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Forums >> Afterlife Knowledge >> what do genetics have to do with past lives?

Message started by betson on Sep 23rd, 2006 at 10:12am

Title: what do genetics have to do with past lives?
Post by betson on Sep 23rd, 2006 at 10:12am
Alysia brought up this topic under another thread, and I've always wondered about it too.
Can we expect Disk members to show up in both our earth families and our other existances?
Is DNA a way of organizing the big soup?
Has anyone ever asked their HS or guides about this?
I think we may have talked about this previously but the answers and thoughts didn't stick with me, maybe because i couldn't accept it at that time.  Could we please talk about it again?
Thank you, bets

Title: Re: what do genetics have to do with pa
Post by dave_a_mbs on Sep 23rd, 2006 at 1:49pm
Hi Betson-
This is a popular question for scientists. People often die in eg. China or India and are reborn here in far too little time for their DNA to physically traverse the distance between death and rebirth.

What seems to actually be involved is the "energy pattern", which is mostly a matter of potentials and tendencies, literally potential energy captured in information structures, through which the nature of the actor tends toward this or that nature. The potential energies then shape the probabilities for rebirth and when the correlation gives a greater probability of physical presence, as opposed to reduction of spiritual potentialities, the psyche identifies with extended matter and gets born again. Thus, we can carry any attachments forward as part of our "definition", but we seem to select DNA according to whatever fits our nature adequately (although not always well) and then take on the rest of the body as it "crystallizes" in the field of potential energies. - However, this is only a personal opinion based on my own clinical work. There are probably better explanations.


Title: Re: what do genetics have to do with pa
Post by Antwnhs on Sep 23rd, 2006 at 7:16pm
actually of the DNA only 2% of it has known functions to us...98% we humans with our superior mind call it Junk DNA simply because we don't know what is its purpose...we presume it doesn't do anything....but everything has its function especially when we talk about our genetic material....I strongly believe that what we call junk DNA includes properties such  as our personality, fears, past life memories perhaps..everything is in our DNA....

Title: Re: what do genetics have to do with pa
Post by spooky2 on Sep 24th, 2006 at 10:45pm
Antwnhs, I agree that it's silly to talk of "junk DNA". Would be better to call it simply what it is, DNA we just don't know what it does.
I disagree with "everything is in our DNA" in case you mean it like the saying "it's all in the brain". "DNA" and "brain" are terms which point to certain, materialistic-physicalistic defined things. DNA according to the common definition is a sequence of bases, brain is a grey mass of many cells with lots of connections and activity in it- in short, of course. You don't find consciousness in it, as much as you look for it there.
I just want to put forth the awareness of a category-failure which is so often made nowadays where we have such fantastic technical means, but unfortunately basic philosophical thinking is forgotten in that enthusiastic materialistic research.


Title: Re: what do genetics have to do with pa
Post by dave_a_mbs on Sep 25th, 2006 at 4:04pm
My personal tendency to discount DNA comes from two causes.

(1) If I die in China today and am reborn tomorrow in Ohio, my DNA has had insufficient time to transit the globe to make physical contact by which to transmit my nature. The argument that we are carried forward by purely physical means, transmitted in chemistry, doesn't work.

(2) I don't believe in a material world. Like many physicists, such as the late John Archibald Wheeler, I view reality as an information structure that just happens to have certain tendencies by which the interaction of subsets can be characterized, and which we interpret as extended material objects. In this model, DNA is a long logical statement that leads to formation of many similar statements (RNA) and so on, until eventually it all adds up to a definition of you and me.

This is rather similar to the idea that everything is "Mind", except that as we look backwards into the nature of "Mind" we find that it coincides with the notion of "God". Thus, I tend toward the old Hindu rishis whose take on reality is that we are all "dream images, flitting through the mind of God".


Title: Re: what do genetics have to do with pa
Post by augoeideian on Sep 26th, 2006 at 4:03am

I do think our Blood is the carrier of our DNA and our blood family is our chain.  Our Etheric blood highly spiritualised in order carry on the chain.

