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Forums >> Afterlife Knowledge >> Will we be alive for eternity? Message started by RyanParis on Feb 12th, 2006 at 9:42am |
Title: Will we be alive for eternity? Post by RyanParis on Feb 12th, 2006 at 9:42am
I've read so many websites and books about psychics, spirits, the afterlife/astral world, ect, and in addition to my own spirit (astral projection) experiences, it seems we will be alive for eternity (I'm not joking). What I mean by that is, if people view physical 'death' as an unconscious sleep (no dreams/lucid dreams, ect), then they are probably wrong (no offense). Anything that can dream really probably has an astral body (spirit) and just goes to the astral spirit world and learns spirit growth there in the spirit world after physical death.
I told my dad about my astral projections (out-of-body) experiences when falling asleep in bed. I told him how I'd see our families' starry astral bodies standing up dreaming while I'm astral projected. I also told him "it must be odd knowing you had sex with mom, your sperm went into her stomach, the sperm grew bigger, and out popped me nine months later and knowing that I have a starry spirit that goes out-of-body." Even though my family is Christian, my dad really started believed in the spirit world after hearing me talk about going out-of-body and astral projecting. I just find it odd how we don't remember being in the astral/spirit world before incarnating on the earth, even though I've seen it with my own astral eyes at least twice. How could we just forget the spirit world like that? Your opinions? Anyway, do you think we will be alive for eternity? Thanks. |
Title: Re: Will we be alive for eternity? Post by DocM on Feb 12th, 2006 at 9:56am
For those who believe in reincarnation, they see you as voluntarily constricting your awareness and memories in order to start from scratch and learn. Bruce has an excellent free article about this on this website. If you go this route, in reality, you are "fooling yourself" into thinking that you are brand new, eventhough you are not. I find this concept a bit bizarre, as I think our memories are integral to true knowledge and making us who we are. The idea that prior lives are then magically reintegrated and you suddenly remember them after you die seems quite odd and not so reassuring. As for living unto eternity, is said the spirit world does not know linnear time. If so, we won't be watching the clock. As long as we have passions, curiousity, love and wish to know more, we may continue our existence. Matthew |
Title: Re: Will we be alive for eternity? Post by juditha on Feb 12th, 2006 at 10:59am
hi ryan at the spiritualist church were i go the medium there said that when we are conceived our memory is erased so we dont remember when we come into the physical world.The medium also said we have a choice in the spirit world to reincarnate he also said that dieing is just going back home to the spirit world He also said that we choose our life before we are born s o if our spirit did not progress as much as it should have done then we can reincarnate if we want to for our spirit to progress even more but it is our choice we dont have to.And he said it is for eternity in the spirit world.God bless juditha
Title: Re: Will we be alive for eternity? Post by Spitfire on Feb 12th, 2006 at 12:30pm
Nothing Last's Forever.
But energy is indestructable, only changeable. |
Title: Re: Will we be alive for eternity? Post by blink on Feb 12th, 2006 at 12:55pm
Hi Ryan,
My perspective on this question at the present time is that we do indeed exist in eternity multidimensionally right now. I don't believe we are confined to our earthly bodies and I believe we visit each other and know each other in a multidimensional way. At this time I am in a new relationship with someone that I am convinced that I was able to draw toward me through focused meditation and this relationship is spiritually challenging and fulfilling in the exact measure that I have wanted for 25 years on an incredibly exacting level, and the relationship also completes our individual "destinies" in a way that I previously believed was not possible. This person had been out of my life for 20-25 years and although we lived, unknown to us, 2 blocks away and worked 3 blocks away from each other (!!!!) we never ran into each other but once 3-4 years ago and didn't speak. This person contacted ME...I did not contact him. Our connection grows stronger daily and is the one I would choose as the most meaningful that could have occurred. But you see, in my meditations I focused only on what my higher power would choose FOR me. I knew I wanted relationship, but over time gave up on specific ideas on how this would occur. Then, what is perfect IN ITS IMPERFECTION (because I am not a "fairytale" kind of person), was manifested. The power that we each have to reach into this eternal "arena" is nothing short of amazing. Each of us can access it through meditative states, dreams, and even our own hopes and wishes. What we think about directly influences the eternal realm in my opinion. Through my own direct experiences I believe that it has to follow that the more that we each focus on love, peace, joy, happiness, and understanding each other, the better influence we have on ALL, which we are part of. love, blink |
