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Message started by Cathy_B on Sep 17th, 2006 at 2:17am

Title: PUL
Post by Cathy_B on Sep 17th, 2006 at 2:17am
Hi Everyone
just had to share with you a most amazing experience I just had
About a hour ago we went up to the shops to pick up some groceries for Dinner. Hubby was driving and i was just watching people cross the road etc, suddenly I was overwhelmed with the beauty in every person i saw. Every person just shone! There was no ugligness and no feeling of imperfections, just pefect beauty and love.
The feeling of PUL was wonderful!
I am still basking in the afterglow
I can only hope that you all have an experience like this sometime if you haven't already.
At other times I have experienced the feeling of being connected to everything! It is so amazing to be connected to every time, every thing and every where. I didn't really want to come back.
enjoy the rest of your sunday
with love to all
Cathy B

Title: Re: PUL
Post by augoeideian on Sep 18th, 2006 at 7:03am
Ah Cathy this love filled with compassion for people hurts me so much i cry.  Especially here in Sa .. we have a lot of homeless children (although the government is trying to keep up with homes for them) ... they dressed in rags, often no shoes, no doubt hungry, scared .. young young so innocent and bewildered .. also the adults trying to do a honest day's work against all odds ... it rips my heart apart.  They need so much love.

i do find generally people are so filled with love it is truly amazing.

Title: Re: PUL
Post by Marilyn Maitreya on Sep 18th, 2006 at 1:25pm
Hi Cathy,

I have had this experience too. Isn't it awesome?  If only everyone felt this all over the world, we would have instant peace.

Love, Mairlyn ;-)

Title: Re: PUL
Post by laffingrain on Sep 19th, 2006 at 2:28am
me too Cathy, I've had the experience at odd times. I think you expressed it well!
I had this experience in jail. lol. that was the last place I expected to find oneness with all humanity. I was listening to the radio station the jail piped in; some generic pop station. it was so strange..each voice was like a direct voice from god celebrating their life. I didn't want to bail had been posted and I was forced to.
thank you have touched me here. love, alysia

Title: Re: PUL
Post by Marilyn Maitreya on Sep 19th, 2006 at 2:55am
Do I dare ask what you were in jail for?

Love, Mairlyn ;-)

Title: Re: PUL
Post by laffingrain on Sep 19th, 2006 at 3:10am
lol. Mair: thought you would ask.  I'll give u the short version as I have a whole chapter of it in my book which I hope will get read.

a spirit guide had visited me saying give up the drugs or go to jail. I said ok, put me in jail then I'll know you are really here.  seemed like a dream while wide awake, must have been focus 10!  the PUL was heavy in the room. next thing I know I was in jail   hey general public, that was about 40 years ago. I don't even do aspirin now. I was saved by a wandering spirit drug buster.

Title: Re: PUL
Post by augoeideian on Sep 19th, 2006 at 4:31am
What an experience Alysia.  I bet it made you strong after that.

Thanks for sharing


Title: Re: PUL
Post by laffingrain on Sep 19th, 2006 at 11:29am
Hi Caryn. I did get some pride in myself after that as I was headed down the wrong road and druggies are never certain that they can quit and still be happy and satisfied without the aid of the drug. I had just made the decision to use drugs the rest of my life, so when this drug buster spirit appeared (just a presence, didn't materialize) it was perfect timing before I messed up my body as I was affecting my nervous system and emotional system with the drug. our bodies are marvelous things, but a lot of youngsters put stuff into them that shortens their life span.  :(

Title: Re: PUL
Post by Cathy_B on Sep 20th, 2006 at 12:32am
Hi all
lovely to here that you have the same experiences, makes me a lot less like it is my imagination. Mind you I don't care what anyone thinks, I like it! Lol!
It is a wonderful feeling to be just so unjudgemental about someone. That little voice in your head is all to happy to whisper in your ear, giving you a running commentary on everyone else's shortcomings. i am sure it is because we see our negative aspects reflected back to us.
I wonder if this incident meant that I was being unjudgemental of myself?
have to think about that1
love to all

Title: Re: PUL
Post by laffingrain on Sep 20th, 2006 at 12:58am
I hope Cathy we all have more of this type of experience in the days ahead. today was a good I was falling in love..the feeling of that without another person in the room..maybe falling in love with life itself? :) I am wanting this for everyone too. perhaps its part of the shift in consciousness. love, alysia

Title: Re: PUL
Post by Cathy_B on Sep 20th, 2006 at 1:06am
Hi Alysia
i was told by a dear friend (who is an Asrtologist) that we have a window of opportunity for energy being bombarded to the earth.
the dates are 888-999 or 8th august 2006-9th Sept 2007
to my way of thinking this also ties in with Bruce's experiences and may be what is happening to us1 i must say I am enjoying it!
loves and hugs

Title: Re: PUL
Post by laffingrain on Sep 20th, 2006 at 1:17am
thanks Cathy. I'm enjoying it too ;)

Title: Re: PUL
Post by augoeideian on Sep 20th, 2006 at 4:28am
aye, the road is never easy but every now and then there's beautiful flowers along the way!