I agree the term 'junk dna' is not the correct term, at the very least its a bit degrading.
The two strands of the dna is interesting; the second being a exact duplicate of the first almost a 'back-up' copy.

my two pennies worth lol

Title: Re: what do genetics have to do with pa
Post by Never say die on Sep 27th, 2006 at 9:11am
We're talking DNA are we?  ;)

Dr John Jay Harper really inspires me with his research of DNA. He basically says that we are interconnected through DNA.
DNA is a liquid crystal that is immortal. DNA is alot more than just what makes up the physical body.

Also there is alot about DNA on this page, referring to Earth Changes and 2012.

I'm impressed with this knowledge / theories but what do you think?

Title: Re: what do genetics have to do with pa
Post by betson on Sep 27th, 2006 at 10:28am
Never Say Die,
You might want to start Dr. Harper his own thread here. He's got alot of interesting material, it appears. His site appears new and should get even more interesting when he gets some comments going.
Thank you for pointing out his site.
I see alot of people here transforming, just as Dr. Harper cites. I don't know if their personal reasons for spiritually developing include preparing for 2012, but they could.
Regarding the DNA exiting thru the pineal --that was personally extremely important to me as I've had some trouble with that area and will now concentrate more on healing that area.
Re: the completion of the 5,125-year cycle in 2012 on 12/21 at 11:11---- what happened 5,125 years ago?  Adam and Eve?  Noah? Don or NewKnight or anyone, could you help us with that?
If we look at the beginning of our current cycle and time previous to it, perhaps we could gauge how much change will be imposed at the end of it.
Thanks for bringing it to this site.

Title: Re: what do genetics have to do with pa
Post by augoeideian on Sep 27th, 2006 at 10:40am
I have read the site and the links.  From the information written here I am sadly horrified at the propaganda that it puts forward.  From the information supplied there is balant mistakes and mis-information about our Creation.  I see now where some peoples head space is - woe!

This, to me, is exactly as written in the Osirian Scripts (how dare they profane these names, how dare they profane the Knights Templar) and notice not once is the name of Jesus Christ written (but saying this they will just slot it in)

Osirian Scripts:  In these subterranean passages were Satanku (this site and links balantly claims they come from Satan) and his astral entities of evil able to manifest to the uninitiated population, and by seeming miracles were they able to poison their minds (medicine/drugs advertised on the site) so that they forsook the true teachings of my father's teachers and followed after Satanaku, who promised them all sorts of rewards in return for the trust and obedience they placed in him.  It was in these temples of black magic that Satanaku first ordered human sacrifice (DNA operations)

Lots more I can write against what is written in this site.

This is extremely heavy stuff people - all I can say is, i have point my opinion across in no uncertain terms, please be careful - things that seem to glitter like gold turns out to be false.  This closer than just a website although it is only as close as we let it be.

I have had enough evidence of some people here who write about aliens and further insight to a name that has been mentioned here by a alien believer, as well as the regarding to Christ - to know I am speaking the truth.  I will not back down on this.

To the Master Teachers of Earth

This book (the Osirian Scripts) is dedicated to the Adamic Master Teachers incarnating through the co-Adamic race upon Earth, that they may from age to age remember their oath to God that they shall from time to time return upon Earth together with their co-Adamic and Gentile brethen, keeping alive the flame of the True Divine Knowledge and teaching the customs and laws laid down by the Father King Initiate, Adam-Ptah-El Dauod.

"The Latter Days" are come, the days of the co-Adamics and Gentile divine sparks, when they must choose between light and darkness, God and anti-God.

For a season more the Sons of God shall tarry upon the Earth, hear ye them when they speak wisdom of the Spirit else will they be taken from you in the days of chaos and confusion that will come.


Aye, and in those days there will be great wonders and signs and false prophets and people will say look here and look there - BELIEVE THEM NOT.  As Jesus Christ told us.


