran without a weapon into a backyard and hid in an enclosed outdoor shower. But they found me! So I grabbed a knife from one of the two enemies and stabbed them both and hid again. But this time all the troops found me, so I ran down this allie. I knew I had to escape, and somehow I realized I could shoot a web like spiderman, so I shot my web and flew up to a building. Then I realized if i could do that, I could fly, and the dream became lucid. So I was flying from tree to tree, and I realized I should just have an OBE. So I immediately was back in my body getting vibrations. But it seemed like I didnt have any energy left, I just got done sleeping like 10 hours, and I was only out of my body for like 2 seconds and it was over.  
I do remember one part of the dream that seemed like a test tho... I was taking a piss in this guys allie and he saw me. It was actually George Kastansa's dad from seinfeld. He seemed like he wanted to hurt me or chase me at least,and usually I would run. But I had courage this time, because I remembered that some of my dreams were actually tests, so I was brave and he came at me, so I started pissing on him and he ran away. Then I ran at this lady and starting pissing on her too, for what reason I do not know. But I have dreams where Im chased quite often, and Im probably never going to run again.

Title: Re: Dream of Iraq War became lucid
Post by betson on Nov 26th, 2006 at 7:12pm
Not running---good.
Pissing on people---not so much.
Dude, when I offered you that very short list of how to deal with dream/spirit terrors, that was not just chatting. I spend several hours a day reading these boards and Bruce's books, and that list was a compilation of *all* I could remember I'd read.
Maybe someone else will offer an opinion on whether it's a step in the right direction. I'd allow it's a shuffle.  ::)

Title: Re: Dream of Iraq War became lucid
Post by OutOfBodyDude on Nov 26th, 2006 at 11:07pm
So you think that rather than shewing away the things that are meant to scare me, i should instead sit down and have a chat with them? confront them and show them love? At the time it seemed that peeing on him was the right thing to do, I was doing it already anyway and he shouldnt have bothered me while I was doing it!

Title: Re: Dream of Iraq War became lucid
Post by Rob Calkins on Nov 29th, 2006 at 6:42pm
Hi again OOB Dude.  I just took a look at this forum and saw your dream post.  It seems this was a couple days before the soldier/warrior image that you wrote about in your online journal.  The two experiences are obviously related.  From a dream analysis perspective, both the battle and, yes, the urinating would seem to indicate that your dream is incorporating material from what Jung calls the collective unconscious.  Our conscious minds and egos often resist material coming up from the unconscious.  That resistance is reflected in the battle symbolism of your dream.  As to the urinating, well, it’s similar to unclogging your plumbing so that there is more openness to the unconscious material that’s trying to come into your subconscious and conscious mind.  Remember dream symbolism is not literal.  

You also mention being chased in dreams.  That also indicates something from your unconscious is making itself known and that your waking mind or ego isn’t comfortable with it.  I think in dream analysis it’s called a shadow and it’s common for us to be chased by our shadows.  The battle and the urinating suggest that you confronted whatever it was coming from the unconscious.  That is a positive thing even though the dream has it’s frightening aspects.  In analytical psychology (Jung) this suggests the process by which we expand our consciousness and integrate elements that are unconscious and become psychologically more “whole”.

Myself, I like dream analysis and Jung.  He offers a structure for understanding dreams.  I’d say your dream was positive because your actions in the dream show you dealing with the unconscious material and as you indicate you’re not going to run again.  BTW Betson’s idea of chatting and offering love sounds good to me but in some dreams it’s kind of hard to work things out that way.

Laffingrain mentioned the book The Peaceful Warrior.  Another book that might be worth looking at is King Warrior Magician Lover: Rediscovering the Archetypes of the Mature Masculine – I wouldn’t buy it but if your library has it, it might be worth a peek (it’s written from a psychological perspective).  Laffingrain’s thoughts on the warrior image are good ones and summarize to some extent what you’re going through right now.  You are certainly going through unknown territory and I find your journal very helpful – cause I’m kind of tagging along. - Rob

Title: Re: Dream of Iraq War became lucid
Post by OutOfBodyDude on Jul 13th, 2009 at 2:19am
I came across this old post and couldn't stop laughing.

so I was brave and he came at me, so I started pissing on him and he ran away. Then I ran at this lady and starting pissing on her too, for what reason I do not know.


Title: Re: Dream of Iraq War became lucid
Post by hawkeye on Jul 13th, 2009 at 5:38pm
Perhaps you were just "pissed Off" at them for tring to kill you. For me, I am always cautious when I urinate during a dream. I remember when I was just a kid and dreamt about doing just that. Well I peed the bed. That was the last time I did it. Ever since I have had the good fortune to wake up.

Title: Re: Dream of Iraq War became lucid
Post by Rebecca on Jul 15th, 2009 at 8:20pm
I always turn and face my attackers (whether it's people, animals, or oddly enough, tornadoes) and yell, "WHAT DO YOU REPRESENT?"  Every single time, it mists away into something else...usually strange shapes and symbols.  I haven't a clue what it means, but it stops the chase and fear.

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