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Forums >> Afterlife Knowledge >> Resonant tuning

Message started by mattb1000 on Feb 16th, 2006 at 11:46am

Title: Resonant tuning
Post by mattb1000 on Feb 16th, 2006 at 11:46am
When using Monroes hemi-sync tapes at one point you do a resonant tuning step. The problem is you have to hum in this step!  ;D

Is there a way of achieving resonant tuning without this step?

I dont really want to lay there humming when im not the only one in the house  :D

I have noticed though that the experience is not as effective without it. I am planning on getting Bruce's tapes soonish - do they work like Monroe's?

Title: Re: Resonant tuning
Post by Marilyn Maitreya on Feb 16th, 2006 at 3:33pm
Resonant tuning helps to raise your vibrations. I gave up sounding silly to anyone in the house long ago when doing resonant tuning.  ;D  

I don't know about Bruce's tapes.

Love, Mairlyn ;-)

Title: Re: Resonant tuning
Post by spooky2 on Feb 16th, 2006 at 10:43pm
Hi mattb1000,
when you did resonant tuning several times, you could try to do it with less volume. I think you'll remember how it felt when you had tuned aloud and the effect hopefully will be the same.

Title: Re: Resonant tuning
Post by mattb1000 on Feb 17th, 2006 at 9:42am
Thanks for the replies!

I will try what you suggested guys.


Title: Re: Resonant tuning
Post by Marilyn Maitreya on Feb 17th, 2006 at 1:59pm
TMI has a Resonant Tuning tape which we listened to during one of the programs I attended. At the end of 40 minutes or so of resonant tuning, I felt my kundalini start to move.  ::)

Love, Mairlyn ;-)

Title: Re: Resonant tuning
Post by spooky2 on Feb 17th, 2006 at 11:19pm
Yes Mairlyn, it's all about try this, try that, experimenting. This resonant tuning is similar to train your voice, like if you want to be a vocalist. Where do your voice come from? From the head, or the throat, the chest, or the belly? And don't forget the special overtone (harmonic tone) vocal techniques. There is so much what's waiting for us, old style techniques, as opposed to technical techniques.


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