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Message started by Agnes on Dec 30th, 2004 at 2:53am

Title: Retrieval from Poland
Post by Agnes on Dec 30th, 2004 at 2:53am
The day before yesterday, in the evening, somebody asked me to help a person that was dying in a hospice.

At about 10 pm, several people from Poland were supporting Adam with energy.  However, I did not want to join this energy that, in my understanding, was supportive.  At around 11 pm, it was sufficient to use my intention of unconditional love to establish a contact with Adam.

I felt pain in the right side of my abdomen (later on I found out that he suffered from liver cancer), and I also felt an immense fear caused by something unpleasant that was travelling from my feet up; when it got to my knees I realised that this was fear of death and this was when this fear vanished.

I saw that his aunt, sister and a few other Beings awaited him.  I took Adam and showed him the Park so that he was aware where to go.  Adam asked me whether he could stay as he didn’t want to go back, and that is what happened.

I came back mentally to his hospital bed and I saw him sitting down (however, he seemed to be more translucent); then he got up and went with the Helpers towards the Park.  Again I went back mentally to his bedside and I was surprised to see him (even paler this time), and one more time he left for the Park.  I saw similar scenes twice, when he was ever more translucent, and I understood that his aspects were leaving.

This morning I found out that he died that night.

Title: Re: Retrieval from Poland
Post by Bruce Moen on Dec 30th, 2004 at 3:58am

 I am happy to see that you are using your wonderful abilities in ways that are so helpful.  It is such a blessing when people lose their fear of death and are then able to make their transition to their new life so much more easily.

 Thank you for sharing your experience.  Perhaps others will see in it that sometimes retrieval means working with the physically living to make their journey home easier.


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