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Message started by shawn_michael on Mar 25th, 2006 at 11:51pm

Title: Time Era's and the Afterlife?
Post by shawn_michael on Mar 25th, 2006 at 11:51pm
Are we able to vist or live in a specific time period? What time period is the Afterlife when you DIE? What about cavemen days? I want to live in the 70's or 80's can I do that?

Title: Re: Time Era's and the Afterlife?
Post by Sasuke on Mar 26th, 2006 at 9:45pm
I've heard a couple theories on this, but the general overview seems to be that you can live wherever - and whenever - the heck you want, because it's a paradise created for yourself. If you honestly believe that when you die, you're going to be in a 70's type world, that's probably where you'll end up.

I'm not super educated on the subject, and maybe someone else can clarify this a bit more for you, but yeah.

Title: Re: Time Era's and the Afterlife?
Post by dave_a_mbs on Mar 27th, 2006 at 6:16pm
Past life work suggests that we individually live in a non-linear time in which we might jump about through various eras, and in various embodiments. For example, a woman recalls losing her child over a cliff as it crumbled beneath her, and she couldn't hold on. Her next recollection was as a rabbit who was shot by a hunter. As the rabbit, she understood that some circumstances are simply inevitable, others are within our ability to make changes. Then she came back as a person doing something else.  Whether the rabbit life was actually in this sequence or simply had been recalled as if it were, we can't really say. It more or less boils down to how it was subjectively perceived.

At the same time, the collective experience of time seems to be perpetually forward.  However, time has many branches through alternative realities that differ in various small ways,  so that what you experience differs from what I experience at some level, and also through parallel universes in which there is a total reorganization.

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