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Message started by jazzman on Dec 30th, 2004 at 4:14pm

Title: Further adventures in retrieval land
Post by jazzman on Dec 30th, 2004 at 4:14pm
Hi everyone, Well, this morning I had a quite different experience in wanting to go to the sunami hit lands to help out. No sweeping vistas of tropical ocean, palm-treed shores etc, all admittedly perceptions of time/space/ location, 3D Hotel Earth-bound perception anyway. This time I went into a white light that I identify as being in Focus 21 in the Monroe terminology (er pure brilliant white lights need identifying). For am moment I saw these grids and webs of energy that surround physical earth, then a seemingly endless ascension (another kinda Christianized concept, but whatcha gonna do?) up into the light of thousands of people killed in the sunamis and being guided to the various belief system territories by sound and light vibration relative to their Muslim, Buddihst, Hindu or animist tribal cultures. Being a big fan of world musics, I was deeply moved by the beauty of these sounds and realize that these peoples ethnic musics are still connected to their essential spirituality and t are centuries old. Then, I saw(was taken to) the entrance to the Park which was richly decorated in all kinds of bannners and cultural icons of the people passing into the Park in masse. Kind of a huge celebratory multi-cultural festival going on to welcome people home. I was thanking the light being guides for this sight and they kind of laughed at getting treated so formally. "After all, we are your best friends, have known and loved you can lighten up dude" Then, I was with an old Islamic Indonesian shaman (still physical), I thought on Simeule or Nias on of the small islands that got swamped but he said "no, this is Baroda Aceh" He was busy, no nonsense and at work so I followed him around. He pointed out hundreds of folks sitting on the beach, all dead (whatever that means) and explained that they have strict guideline rituals for the dressing and treatment of the corpses that were going to be impossible to carry out under these circumstances, so he was performing a ritual, lighting candle-like things and chanting in different tones to set up various vibratory fields that were going to allow for the passage of these souls into the afterlife in the right way. His silent message was "drop the sappy sad ideas of death you westerners sign up for.....I am busy here" The dead were waiting patiently for his ritual of sound and light to manifest.
Next they took me to "someplace a little tougher" which was a leper colony somewhere off the coast of Sumatra. These people were in worse shape, feeling already dead for years in their bodies, unloved and get the picture, but were being herded along by the light helpers and an old woman kept kind of batting me with a stiff arm, sans a hand and moaning. We actually got them into and out the other side of a brilliant white light and they sat on some grass with a sea in the distance and some were suprized and relieved.....ah well, some kept moaning. It likely takes some time to awake from the miseries of a lifetime of being a physical leper....then, back to a beach and there was a man caught in a drain pipe leading to the sea. I got to crawl in there with the sea water and mud and pull him out. He realized he was was dead and immediately began to pray frevently. One more visit to the old shaman and he said something about this only being a tradgedy for those left living, for those passed over in masse it is quite something else. Something very beautiful had happened for so many souls to go at once. Throughout I was aware of the procession of souls into the light and was humbling and awe-inspiring. Well, the poor grieving, hungry folks USA Today ( that propagandizing of the status quo rag) did publish a list of all the active relief agencies and ph no's, websites, those of us that can muster a hundred bucks or so can contribute to the relief effort....about all we can do huh? Love to all you interesting and intelligent people. Later

Title: Re: Further adventures in retrieval land
Post by Marilyn Traver on Dec 30th, 2004 at 5:38pm
OMG Jazzman, this is just about overwhelming. I don't have as good visuals as you but I could see it all as you described it. I've been going there at night lately and don't remember too much which is probably best for now. I know that I am feeling very restless during the day and feel it's from what I've been doing at night.  