(I apologise to the members of the gentler senses if i have alarmed them with my outrage)

augoeideian - the Risen Body of Christ - a name I aspire to.

Title: Re: what do genetics have to do with pa
Post by betson on Sep 27th, 2006 at 7:47pm
Hi Caryn,
There've always been a variety of beliefs represented on the board here. I'm surprised that you feel outrage at this thread of exploration. To me Harper's take on the Mayan calendar is just another explanation of the physical measurable hints we get pointing us to higher truths.  :-? What am I missing?
I googled the Mayan calendar and ran across an artist who, when he started working with the calendar's symbols, tuned in to a flow of communications that more fully explained the information encoded there. A similiar situation happened to me while chanting. Have you also received more information through Osirian or Steiner's channels than what you were reading in published words?  You certainly sound more authoritative than the Caryn who used to gently guide rambunctious S and others.  :)
We all hope to grow here. It seems that DNA is still a mystery, for example and to get back on topic, that leaves many clues that can help us do so.

Title: Re: what do genetics have to do with pa
Post by spooky2 on Sep 27th, 2006 at 8:02pm
I've heard the DNA is receiving, processing and permitting informations through a very weak but coherent light-field. This is based on research by Fritz A. Popp (hope the spelling is right), his field of work is living systems and their interaction and/or dependance on light, especially ultra low intensive coherent light, called "biophotons".


Title: Re: what do genetics have to do with pa
Post by augoeideian on Sep 28th, 2006 at 3:25am
Hi Betson, Spooky and all

Bets I am just a person who lives in SA but I cannot deny my sense of injustice towards God and mankind when I read this misleading material.  It is shocking.  To advertise the 'upgrading' of a person's DNA, through medicine into alien valley operations and pretending to offer all these wonders of higher powers, even change the way a person looks - smacks of anti-God.

On top of it the further mis-information about Adam and Eve and the very history of our dear World told by them is a cold calculated lie.  

And what I see here is exactly what happened in Atlantis - we are going back to the point of our world karma with trash like this.  So, its the same thing playing out again - we haven't moved infact the background is different that is all it seems.  It is each of our responsibility to change this.

In that day, when Adam and Eve where visiting other spheres of gross matter,  Satanku who was viceroy leader with Yevah desired to speed up the process of evolution.  They collaborated together to create material bodies.  The result was that Satanku's imperfect knowledge of creation caused the most terrible bodies to be produced, and even the evolving divine sparks refused to have anything to do with the monstrosities created.  Satanku, in his subtlety had caused an electric envelope to materialise round the world in order that communication with the other spheres should be cut off and his deeds go for a space unrecognised.

His plan was successful in part, except that he had ruled out the power of the Godhead.  Who had seen his misuse of the power of free-will and warned El Daoud and his twin spouse eternal to return to the earth plane.  The sight which awaited the Father-King was terrible to behold.  El Daoud commanded Yevah and Satanku to destroy utterly all those vile productions and commanded Yevah and Satanku to be bound in the astral region of the earth until that day that is to come.
Only Yevah was conscious of his fault and deeply regretted his folly.

Does this 'promise' of higher powers not sound the same as this?
The anti-forces do not care one jot for the sufferings of mankind.

So, I say these things to you all as a warning of the folly of messing around with God's creation.  Each soul is precious - look after yours, guard it with all your life and be on the look out for these things that prey on vunerable souls.  Be strong and allow Christ into your life, it was for this reason he was sent to us.  Nothing is greater than his love or power.

The 'latter' days is the shift of ascension from the Sun Being in Pisces to the Sun Being in Aquarius - and with it will come fountains of learning and love, aye with hard times too but this is how it has been and this is how it always will be until that day.  Unless the wrath of God intervenes before then.

Be awake and aware of the trickey; the rest is for you to decide.


