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Message started by poex on Apr 7th, 2006 at 6:10pm

Title: Before we were here...
Post by poex on Apr 7th, 2006 at 6:10pm
I'm very confused here. Bruce said that before we were here, we were all knowing beings who decided to come here to feel the pure unconditional love.

If this is so, then how can it be controlled by a person being conceived. I mean, it doesnt make sense that my parents conceived me at the exact moment when i decided to come to the physical earth.

I need some help over here  ... 10x

Title: Re: Before we were here...
Post by betson on Apr 8th, 2006 at 11:28am
Greetings, Poex,
your question is interesting, but I'm not sure  if i get what you mean exactly. Could you rephrase it? (I'm not sure why the timing would have to be that close.)
Thank you,

Title: Re: Before we were here...
Post by Marilyn Maitreya on Apr 8th, 2006 at 1:23pm
You chose your parents before conception. You chose your parents according to what your life purpose is. Does this help you understand it more?

Love, Mairlyn ;-)

Title: Re: Before we were here...
Post by Lucy on Apr 9th, 2006 at 12:14pm
I think the problem with understanding some of this infrmation is that we confuse different layers of "SELF" when we talk about this. Which part of you made the decision to come here? It might not be the part that, say, makes a decision to get in the car and drive to the grocery store to buy food.

There are different ways of looking at the overall self. Kyo published a link to a book that uses the following. If you don't agree with the definitions, then at least consider that when we talk on this board, we may inadvertently confuse identity with all three layers of "SELF".

"There are three distinct dimensions of the self: the ego, the soul, and the Self. The ego is the most exterior and temporal self. It is our present concious sense of identity."

Ok I think we all want to think (or deny) our ego is the part of us that chose our parents, but on reflection, how can that be true? The ego is the part that drives to the grocery store. I think we need our ego to survive in physical reality. But we have come to identify with our egos. But we are more than our egos.

"The soul is the self that survives death and goes forth to project another ego-self. The term psyche once meant "soul." Hence, I will use the the term soul here to include all levels of the personal psyche that are not integrated into ego consciousness. .."

OK so the soul is the part of us that chooses our parents. But how can I say how it works? I'm only used to experiencing the ego. So it seems strange to me to try to explain the actions of the soul in words used to describe actions of the ego.

"The third, and most sublime, self is of a transpersonal nature. It is commonly projected into the image of God. It is the self that Jung refers to with his term the Self. In the microcosm of our psyche, the Self is a reflection of the central organizing force of All That Is. It is a transcendent and whole-making factor.  The Self provides a blueprint for the soul to follow in its task of building a kingdom of consciousness."

This amuses me because I think of myself being a little child being taught to say my prayers and thinking that God is something separate, but what I was actually praying to was my Higher Self! Just wish I was taught that then. So all our so-called religious activities should act to connect us to out higher Self. Of course if we did, we would probably be able to look down on the soul choosing to reincarnate with a particular set of parents, and understand it all.

Link to book page at Kyo's site:

Title: Re: Before we were here...
Post by poex on Apr 9th, 2006 at 6:42pm
What I can't understand is how is it possible for you to make the parents you want to concieve you to have sex. I mean, that for them to decide when they want to it and not from anyone else.

Title: Re: Before we were here...
Post by Marilyn Maitreya on Apr 9th, 2006 at 6:46pm
You don't make them have sex. That comes naturally. ;-)

Love, Mairlyn ;-)

Title: Re: Before we were here...
Post by spooky2 on Apr 9th, 2006 at 10:39pm
Hi poex,
when we consider that beyond the physical time is not the same like it is here, I used to think of it over there more as a bundle of alignments, synchronicities rather than the same linear time we are experiencing in the physical waking state most of the time. So, it is maybe possible that what we now see as future from the perspective of the beings which are planning the incarnation of a soul this future is available to their perception. Then there would be no problem to plan properly the "moment" in which the soul steps into the physical life plane.

Title: Re: Before we were here...
Post by the_seeker on Jul 15th, 2007 at 7:51pm
no, your parents would have had a baby anyway... but another soul could have decided to be their child.  you don't make them have a baby - it happens the other way around.  the baby is going to be born, so you decide to become the baby.  

of course now that i said that.... there are actually stories about souls who decide to be someone's child, and make them conceive when they were too old or couldn't have a child before.  and also stories about souls who decide not to be born and the mother miscarries.  yes this is all very extraordinary, but our view of life on earth is very limited.  

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