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Message started by BRAVI on Sep 21st, 2006 at 11:55am

Title: Questions....?
Post by BRAVI on Sep 21st, 2006 at 11:55am
Hi all,  

Lately, I have came up with some questions and it lead me to come here to ask everyone on this board.

People said that, otherside(spiritual realm) is very colour, beautiful with all the loves and lights and some said that on the otherside is just like here.  When our loved one crossed over, they are always with us, be around and look out for us.  SO, what my questioon is: IS THE OTHERSIDE AS SAME AS HERE or DIFFERENT?...I know this is a crazy question, only if you across over then you will experience about it...but hey, who knows right?..maybe some of us already had that experience and can tell us about that.

God Bless you all

Title: Re: Questions....?
Post by george stone on Sep 21st, 2006 at 2:45pm
Get the book,The sun still shines.You will find it very interesting.George

Title: Re: Questions....?
Post by dave_a_mbs on Sep 21st, 2006 at 3:58pm
HI Bravi-
It may come as a complete surprise, but there isn't any "Over There". (Well, it surprised me, anyhow.) There's just a whole lot more of "Here and Now". The reason that it seems different is that this specific world in which we live is constrained by rules, laws, fences and walls into which we bump. As a spirit living in the "Spirit World", you have the ability to create or uncreate, to move into parallel dimensions, sense yourself as One or as Many, and so on. For those souls whose grasp of the mechanics of reality lacks complete coherence and unity with God, there eventually comes a time that they get backed into a logical corner and are forced to deal with it by returning to the level of experience in which limits, walls and they get reborn. The alternative is to become, as Edgar Cayce put it, a "co-creator with God". All that requires is to give up the aspects of personality to prevent our merger back into the One from which we originally emerged.

Title: Re: Questions....?
Post by evolver on Sep 21st, 2006 at 4:57pm
when we get back to the One, do we still exist as separate conciousnesses or are we a  subjective singularity in which no 'others' exist? Or are we that anyway, and our brain just divides things up through our senses and personal histories to create an illusion. Is there only one 'I'? ....and if so, who am I?

Title: Re: Questions....?
Post by dave_a_mbs on Sep 21st, 2006 at 9:25pm
Hi Evolver-
To answer your questions, Yes. That is, you are God. But because one can't be a human individual and God, without being schizophrenic or something, the God part has been almost forgotten and layered over by past experiences as a person. The handle that leads off into the God-direction is usually called the "Higher Self", and that is exactly what God is - yourself. Your true Self.

The Hindus call this process "lila", meaning the play of God. Fun, huh?

Title: Re: Questions....?
Post by spooky2 on Sep 21st, 2006 at 10:44pm
I find Dave's posts terrific, it matches so much with my considerations about my meditations. I guess everyone who meditates and has reportable experiences has to deal at some point of time with what is reality and how are these experiences are fitting in reality. Of course, every experience as experience is real...and there is this saying, what we imaginate is reality for us. So when we leave the physical, there is the possibility that what we imaginate is to full degree our one and only reality (this does not say anything about interaction with others, but it may be that "others" becomes a term without meaning), which is a fascinating, but also can-be-frightening outlook, so it's naturally to build frames for oneself automatically depending on everyone's personality, so we might meet at some "logical corner" in the all that exists.

So BRAVI, there are a lot of books about how it is without having a physical body, and some are telling about a very similar world like our physical, but with less limitations, and it seems to depend on the degree of freedom one is willing to agree to, and the degree of depending on forms and limits.

Evolver, I've found that surprisingly the "I" doesn't vanish, I can push me as high or deep as I want in meditation; but what you perceive, what you ask and what makes sense to you is changing. The resulting theory I built from that is that the "I" does never vanish because it depends not on the single personality which one is now, it's possible to melt with others and anything, and the "I" remains, it's one with much more experiences and knowledge, but it is still your "I"- as well as mine. One "I" in the universe is enough to serve all persons. It's like you were a child, a different person than now, but also the same "I", isn't it?


Title: Re: Questions....?
Post by Marilyn Maitreya on Sep 22nd, 2006 at 12:36am
Hi George,

Forgive me for correcting you but the book is called "The Stars Still Shine." ;-)  It can be bought at their website:

I'm anxiously awaiting their second book.

Love, Mairlyn ;-)

Title: Re: Questions....?
Post by augoeideian on Sep 22nd, 2006 at 5:21am
Wonderful post Dave - and Spooky, thank you.  I experience this here and now oneness as True art behind a thin veil of reality.  

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