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Message started by spooky2 on Apr 15th, 2006 at 9:19pm

Title: Two retrieval-like experiences
Post by spooky2 on Apr 15th, 2006 at 9:19pm
Hi everybody,
I posted the following both together in one thread because there are some similarities and because it's just one day time difference between them (April 11,12):

1. Fast Phasing to the retrieval zone. A woman, sitting, with a very little child, almost a baby, on her lap. She was looking right into my eyes. But she showed no gesture, she didn't moved her face a bit, she just looked at me, earnest, concerned, hopeless? It was not to be seen what she felt, what she thought, and she didn't make any attempt of contacting me. But the little child reacted on me, looked at me and babbled something, pointed at me and was interested. I asked: "What has happened that you're brought here?" Instead of a spoken answer of her I saw a little house, sort of bungalow, with other houses nearby, there was an incident with fire, can't see what that was about, a barbecue or a house fire, but don't know how this relates. What came through was "since then" she was here, waiting for what should happen now. I had the sense as if she was sitting in a kind of floor of a town office or sth like that and she waited that an officer would tell her what to do or where to go but no one was there, at least as far as I saw. I asked: "Was somebody here and took care about you?" She said and/or pictured me that once or twice there was someone who talked to her a bit and asked and then went away. "OK" I said, "then come with me" and I sent out a message to help me to move her to a better place. A light appeared at the right-upper side of my field of view. I thought: "Oh, there has to be a conventional vehicle for transportation." A thing like a bus appeared, she moved into it. I don't know about the child, if she carried it with her. I thought: "Didn't she missed other persons, friends? Hmm, no close persons to her...she lived in a poor appartment with her child, she didn't care much, only for the immediate needed things. She had nearly no contacts. All her life had been routine, she did what she was told to do, and that was all she could do, there was nothing else. Such lonelyness...and she hadn't realized it. She never understood irony, always this intrigueing earnest-seeming but nothing-letting-through look of her face. Where did she go now? Rehabilitation center...she doesn't wonder, she doesn't care (she's just not able to) where she is brought to and what she could do there, but one thing she wanted: A little house where she could live, alone (The child then came into view again in this house). Point.

2. Retrieval zone, surrounding was middle grey, no items anywhere. There was this slim guy, the jacket, the hair, the face...well, it was me, about 20 years younger. And this me-person stared at me like that woman yesterday! No way to figure out what thoughts or feelings this me-person had, but he looked, he was like alive, it wasn't just like a lifeless picture. No further communication, but his-mine staring was as if he-me want to get something over to me. There was a child at his right hand (I have no idea about the child) and it pulled at his-my hand, as if the child was his guide because he was unable to start anything. He turned away from me and went with the child, leading him-me. I followed, and then there was another child, and the children went ahead, he went behind them and between them there was something they carried, a board in the size of a door. Then that board morphed into a pushcart, and he-me pushed it and the children jumped into it and had a ride in it. The way they jumped in was odd, because they were much too little to do it, maybe 3 or 4 years old. I felt he-me had resignated. Then I noticed a wall around this place, roundish, invisible, like plastic-glass, I knocked against it and it was very solid. He seemed to want me to get the message: "See? It's impossible. There is no getting out of here." When I got this message, the walls were coming closer and the space we were in became smaller. The walls were massive, but still invisible, or maybe had some reflections, anyway, they were there.
I took him-me to me and noticed, yes, he would want to leave. Half to him-me half to myself I thought: "Allright, no way to get directly through the wall, so let's do it the other way." I closed my nonphysical eyes [well, that's how it felt] and thought of a nice place to go to, maybe Focus27, and it worked.
There was a little house. I felt he-me wants someone who is responsible for this location to tell him what to do. He-me also wanted a quiet place, a park, just for him alone. There was a woman there who arranged that. Also there had to be a pathway and a little store for the things of daily need. It was a place of rest and recreation. They will take care of him in a rehabilitation procedure, but he can be alone if he wants and participate actively only when he wishes to, but he will be contacted daily via phone. Don't know where the children were.
Then I got the idea, or the info, that he-me will meet there the guides I became known less than 2 years ago. But then...he-me looked much younger than me now, is it that I know my guides longer than I thought? Well, time-loop-problems? I wondered what about all those self-aspects, yes there are many, maybe infinite? Or is it just a symbol for the I-There which is always there? Yes, this is true... my closest guide confirmed.
(I then met ---, she seemed to have a problem, but it was like we could fix it and then hugged and went up to the formless, where every-thing was immediately identificated as not "real" but only to be projections of thoughts. There, the little earth...)


Title: Re: Two retrieval-like experiences
Post by Marilyn Maitreya on Apr 15th, 2006 at 9:54pm
Spooky, what comes to me is that the woman in the first dream is a past life of yours. In the second dream you were him/you. I feel this is the key that shows that the woman was you. Does this make any
sense at all?

Love, Mairlyn ;-)  

Title: Re: Two retrieval-like experiences
Post by spooky2 on Apr 16th, 2006 at 5:41pm
Ah, Mairlyn, that's a meaning I didn't saw! Well, now you're saying it, yes, that would be simply explain the same manner they both appeared, the same person...she was me...interesting. Thanks!


Title: Re: Two retrieval-like experiences
Post by identcat on Apr 17th, 2006 at 8:36pm
The children may represent "young spirit guides." We tend to trust children without question.  Even  helpers must start somewhere, and they are able to appear childlike in our mind as they are evolving--like ourselves. cat

Title: Re: Two retrieval-like experiences
Post by spooky2 on Apr 18th, 2006 at 4:16pm
Yes Cat, I thought about that; helpers appearing as children can break through because of the playful, harmless and seemingly intentionless attitude; and some people would immediately care of very little children, which also is good to break someones emotional armor.
In my first case I've told above I'm not sure wether it was a helper or her child (or a thoughtform of her child).
Thanks Cat!

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