Title: Re: Will we be alive for eternity? Post by Marilyn Maitreya on Feb 12th, 2006 at 1:01pm Quote:
YES! We are in eternity, have always been in eternity and will always be in eternity. We are eternal beings. ;-) In Love Eternal, Mairlyn ;-) |
Title: Re: Will we be alive for eternity? Post by deanna on Feb 12th, 2006 at 1:03pm
The body dies but not the spirit ,the spirit lives forever until eternity ,when we die the spirit leaves the earth body and returns home to the spirit world to be with god and jesus and their loved ones who have gone before them and yes you do have a choice to be reincarnated if you want to or you can stay in the spirit world ,heaven is a beautiful place there is no day or night ,you live in a perpetual light and the spirit dosent need to sleep or eat but it can if it wants to, its all your own choice in heaven and you can still enjoy the earthly things you enjoyed you just have to imagine it in your mind and it will appear ,like if you enjoyed a f*g you can have one or a drink or anything you enjoyed on the earth plain , it truly is paradise . DEANNA
Title: Re: Will we be alive for eternity? Post by PhoenixRa on Feb 12th, 2006 at 1:10pm
Ryan, well i have consulted the 'highest' source possible on this, and i will give you its answer....
[glb]....Magic 8 ball[/glb] says.... Probably. There you go, wisdom from as above. ;) |
Title: Re: Will we be alive for eternity? Post by Jambo on Feb 12th, 2006 at 3:05pm
put it this way
we are in a win win situation. When we die two things could happen: 1) We cease to exist 2) We will live on in some other form or dimension if 1 is true then we wont exist so how will it matter, besides 1 is higly pointless and does not fit into evolution or billions of peoples beliefs. We woulod also cease to exist so what does it matter :) |
Title: Re: Will we be alive for eternity? Post by Chumley on Feb 12th, 2006 at 8:45pm
Eternity is a LONG time you know...
Even if our potential existence is open-ended, I think there would come a time when you'd seen everything you wanted to see, and done everything you wanted to do. For some, that might be one lifetime, for others a million years... But I think there would come a time when you became so tired... so jaded... so full of ennui, that you chose to "go to sleep" and never wake up. What then? Perhaps a new "subjective point of consciousness" might come into existence (from a solipsistic point of view.) So - are we OURSELVES forever? Will my "I" point be "Chumley/B-man" FOREVER? I doubt it. In fact, if "I" do have a "future existence", I think it is likely to have no connection to the "experiential sequence" known as "Chumley/B-man" at all. But as for the continuity of subjective experience (aka "qualia") - i.e., one's "I-point", the state of being a subjective experiencer? I think the jury's still out on that one, and that it is a distinct possibility. In the absence of a subjective "I"-point there is a VACUUM, so to speak - and we know how Nature feels about vacuums... B-man |
Title: "Win/Win situation - you SURE about that..? Post by Chumley on Feb 12th, 2006 at 8:56pm
put it this way
we are in a win win situation. When we die two things could happen: 1) We cease to exist 2) We will live on in some other form or dimension ***************** What if we ALL go to a place of torture when we die, Jambo? There have been cultures (some of the most ancient ones, btw) who believe that EVERYBODY, good or bad, goes to "Hell" when they die. (e.g. the ancient Sumerians, who believed everyone went to a cold, dusty, dark, filthy place known as "Nergal" where they ate mud and tittered like birds. And the Greeks had their "Hades" which was very similar, and there's other examples as well.) So I'd be reluctant to call it a "win/win" situation (absent better evidence...) B-man |
Title: Re: Will we be alive for eternity? Post by DocM on Feb 12th, 2006 at 11:42pm
Give the dark Hades stuff a break for order to believe it was our fate, you'd have to dismiss all the communication we've had with the afterlife. From mediums, to NDEs, to astral explorers, to EVP even. So, if it were as gloomy as all that, the preponderance of evidence would not point in the opposite direction. Put on a happy face M-man |
Title: Re: Will we be alive for eternity? Post by Chumley on Feb 13th, 2006 at 3:15am