Title: Re: PUL
Post by mzb10zar on Sep 20th, 2006 at 9:00am
Hello everyone! Alysia, I love your sincerity.
I wish that one day I feel that kind of energy PUL for everyone. I think I felt it before. Usually, when you get in love with somebody (in the beginning) is like you love everybody and everything is beautiful.
One question, how can you feel love for somebody that is mean, cruel, and takes pride for being so mean with people?
I am a very sensitive person, and when someone next to me is mean intentionally I ignore him/her, like he/she does not exist, but just for a little while because I do not get mad for long, I can't. Thanks God!
About two month ago, at my work place, my boss(my husband's uncle) was so mean to me that it made me cry(like a baby) he didn't expect that reaction from me( also I was having some emotional problems). Anyways, he felt sorry for me I guess, and he told me if I am no family of his maybe I wouldn’t be working for his company (that hurt) One of the thing he told me is that he needed to be mean with everyone at the job, no exception because is the only way people can do the job professionally. In the moment of the incident I felt like he was the meanest of the persons. Well, the incident is in the past and I know now what to do and what not to do to affect him. But again, how can you send or feel love for someone that is mean? What about someone that has little respect for what you think and about you opinions? Thanks to all!!!! Love and gratitude!
P/S Alysia, I just bought Bruce's first book. I just started to read it. I love it!

Title: Re: PUL
Post by recoverer on Sep 20th, 2006 at 11:58am
Some people try to say love is just a chemical reaction, but it is too dymanic and motivating to be just a chemical reaction.

Love gives you the ability to view everybody else as precious and sacred and to want nothing but the best for them. How could such a power possibly be explained as a mere chemical reaction. Plus it feels good. :D

Title: Re: PUL
Post by laffingrain on Sep 20th, 2006 at 1:46pm

recoverer wrote on Sep 20th, 2006 at 11:58am:
Some people try to say love is just a chemical reaction, but it is too dymanic and motivating to be just a chemical reaction.

Love gives you the ability to view everybody else as precious and sacred and to want nothing but the best for them. How could such a power possibly be explained as a mere chemical reaction. Plus it feels good. :D

its only chemical on the level of the body. I think the folks that we retrieve are identified mostly with the body as being the whole of themselves so they explain things the way they see it. PUL is much more than a reaction, whenever I've experienced a facilime of PUL it's like a spiritual fuel that drives me engine in feel good propensity the entire day and sex never did that for I agree PUL is like a sacred something...behind all the belief systems and we can pull PUL out of others by standing still and looking for PUL in them.

Title: Re: PUL
Post by laffingrain on Sep 20th, 2006 at 1:59pm

mzb10zar wrote on Sep 20th, 2006 at 9:00am:
Hello everyone! Alysia, I love your sincerity.
I wish that one day I feel that kind of energy PUL for everyone. I think I felt it before. Usually, when you get in love with somebody (in the beginning) is like you love everybody and everything is beautiful.
One question, how can you feel love for somebody that is mean, cruel, and takes pride for being so mean with people?
I am a very sensitive person, and when someone next to me is mean intentionally I ignore him/her, like he/she does not exist, but just for a little while because I do not get mad for long, I can't. Thanks God!
About two month ago, at my work place, my boss(my husband's uncle) was so mean to me that it made me cry(like a baby) he didn't expect that reaction from me( also I was having some emotional problems). Anyways, he felt sorry for me I guess, and he told me if I am no family of his maybe I wouldn’t be working for his company (that hurt) One of the thing he told me is that he needed to be mean with everyone at the job, no exception because is the only way people can do the job professionally. In the moment of the incident I felt like he was the meanest of the persons. Well, the incident is in the past and I know now what to do and what not to do to affect him. But again, how can you send or feel love for someone that is mean? What about someone that has little respect for what you think and about you opinions? Thanks to all!!!! Love and gratitude!
P/S Alysia, I just bought Bruce's first book. I just started to read it. I love it!

Cool! Bruce's books were books I wanted to finish, I mean some books I could only get halfway through them before I'd shelve them promising to try again. I think people who are mean this way are trying to motivate their workers the only way they know how. its sad I know when others don't concentrate on what you are doing right versus what you are doing wrong. u can get more bees with honey than sour milk my opinion. u gots to learn to be stronger mzb. your boss is unconsciously making you stronger. I mean don't take it personally to be yelled at. this other is yelling for you to love him, or to show him what love is. unconsciously. maybe you will someday. be careful that if he walks on you don't let him stand there and wipe his feet or you would feel crushed all the time and you can't do good work if you're crushed all the time the same. presuming he wants efficiency according to his conception what that is. we all go thru this. you'll be fine I just know it. love, alysia

Title: Re: PUL
Post by spooky2 on Sep 20th, 2006 at 9:47pm
I too had experiences like Cathy described. Once it was extreme, and I was walking down the street, boy did I feel different, I was like a blown atomic reactor (but people fortunately didn't fell down, some just looked a bit worried at me).
Marcela, when I was in that state, it was as if nothing could bother me. No one tested me that way then, but I think I was able to endure everything like a cool breeze. This is probably not helping you right away, but when you look out for those states, they usually are very short and therefore often belittled, and keep them in mind, it is a lean-on in moments when people are mean to you, it makes these occurances become less personal.
Btw such extreme states as I told above are exceptional for me, and I think I am not totally ready for it as I get overloaded. As what the energy reception time frame belongs, I lately find myself more and more in a overly active state, which includes sleeplessness. Is that the planets/the shift or am I going manic?!


Title: Re: PUL
Post by mzb10zar on Sep 22nd, 2006 at 12:14pm
Alysia, Spooky I appreciate your advices and support. I'll try my best to focus in the positive side of things that are happening to me and take and learn the best of it. Thanks! PUL!!!!!!!!
Marcela ;)

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