Title: Re: what do genetics have to do with pa
Post by augoeideian on Sep 28th, 2006 at 7:32am
Im sorry to go on about this - but I find this www2012 website to be over-the-top.  What must the US government think - I can only wonder.  You know, I firmly believe the US government is Divinely guided by God.

Copied from the title Mother Ships around from the website

You are under arrest under international jurisdiction for this reason. Now those of you, who do not stand down, within the next 36 hours from the time this notice is placed at AbundantHope, will not only be arrested, you will not receive justice in the universal court system of Nebadon. You will be given your hasty trial, and the only choice you face is uncreation, in these circumstances.  This is by order of Ashtar, of the intergalactic Federation of Light, this order comes through the Galactic hierarchy of Orvonton (see Urantia book), from those that have a higher jurisdiction in this arena than does Christ Michael. I myself, am also an American, in addition to my ranking with Ashtar Command. I will not further identify myself at this time, but you will know that identity publicly when appropriate to do so. I AM  Admiral Jhonka, of the Ashtar Command

Ashtar = Fallen angel and grand duke of hell.

People are being used to channel this stuff.  Either its a bunch of bored teenagers who have created this or it is being chanelled from the astral regions of deception.  What a espionage against the Ruling Nations of Earth!  One thing is certain if it is the workings of the anti - they are bound in the astral regions forever until God moves swiftly over them.  This means they can only work through people - and all those people that call themselves lightworkers ... you are being used.

I have said enough on this now.

May God's Love and His Son Jesus Christ be with us.

Title: Re: what do genetics have to do with pa
Post by dave_a_mbs on Sep 28th, 2006 at 3:02pm
"The US Government is divinely guided by God" ...? - Oy Veh! - God DOES have a sense of humor.


Title: Re: what do genetics have to do with pa
Post by spooky2 on Sep 28th, 2006 at 6:08pm
Unfortunately, I must tune in Dave's choir. To start a war with a bunch of lies, cheating and lying before the own folks and the whole world (well and I guess Powell is even the most honest man of that crew; btw greatly supported by Blair who is not without cause called "Bliar" since then)- then, abducting some people and arresting them for an unlimited time without the rights the US is so proud telling everybody to fight for- is that the way god shows us the way to the light? If this is according to the great plan it's wisdom is well hidden from me.
I don't hope you are believing the things I've read in esoteric literature, that the US is going to lead the world into a new era of Christianity to bring back Garden Eden to earth.


Title: Re: what do genetics have to do with pa
Post by spooky2 on Sep 28th, 2006 at 8:53pm
Caryn, concerning your considerations about these websites:

I haven't read them (went only on the site of "tranceformers" and was maybe too much blinking and advertisement for me), but what you've told sounds like the usual crappy stuff. But I must comment, there are certainly people who think that what you told from the Osirian scripts and other sources is just the same. I personally hold this for re-tellings and blendings of myths. Myths tell us quite a lot, but not when taken literally. When taken literally, it's either a fantasy story (I prefer Tolkien, "The Silmarillion" too has a creation myth in it) or it is turning into some authoritarian narrowing simplistic heroic belief system with the good guy and the bad guy, which, as usual, don't address the ancient philosophic question why the heck the all-wise Godhead had allowed to let the bad guy do his dirty work.
What the genetic engineering belongs, since a very long time humans do breeding, plants and animals, most before they knew that they do that, it's just a rule of nature. That's also changing the genetic pool, only slower, by selection. It's a human culture technique. So the DNA manipulation is not different in principle (nature is doing it all the time). Therefore, I don't understand the principal moralic difference in changing the creation by inventing the tire or inventing genetic engineering.
I don't believe in doomsday. Everyone has his/her own doomsday (or happy day) when one physically dies. Therefore, a collective physical doomsday with disaster and then division into the good and the bad, or the unenlightend who have followed the deceiver while the the enlightened are so lucky to have followed the right guys is just silly, childish and overfluid. This is just end-time drama and I don't know why people are so fascinated in it- it shows the unawareness of the own mortality, so it's needed to be the collective happening; and it shows self-centeredness, which cannot accept that the world keeps on turning when they had left.
The myth of Atlantis (yours sounds very much like Cayce) is a very common one. You can find it in the myth of Adam and Eve's exile of Garden Eden, or Prometheus. The pattern is always the same. It is the feeling of guilt, or at least the suspect to be guilty, that started since mankind became aware to be "different" than the animals, by having language, the ability of imagining/planning; to be aware of death and killing, to be aware of individuals. Since this sort of separation from the rest of creation the humans feel guilty of misusing the creation, and they fear any of their technical means could be not in order with the moral of nature/creation/god(s), especially when it's a new means and not consecrated by tradition. As you see, i view it as a general attribute of mankind and not as a problem of a single new technology.


