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Forums >> Afterlife Knowledge >> My Uncle Mike Message started by Jambo on Feb 6th, 2006 at 2:54pm |
Title: My Uncle Mike Post by Jambo on Feb 6th, 2006 at 2:54pm
Hi everyone
I know this has nothing to do with the forum so move it elsewhere if you have to. My Uncle Mike has had a long history of problems with his prostate and when he went for a routine check-up at the hospital last week they found an abnormal amount of PSH in his bloodstream. As far as i am aware the PSH hormone indicates that there is probably cancerous tissue somewhere although this is not confirmed. My poor auntie and all my family are extremely frightened for my Uncle Mike and I was just wondering if you could all send some positive energy for him whilst you all medidate? |
Title: Re: My Uncle Mike Post by Marilyn Maitreya on Feb 6th, 2006 at 3:13pm
I AM sending love, prayers and healing energy to your uncle for healing according to his highest good.
Love, Mairlyn |
Title: Re: My Uncle Mike Post by DocM on Feb 6th, 2006 at 3:18pm
If it is PSA, it comes from the prostate. However, many older men (over 75), have elevated PSA without cancer. In fact, prostate cancer is found in more than 80% of autopsies of men over 80 who die of "natural causes." In most of them, it never left the prostate. So its a controversial topic. Don't panic.
You may want to give his name and location like Romain did for a healing. I have tried to concentrate on the general facts, where a person lives, age, etc. to direct my thoughts. Others might do this too. Of course, it would have to be ok with your uncle. Matthew |
Title: Re: My Uncle Mike Post by Jambo on Feb 6th, 2006 at 4:19pm
Thanks for your replies everyone :)
Matthew when you say about my uncle's name & location, do you want his full name and street address? I can give you his full name and his location if you wish? |
Title: Re: My Uncle Mike Post by deanna on Feb 6th, 2006 at 8:26pm
i will send your uncle mike some distant healing god bless deanna
Title: Re: My Uncle Mike Post by RyanParis on Feb 7th, 2006 at 8:45am wrote on Feb 6th, 2006 at 3:13pm:
Ditto. |
Title: Re: My Uncle Mike Post by Jambo on Feb 7th, 2006 at 10:59am
well, this just might be a coincidence but my auntie phoned today.
my uncle is feeling so much better and the consultant said that the risk of cancer is extremely low and it is most likely that he is suffereing from an enlarged prostate :D, which is a lot more better off than the other condition. It could be that all of your distant healing worked wonders :D or it just could be a coincidence that my uncle is suddenly feeling alot better after feeling so ill? |
Title: Re: My Uncle Mike Post by goldyflocks on Feb 7th, 2006 at 2:20pm
So pleased to hear it Jambo! :)
Title: Re: My Uncle Mike Post by deanna on Feb 7th, 2006 at 2:27pm
i,m so pleased that you got good news about your uncle mike distant healing does work jambo deanna
Title: Re: My Uncle Mike Post by Marilyn Maitreya on Feb 7th, 2006 at 2:57pm
Great news. And yes, prayers do help. ;-)
Love, Mairlyn ;-) |
Title: Re: My Uncle Mike Post by juditha on Feb 7th, 2006 at 7:23pm
hi jambo i will send your uncle mike love and healing in my prayers god bless juditha
Title: Re: My Uncle Mike Post by Jambo on Feb 7th, 2006 at 8:08pm
I must add that the risk of cancer is still there so keep them prayers comin!
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