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Message started by cherryBlossom on Dec 7th, 2004 at 10:50am

Title: My mother
Post by cherryBlossom on Dec 7th, 2004 at 10:50am
Hello everyone!
While I was looking for different information, I came across this web site. I'm really enjoying reading the posts.

My mother passed away this past April. She had lingering illness for sometimes but she was doing quite well but one day she just expired. I live in the US but since she lives on the other side of the world, I couldn't get to see her when she left...I was so broken up and I couldn't even go to the funeral.

I've been thinking about her just about every waking moment. Try to talk to her, wishing that even as a ghost I wanted to see her again. I just wanted to have a little bit of time with her so I can tell her so many things.

One day, I found out about the Focus 27, I had hope again! I'm planning to learn this and go see her.

One question: I know that Monroe Institute has Gateway Voyage program that goes from focus 3 all the way to 6. Is that program a prerequisite to Bruce's home study course?

I was wondering if anyone can see if my Mother is stuck somewhere or already settled in 27. I just wanted to make sure she's ok and also want to let her know that I'm going to visit her soon!
It's going to be a while before I will get to visit there. Her name is Hisako. If someone has a chance to do that I'd really really really appreciate it.


Title: Re: My mother
Post by Alysia on Dec 9th, 2004 at 11:51am
: I was wondering if anyone can see if my Mother is stuck somewhere or already settled in 27. I just wanted to make sure she's ok and also want to let her know that I'm going to visit her soon!
: It's going to be a while before I will get to visit there. Her name is Hisako. If someone has a chance to do that I'd really really really appreciate it.


hi there! I believe you've started the process already by the things you say in your post. I mean things are set in motion. meditate quietly and ask if this is the right time to contact mom, and would a guide give you the answer soon. then wait. sometimes it is not the right time. then several weeks later it becomes the right time. I find holding that question works for me. you may get a feeling. and keep reading. it helps. you are the best one to retrieve your mother because of your love for her. please let us know what happens. love, alysia

Title: Re: My mother
Post by CherryBlossom on Dec 9th, 2004 at 4:33pm
Thank you, Alysia for the kind reply.
I will try it tonight and see what I get. I will let you know the result!

Thanks again

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