Title: Re: what do genetics have to do with pa
Post by newwayknight on Sep 28th, 2006 at 10:53pm

betson wrote on Sep 27th, 2006 at 10:28am:
Never Say Die,
You might want to start Dr. Harper his own thread here. He's got alot of interesting material, it appears. His site appears new and should get even more interesting when he gets some comments going.
Thank you for pointing out his site.
I see alot of people here transforming, just as Dr. Harper cites. I don't know if their personal reasons for spiritually developing include preparing for 2012, but they could.
Regarding the DNA exiting thru the pineal --that was personally extremely important to me as I've had some trouble with that area and will now concentrate more on healing that area.
Re: the completion of the 5,125-year cycle in 2012 on 12/21 at 11:11---- what happened 5,125 years ago?  Adam and Eve?  Noah? Don or NewKnight or anyone, could you help us with that?
If we look at the beginning of our current cycle and time previous to it, perhaps we could gauge how much change will be imposed at the end of it.
Thanks for bringing it to this site.

Hi Betson,

5125 years ago puts us pretty close to Noah and the theorized time of the Biblical flood.  Not far at all, in fact, and close enough to the range to make it plausible.

Title: Re: what do genetics have to do with pa
Post by augoeideian on Sep 29th, 2006 at 2:59am
Morning  :)

lol I thought I might get come back from my remark :  The US Government is Divinely guided by God.  Part of me is Aquarian and Aquarians live in the future;  The US is also Aquarian and lives in the future .. and no, Spooky I haven't read any literature about what you said.  But this applies to all the wise rulers of the Nations.  We need to come together as people of the earth; we must stop internal political squabling and put our trust into our leaders and pray continously for them.  The US Government is very God-fearing from the insights I have had, they prayer a lot for guidance.

It does not help for peoples opinions to go anti the leaders choices.  Trusting in our Leaders is the  honest way to go.  Any other way will cause choas and confusement at a time when people look towards the leaders for guidance.

Title: Re: what do genetics have to do with pa
Post by augoeideian on Sep 29th, 2006 at 3:34am
Spooky, I hear what you say.  i am just one voice in a billion, you have heard what i have said - if in a time you are faced with multiple information situations the information i have supplied might enable you to sift through thought process together with your personal information and arrive at a conclusion (even a temporary one) that resonants and sits comfortably with you.

Spooky you said

So the DNA manipulation is not different in principle (nature is doing it all the time). Therefore, I don't understand the principal moralic difference in changing the creation by inventing the tire or inventing genetic engineering.

Dangerous territory this (playing Gods) your comments in brackets is the truth - nature is doing it all the time - and this applies to our DNA.  Everything that happens to us, is part of a growth path suited to our unique pattern that affects us personally and our DNA.  We take the outside into us - very important as this is the only way that the lessons in life totally absorbs our whole being.  Not some mass human population overhaul.

We must understand as well; in Earth there is a mixture of evolving souls - we are not all the same.  Some need this and some need that and this comes from outside happenings (that happen for a reason) that we take in personally for our own growth or deteriment.  This is the poetry - not mass genetic engineering that wants to make us like slaves (yes slaves)

But this genetic engineering does not apply in certain live saving medical situations.  Just wouldn't let anyone touch my DNA here or there.