Much Love to You,

Title: Re: Further adventures in retrieval land
Post by Firequeen on Dec 30th, 2004 at 8:13pm
Jazzamn, thankyou for the post!  I was feeling that the folks who died, chose to at that time and in this way before they came in body. For you to say that the shaman told you they were having a beautiful experiance TOGETHER, makes me feel there must be something special in leaving with 100.000 others, and so one WOULD chose to do this.  I love the sound/light healing. Thank you for sharing. Continue to put forth GOOD feelings onto the planet.  Love and aloha

P.S.   feeling sad or depressed is not helping anyone or the planet as a whole and so the shaman was pointing out what a patheic waste of energy americans were putting forth.    :D

Title: Re: Further adventures in retrieval land
Post by Shirley on Dec 30th, 2004 at 10:16pm

 feeling sad or depressed is not helping anyone or the planet as a whole and so the shaman was pointing out what a patheic waste of energy americans were putting forth.

I've been reading on several other boards..and they all seem the same..such sadness..yes, there is sadness..but, by this constant expression of sadness, I have also seen a shift in "people" in general..

A negativity, if you there a connection. to the tsunami and the feelings of sadness, despair to the overall general attitude of the people we are now meeting on the street?

I ask for this reason..two days before Christmas..people were filled with love and was strange..and wonderful.

Today, after having been confined for several days due to illness..I ventured out..people are negative, mean and nasty..

So..are we propagating negativity by putting forth extreme sadness and despair? can this all be turned back around?  Can we do so by projecting love and peace?

Title: Re: Further adventures in retrieval land
Post by jazzman on Dec 31st, 2004 at 4:07am
Hi Shirley, For the people who survived this it must be unbelivably sad, losing their mates, their children, siblings, homes and livelihoods. I cant even imagine how grief stricken many of them must be, the pain in their hearts, and our hearts go out to them. Every child is "our' child, every mother, father, brother, sister are ours, no matter where they live in the world,  what they  believe in etc. I wept all day yesterday for the ones who lost their family. I dont feel that grief is a negative's just human and part of this 3D physical dimension wev'e chosen to manifest in these 70 years, or three years or 42 years or whatever our stay is. I have a friend who says this is " just ol' Hotel Earth and who knows when checkout time is coming". We hate it when a loved one goes on a trip for three weeks, miss them when they go around the corner much less that they go and die and leave us here. For many of the passed over, I dont think it is so sad. They get to "go home". According to my youngest son who "died" for five minutes after an electro-shock accident it was an undescribable bliss to be there and he hated to have to come back into his body even though he knew his dad and wife would miss him terribly. He told me he was surrounded there by many who knew and loved him unconditionally and it was all totally familiar, blissfully comfortable and he felt very happy to be over there and reluctant to have to return to his body and face the further perils of being physical. Well, I am forever grateful that he was able to return because I cant imagine my life here, without his good company. I think this disaster and the passing over of so many, shows us that all  us humans are really just one big family. Down here in New Orleans, I play music at the Jazz funerals. We always play a mournful dirge on the way to the graveyard (A Closer Walk with Thee) and march in somber fashion (actually derived from the Zulu processions)....but on the way back we play spirited upbeat tunes, people all dance in the street and cut up in the second line (the line of people following the band) and this is to celebrate the joy at the deceased "getting over" to a better world or returning home where we came from in the first place. That's the general idea. And so, as it always is in this world, there is sadness in joy and joy or  affirmation in sadness. It's a great tradition. They do know how to throw a great funeral in this town. Hope all is well with you Shirley
                       Peace and warm regards, jazzman.

Title: Re: Further adventures in retrieval land
Post by gordon phinn on Dec 31st, 2004 at 4:41pm
Great post, jazzman, thanks for all the fascinating details!.  you seem to be a natural at this kind of work, and I hope you keep it up after the disaster vibe dissipates.
That thing about the guides wanting you to "lighten up"...they were always on my case a couple of years back to do the same thing, teasing me mercilessly when I took my role too seriously.
A good part of the thrust of my book is to show how goofy and funloving guides/lightworkers actually are.

thanks again: gordon phinn

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