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Message started by betson on Aug 3rd, 2006 at 9:30pm

Title: "George's" recuperation
Post by betson on Aug 3rd, 2006 at 9:30pm
In Voyage Beyond Doubt, Bruce checks on George repeatedly in the Afterlife, and continues to find him in a Focus 27 hospital room, due to George's belief that he will never recover from an illness which was indeed fatal.  George was safe and in the care of a loved one who was working on his eventual recuperation.
---Is it possible to waste time in Focus 27?
---Can you imagine a situation in which one would be wasting time in Focus 27?
----Would a candidate for Focus 35 ever get stuck in 27, and if so, who would boost them upstairs?
Thanks in advance for any thoughts on this.    

Title: Re: "George's" recuperation
Post by Marilyn Maitreya on Aug 3rd, 2006 at 11:50pm
Hi Bets,

Well, as Bruce wrote, he wasn't stuck in focus 23 because he knew the woman beside the bed was there. He just needed time (which doesn't exist anyway) to rest from the experience of his dying process. He had a long, lingering illness and sometimes it takes longer for some people to recover than others. He evidently went right to focus 27 to the Healing and Rejuvenation Center.

Since there is no time in the afterlife, I don't see how anyone could be wasting 'time' in focus 27.

Since Focus 35 is The Gathering where aliens are watching the earth during these earth changes,  I don't see how anyone could become stuck in focus 27. And many don't go to The Gathering but set themselves up with homes in focus 27.

Does this help?

Love, Mairlyn ;-)

Title: Re: "George's" recuperation
Post by Bruce Moen on Aug 4th, 2006 at 9:46am

The experience with George was a sort of eye opener for me.  I learned more about the kinda folks who live in F27 and their noninvasive way of interacting with others.  George was given the 'time' he needed to come to the realization of his situation on his own without much direct intervention and no force.  I suppose that within the eternity in which we all exist it is possible to waste time.  Fortunately it appears that within that eternity we have plenty of time available  ;)


Title: Re: "George's" recuperation
Post by spooky2 on Aug 4th, 2006 at 9:28pm
Hi everyone,
I'll never forget how I visited a school-friend of mine (who died early) in Focus27. He was a guitarist in the physical, and he appeared to me sitting with a guitar there in Focus 27. It seemed to be his private place. We chatted a bit and he played along. I sensed more and more, while I was sitting there watching my friend playing guitar, the immense freedom there, caused by the absence of any urge and dates. He made clear to me, he could sit there years and centuries just to practice one riff on his guitar. Nothing to worry about. It was so very relieving. Well, but I had to go back to C1 time.


Title: Re: "George's" recuperation
Post by betson on Aug 5th, 2006 at 11:32am
Thanks you all ! You lead in opening up possibilities in the Afterlife with your answers.

The compassion, patience, faith, and planning that went into George's nurse/mother's actions are the most long-range plan for action I can recall seeing explained from focus 27 (other than RAM always having plans up his sleeve.  :) )
---Does anyone recall other plans that were not set up by Helpers and Guides?
I know other F27 residents help out after a large tragedy like a bombing, but isn't that sort of like volunteering for the Red Cross--- you answer a call, do a particular thing for the displaced and wounded, and then go home again. And yet George's mother was there for as long (?) as it took.

Spooky, I'd like to be on your afterlife band's mailing list. I'm so looking forward to music there. Can mediastreamer come play his silver disk (other thread) with you and your guitarist friend?  
Uh,--- is the guitar amplified or more like classical?

Title: Re: "George's" recuperation
Post by Marilyn Maitreya on Aug 5th, 2006 at 1:17pm

I know other F27 residents help out after a large tragedy like a bombing, but isn't that sort of like volunteering for the Red Cross--- you answer a call, do a particular thing for the displaced and wounded, and then go home again. And yet George's mother was there for as long (?) as it took.

I guess in a way it is like volunteering for the Red Cross.  I do know that thousands are trained for handling large disasters.

I've written this before, but................................In Exploration 27 when we were told we'd be going to the Learning Centers that we could ask to see any facet of the Learning Centers that interested us. I asked to see where helpers were being trained for mass disasters. I was taken to a place where there were thousands of beings, some human, some not. I was so amazed and happy to see this that I asked if I could come back again. The helper with me told me that I'm there a lot because I'm one of the teachers of training for mass disasters. This was a shock to me and yet it resonated with me too. I have no memory of it but I was so happy to see that they on the other side are always prepared. ;-)

Love, Mairlyn

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