It is co-incidential that you have brought up the subject of myth.  I would like to reply in the thread we a currently talking about under retrievals wtc.  (although not quite the right place hey anyhow seeing its started i'll answer there)

And to reply to 'the guilt' subject you brought up I'll reply under 'retribution in the after-life' topic.


Title: Re: what do genetics have to do with pa
Post by Antwnhs on Sep 29th, 2006 at 8:56pm
And since when the US becomes the chosen country of God....which means of course that there are countries that are not divinely guided by GOD...        "The US Government is divinely guided by God" I have to LOL sorry
Such strong remarks need strong evidence...especially when they concern a country that has bombed half the planet after WW2...such love is unbearable!!!!! The US acts exactly like any other superpower in the takes by force what it wants and I am sorry that everyone in the whole world can see it but you... You may want  to take a look at this.

Oh and something final.... you said...

'Trusting in our Leaders is the  honest way to go.  Any other way will cause choas and confusement at a time when people look towards the leaders for guidance.'

I guess that was what the germans in WW2 believed....way to go!!!!

Title: Re: what do genetics have to do with pa
Post by spooky2 on Sep 29th, 2006 at 9:47pm
Hi Caryn,

>>>Trusting in our Leaders is the  honest way to go.<<< Caryn, I'm from Germany. Know what I'm talking about? You might understand that this is a  too much for me. That cannot be the lesson Germans should have learnt, to trust the leaders (right Antwnhs). Never again. Don't trust the leaders. Trust yourself. That means firstly to discover yourself, which is hard enough and seemingly never ending. But it's the only way of progress, and progress is needed I think. The details, well, that is discussionable...

>>>Aquarians live in the future<<< I know, I am one too (if this makes any difference?!).

Caryn, I'm not speaking for undertakings that would produce a mass of clones. Actually, most of the genetic engineering is done to provide some industrial seed groups pretty much money. I'm not for this. I'm speaking generally. If, in thoughts, viewed from all angles, something is beneficial for humankind, why not? Of course, be carefully and sparily with this, as the ecologic system is complicated. Additionally, humans are part of nature aren't they? As such what humans do is also natural. So, "natural" or "not natural" is not an argument for debate, but it's what we WANT our world should look like. A professor in a lecture I visited put it that way: "If people would be free to determine genetically what their children should look like all women once will look like Sharon Stone" Lol, besides that he told about his own taste, he's basically right and I don't want that. But I don't see this either at any point in the future.
(But, genetic engineering means not necessarily cloning.)


Title: Re: what do genetics have to do with pa
Post by dave_a_mbs on Oct 1st, 2006 at 4:01pm
Moving back toward the central issue, genetic factors, the discussion has demonstrated several interesting things thus far, things that precisely exemplify the genesis of both ourselves and our context.

Starting with human experiences, we tell others about what happened, and they take our remarks, add their own experiences and repeat them. Eventually, certain topics appear in a consistent manner. Others put these into settings by which they are more easily expressed, and myths are born. Myths generally carry characteristic ideas that our culture espouses. Some are useful, some are not. Eventually, the useful ideas prevail because they pay off. Those ideas eventually get embodied in customs and flokways, and then in traditions and regulations. Thus, our social world is a genetic laboratory of perpetual testing and replacement.

In the same way, given a social setting, we have various physical and mental traits. Just as ecological systems evolve in which certain insects pollinate certain flowers etc, we grow into our social context and attempt to fit in sufficiently to build a good life. Physical and mental factors that fail to pay off are rejected as we choose superior options. In reincarnation, we carry the problems of the past into those choices, seeking to find a better way to live, and making the process of personal growth a part of the selection process.

