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Message started by george stone on Feb 16th, 2006 at 5:00pm

Title: A spirit visiter in my home.
Post by george stone on Feb 16th, 2006 at 5:00pm
When I went on my cumputer last night,I smelled cigarette smoke.It was so strong I had to get up and leave.To day I had the same experience.I live alone in my home.I dont know of anybody who died who smoked.Ive often smelled perfome around the house but this is the first time that I had the cigerette smoke.George.

Title: Re: A spirit visiter in my home.
Post by Marilyn Maitreya on Feb 16th, 2006 at 5:02pm
George, you have good contact with those who have passed on. Have you asked who this is? That's what I'd do.

Love, Mairlyn ;-)

Title: Re: A spirit visiter in my home.
Post by juditha on Feb 16th, 2006 at 5:14pm
Hi George i was sitting here tonight on my computer and i looked over the end of my living room and i saw a spirit walked through my door into the hallway. I was not sure who it was it was so quick .It could have been my dad as ive seen his spirit before.I sometimes smell perfume but that always smells like the perfume my grandmother used when she was alive . It could be someone from your family what did smoke coming to visit as with all of us we never met family members that had passed on before we were born just letting you know they are around . God bless juditha

Title: Re: A spirit visiter in my home.
Post by deanna on Feb 16th, 2006 at 5:46pm
Sometimes george i smell the scent of roses and i was in my bedroom and i was standing by my bed and someone poked me right in my back i turned round and there was no one there but i could smell the scent of roses ,went to the spiritualist church a few days later ,this medium came to me and she said i,ve got your aunty here shes saying she was the one who poked you in the back then the medium said shes saying shes your aunty jo , well my aunty jo absolutley loved roses and when she lay in her coffin all the family put roses in the coffin and there was a very strong scent from the roses so i knew it was her who poked me in the back and also the scent of roses when it happened was definitley her .DEANNA

Title: Re: A spirit visiter in my home.
Post by betson on Feb 16th, 2006 at 6:02pm
Thanks Mairlyn,
I keep forgetting there is always one more step---not very lucid of me, even when I'm awake.  I'll ask.

I recently began getting those scents again too, George, Juditha and Deanna. I got them years ago when I was interested in spiritual matters.  At that time I thought they were in my own system, 2nd hand smoke etc left over from my youth when my mother smoked heavily.  But they dissappeared for years and now reappear just as I am getting involved in the spiritual again---not a coincidence, as far as I'm concerned. I believe Mairlyn's right--help set them to rest by asking what they want.
Shall we meet back here and tell what happens when we ask them?

Title: Re: A spirit visiter in my home.
Post by Lucy on Feb 16th, 2006 at 6:10pm
the thing with odors is called "Clairgustance"

I had to look it up at Echo Bodine's website. She has some info on amateur psychics getting to do something on a new reality series...deadline to apply is March 6

here is her web site

Title: Re: A spirit visiter in my home.
Post by Rob_Roy on Feb 16th, 2006 at 10:33pm
I would ask your guides who it is and listen. If that doesn't work for you, I'd go to a legitimate intuitive and have her/him take a look.


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