Give the dark Hades stuff a break for order to believe it was our fate, you'd have to dismiss all the communication we've had with the afterlife. From mediums, to NDEs, to astral explorers, to EVP even. So, if it were as gloomy as all that, the preponderance of evidence would not point in the opposite direction. Put on a happy face M-man ****************** Not to worry, Doc... I'm NOT saying Hades is for real, or that we're all going to Hell. But, I have sworn myself in committed opposition to faith-based thinking of any kind. When you forbid yourself from faith-based thinking, all kinds of possibilities occur - including BAD ones. Comes with the territory... And the fact is, the "evidence" for the afterlife is TERRIBLE at this point in history. It is spotty, inconsistent, often self-contradictory and still requires a good-sized dollop of... FAITH (ugh.) Until I get some good personal evidence, or better yet - major SCIENTIFIC evidence (preferably published in a major, peer-reviewed scientific journal) I will be skeptical about it. And all the lucid dreams in the world (especially those of others, I don't trust anecdotes) aren't going to change that. I need evidence that can't be neatly disposed of by mechanistic-materialistic explanations, and so far I've seen none of that. Yours against Blind Faith, B-man |
Title: Re: Will we be alive for eternity? Post by DocM on Feb 13th, 2006 at 10:06am
Hmmmm........and B-man,
Think about this: what you see, hear, feel and touch comes to you from your senses. How do you know your waking reality is real? Silly, you say? Our consciousness is real to us, our data and yes even science is derived from interpretation of sensory data that we believe to be infallible. We have to or we'd go insane. But really, science is merely based on reproducible evidence from our five senses after we all observe an experiment and agree on the terms. I forgot which scientist it was, if it was Bohrs, who said "at last we have a paradox! now we may finally learn something!" So, in essence you think the evidence for the afterlife is awful because our five senses don't usually connect to it, and reproducible studies thus far are few and far between. Would not one verified contact, one transmittal of information from the other side be enough to convince you? Yes, this is where faith comes in, and yet the articial construct of your senses (science) is no more valid then any other system that interacts with our conscious awareness. We merely take comfort in the reproducibility of it - that varying conscious people can agree on the outcome of controlled sensory experiments. The laws of quantum physics show us a universe in flux. A universe where one electron may not be in one place at one time. Particles coming in and out of existence as they collide. Yet you feel that science is pure and scientific facts are immutable. Maybe a little faith after some sensory evidence is not such a bad thing... Matthew |
Title: Re: Will we be alive for eternity? Post by roger prettyman on Feb 13th, 2006 at 10:19am
I believe Marilyn is correct (above).
We have to abandon our physical way of thinking about time - a man made concept after all. In the Afterlife we are told time does not exist so, surely, eternity has no meaning and cannot exist for those in spirit. roger :) |
Title: Re: Will we be alive for eternity? Post by Spitfire on Feb 13th, 2006 at 2:27pm wrote on Feb 13th, 2006 at 10:19am:
Time exist's, wether your dead, fred or bread. The earth will eventually die, horribly when the sun goes nova. Time may be slower/faster. But it will still be there. Time will most likely be based upon thought, how many thoughts ago was something, etc. Time exists for everyone/everything. Nothing lasts forever. But as i said, Energy is indestructable, only changable. |
Title: Re: Will we be alive for eternity? Post by RyanParis on Feb 13th, 2006 at 3:10pm wrote on Feb 13th, 2006 at 2:27pm:
That's another reason I think we will be alive for eternity, in one form or another. Rather it's physical or astral form... only God knows. |
Title: Re: Will we be alive for eternity? Post by RyanParis on Feb 13th, 2006 at 3:11pm wrote on Feb 12th, 2006 at 10:59am:
That's what I believe too. :) ;) |
Title: Re: Will we be alive for eternity? Post by Bud_S on Feb 13th, 2006 at 3:36pm wrote on Feb 13th, 2006 at 10:19am:
So, I must agree with both Roger and Marilyn. I don't think eternity is a "long time" either. In fact, it's not a time at all, if it were, it wouldn't be eternity, as it would be finite. I don't think we can escape existing for eternity even if we wanted to because we are part of the fabric of the universe, which is going to exist whether we want it to or not, enjoy it or not, care or not. If the universe were to end, maybe we'd end. I also don't think there's any way to come to a point where we'd think we'd done and seen everything, because that presumption suffers the same limits as eternity being "a long time," in that it represents a finite set of something, which doesn't seem possible in the infinite. |
Title: Re: Will we be alive for eternity? Post by Nje on Feb 13th, 2006 at 3:59pm
Yeah, I can't comprehend how someone comes to the conclusion you'd eventually get bored from an eternal existence.