Our mental, physical and social life is shaped and guided by genetic selections at every level, and where we start is the outcome of millennia of comparisons and choices made socially, chemically, physically, mentally, and spiritually. These circumstances define our starting point by cause and effect, and by conditioning as we learn to become social human beings. After that, contextual influences slowly recede as we grow, until finally we face questions for which there are many equiprobable choices that have never before been faced. This is the expanding wavefront of reality, viewed from inside where we deal with it.

Accepting that we are all manifestations of God, the expanding wavefront of reality for us is also the expanding wavefront of reality for God. As we make decisions and solve problems, we act in the stead of God. Edgar Cayce referred to this as being "co-creators with God". In this role we have whatever information we can glean, whatever education we have experienced, whatever experiences we have endured, plus whatever study we make in order to get more information and advice. After that, we have free will to choose what to do next. And that expands the universe by one more decision.

From this perspective, genetics seem to be the objectified selective aspect of karma, simple cause and effect through which we evolve. In fact, we can see this thread leading to this (or an equivalent) conclusion. As Mr Spock would put it, "Fascinating!"


Title: Re: what do genetics have to do with pa
Post by augoeideian on Oct 2nd, 2006 at 6:46am
:) The realm of politics.

Antwhs i was not specifically saying the US is God's choosen land .. All the countries are.  The US has reached its stage of democratic intelligence and therefore will come into a turning in of its self and the self is spirit.   And spirit is God.

It is wrong to say do not trust in the Leaders because this is anti-progress of the spirit.  It is this very attitude that causes splits and drifts.  How can the Divine lead with people tearing it apart?

To give an example of South Africa;
We went through a terrible stage of apartheid, as the rest of the world has too being in the grip of Mans opinion and selfishness to rule for his own glory.

Today the African National Congress is South Africa's Leader.  And i tell you the change of government in 1994 could have been a bloody one.  For as far as colour goes the whites are in the minority and could have been wiped out - as Zimbabwe is doing right now.  Blessed are we that the ANC is a God-fearing leader and they have stood firm with the foundations of The Freedom Charter that we see being implemented in SA society today.  Well thought out plan of action for the people of South Africa and it is working and filtering through to make peoples lives better.

Now, we are going through internal rebellion with Jacob Zuma (our ex- deputy president) who was fired from the ANC last year because of his corruption charges amongst other sexual charges.  Zuma let the power go to his head and this was his downfall from his position in the ANC.

Further throughout the year Zuma has been campaigning to start his own political party - to do it his way.  He caused a split in the ANC and the people have been thrown into a political cause when all they want is a better life and Zuma reckons he can fillfull his promises to them.  Although the man has a record of corruption.

President Thabo Mbeki, in his wiseness (for he is an extremely wise leader) has taken Zuma back into the ANC fold so has not to split the people who are just finding their feet.

Now, you might say .. political manoeuvre's this is all what is happening.  But can i say look and feel with your spiritual eyes not your physical eyes.   Everyone in this country (the God-fearing people that is - and it is a God-fearing country) prays for God to lead the ANC.

Nkosi Sikelel'i Afrika - May God bless Africa.
Is our National Athem.

How can we expect God to answer our prayers if we do not trust in the ANC who have proven themselves to be God-fearing.

So maybe you might think its simplistic and i know there are scars and cuts and still problems to sort out but in the long run it will work with people trusting the leaders who trust in God.

Spooky you Aquarian you should relate to this  :)

Title: Re: what do genetics have to do with pa
Post by juditha on Oct 2nd, 2006 at 1:35pm
Hi When my dad was alive ,he had no time for any goverment,he always said, whatever goverment there is,they have all got one thing in common,they all take you up the road and rob you.  ::)

Love and God bless you all Juditha

Title: Re: what do genetics have to do with pa
Post by deanna on Oct 2nd, 2006 at 2:20pm
Dad was right jude thats for sure i dont believe any of them  ;D

Title: Re: what do genetics have to do with pa
Post by augoeideian on Oct 3rd, 2006 at 5:20am
::)  well now if we lived in a moneyless society ....

Positive thinking never harmed anyone - right?

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