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Message started by augoeideian on Sep 5th, 2006 at 6:01am

Title: Virgo
Post by augoeideian on Sep 5th, 2006 at 6:01am
Happy Birthday to Virgo!


Element Earth:  Which acts as custodian of the ‘hidden Light of God”

This sign is concerned with the fundamental problem of the relationship of Spirit and Matter.  It symbolises the mother principle, the custodian of the hidden, spiritual life protecting and nourishing the germ of the Christ Life, the Divine Consciousness, the Soul.  In this sign ‘the valley of deep experience is met, wherein secrets are discovered and eventually brought to light’.  

The word ‘secrets’ here refers to esoteric meaning and hidden truths.  It is the place of slow, gentle, yet powerful crises and developments which take place in the dark, yet lead to light.  Virgo represents ‘the womb of time wherein God’s Plan is slowly matured and brought into manifestation at the appointed time’.

This sign is closely related to the evolution of humanity, and to the process of ‘gestation’ – the gestation of the divine spark through the long stages of

Individualisation (fecundation)
Evolution (the growth of the Christ Child)
Initiation (the assumption of the Virgin)

The true reason for the existence of the human form in its three aspects (the personality) is that of nurturing the germ of the soul, the inner Christ, so that it may come to birth and manifest on Earth.  In this Virgo has a particular role: ‘The genius and uniqueness of Virgo is that it produces the form as well as stimulates the life within that form and, therefore, nourishes and energises two lives simultaneously’

The great message of Virgo is “God Immanent” and it is deeply concerned with the fusion of Light and Matter.

Exoteric ruler: Mercury, signifying the versatile energy of the Son of Mind, the Soul.  It also brings the influence of the Mediator, the divine Intermediary between the Father (the first aspect) and the Mother (the third aspect of active intelligence), the Christ Child being the second aspect.  Here is again, the function of the ‘Messenger of the Gods’.

Esoteric ruler:  The Moon, the endurance aspect of the will-to-be which carries the incarnated Son of God through the experience of the dark time in the womb of matter.

Tasks, goals and opportunities:  The Ray influence of Mercury brings opportunity for achieving harmony between soul and form.  After a period of conflict, form is enabled to express fully the indwelling Spiritual Being.  Virgo offers opportunity for production, silent activity, the slow emergence of soul vibration and the eventual expression of soul through form.  The nurturing function of the Mother and the utilisation of form for spiritual purposes give it a keynote of service; this is aided by the stimulus of the positive energies of persistence, endurance, continuity of effort.

To be guarded against:  Pre-occupation with form, detail and the mundane; over attachment and possessiveness.

Polar opposite:  Pisces – the sign of the World Saviour, with its qualities of renunciation and sacrifice.

Message of the Soul:  
“I am the Mother and the Child.  I, God, I matter am”.

Virgo colours: deep green, navy blue, rich brown.
Virgo birthstones: Agate, aquamarine, cornelian, hyacinth, marble, pink jasper.

Poem from Lewis Caroll for Virgo:
‘Only a mustard isn’t a bird’ Alice remarked
‘Right as usual’ said the Duchess ‘what a clear way you have of putting things’

Title: Re: Virgo
Post by Marilyn Maitreya on Sep 5th, 2006 at 10:59am
Thanks for this. Both my daughters are Virgos. ;-)

Love, Mairlyn

Title: Re: Virgo
Post by augoeideian on Sep 6th, 2006 at 3:03am
A pleasure Marilyn, Virgo is a beautiful sign  :)

Title: Re: Virgo
Post by SunriseChaos on Sep 6th, 2006 at 11:26am
Thank you so much for this.
I am a Virgo myself and your post was so interesting.
I will print it out.


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