Don't these people remember their dreams? In dreams, your memory is often butchered, even completely changed into a completely different one, and you're often completely content with the character role you're playing, not having the slightest clue what's really going on or who you really are.. ..and so very often, you expereinece feelings of wonder and other various emotions at levels so much deeper than what you may experience awake, it's hard to compare them to anything here. Dreaming, alone, is enough to keep anyone content for all eternity, IMO. If you can dream while incarnate, why not disincarnate, where you supposedly have even more freedom for things like that? |
Title: Re: Will we be alive for eternity? Post by RyanParis on Feb 14th, 2006 at 1:46am wrote on Feb 13th, 2006 at 3:59pm:
Well, according to most psychics, when you die you lucid (conscious) dream with other conscious spirits in the spirit world/Astral world. I suppose spirits might get tired of lucid dreaming in the spirit world/Astral world, and go back to the Earth plane to learn more lessons and become a perfected spirit, or go to higher astral planes. The evolution of the spirit is probably eternal. You'll probably remember it to be eternal once going home to the spirit world/Astral world. One psychic dude I was reading about on the web, said that your life on the Astral plane can last several hundereds of thousands of years in Earth time, but time doesn't exist in the spirit world. The universe is controlled completely by the spirit world. Learn more here: |
Title: Re: Will we be alive for eternity? Post by augoeideian on Feb 14th, 2006 at 10:11am
Hi .. seeing the Astral World is being mentioned .. I'd like to post the following and welcome comments ...
Understanding the Astral World The realm above, next to and around our visible world is the Astral realm. The Astral realm should be viewed as an initiation station, a gateway. The Astral is a realm where desires, passions, feelings, wishes, sensations, blind instincts, fantasies and lust take on myriads of forms and shapes. Here supersensible beings higher and lower than man can assume shape and form; some entice and deceive him, others to communicate with him. Here also are mankinds individual and collective hates, passions, wishes etc that take shape and form. In addition, all the soul qualities concentrated in the various animal species have their group souls in the Astral world. For instance, the quality of cattiness that embraces all cats, the tigerishness in all tigers, the rattiness of rats, the foxiness of all foxes etc. One can also encounter astral forms representing qualities of supersensible beings which never incarnate on earth. . What a diversity of shapes of forms all these beings can assume. How hideous some of these can be sensed from descriptions of nightmares, childhood dreams and feverish experiences. In the Astral world forces of sympathy and antipathy are dominant. Each mans own inner nature attracts to himself those beings of a similar nature to this own. Antipathy repels to unlike him. Self-knowledge therefore, is essential before entering the Astral world, because ones own desires and passions confront him in animal or more seldom, in human form. Even the conditions of ones physical organs are spread our before him and take a dramatic animal form. Delusion results for the unprepared and unsuspecting. Into this world is the medium, the drugged and the hypnotised cast. The dangers of deception are present every moment and he who enters the astral world unprepared and uninformed of its nature will therefore bring back unreliable information and fantasy. The human being has a supersensible 'double' which takes of his own inner nature and ones own inner nature may take on shapes so horrible and frightening. One may call our 'double' in the Astral world as 'The Dweller of the Threshold'. It is he himself in his unpurified inner nature that thus confronts him. This is the key, the gateway, to raise our sentinent soul to the level of Spirit-Self. Man needs a high degree of moral development, self knowledge and courage in order to enter the higher worlds safely. With this man gains freedom as an individual ego distinct from his former state of being just a member of a family, a tribe or nation. If man continued to see higher super human beings whom he considered to be heroes, gods and goddesses he could not become free. extract taken from 'outline of esoteric science' rudolf steiner |
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