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Message started by SunriseChaos on Jan 10th, 2006 at 3:04pm

Title: No body just pure consciousness.
Post by SunriseChaos on Jan 10th, 2006 at 3:04pm
I read on Raymond Moody's book Life after Life about many NDErs that
after leaving their human body did not report to have a spirit body.
Mainly they found themselves to be a floating circular shape of
One man describes his spirit as follows:
" was small, and it felt as if it were sort of circular, with no
rigid outlines to it. You could liken it to a cloud...It almost felt
as if it were in its own encasement...."
Another man reports being just pure consciousness. He explains he
felt as though he were able to see everything around him without
occupying any space at all, as if he were a point of consciousness.
Somebody else felt he was just sort of a ball of energy.
Have any of you read anything like this before? Could it be that when
we die we become energy and part of the universe? Wouldn't that mean
the loss of identity? Consciousness lives on but individuality dies.
We would be as a tear drop being part of the ocean.
Or maybe we don't merge but still remain a puff of air resembling the
orbs referred to on the post "Orbs at Pope's funeral" at the
Announcements forum.
I don't know maybe my human brain blocks the bigger picture for me
here but either way it sounds rather unappealing. I was hoping for a
body in the afterlife, different to the one I have now obviously but
a body nevertheless.
Is there any logical explanation to why some people might not
progress into an spirit body when they die? Or could the ones reporting a body be the ones out of the norm?.



Title: Re: No body just pure consciousness.
Post by DocM on Jan 10th, 2006 at 3:24pm

Near as I can figure it, we are what we take with us.  Our true nature, that of awareness/consciousness is not limited by a body.  However, we all have different attachments to the human form - for some of us, it is quite strong.  

This melting into oblivion is not that at all.  If you have an awareness, and individuality, it goes with you, whether you are in an etheric body much like your own, or you are just a focus of light.  You do not, as some often ruminate about, become a mindless drone or a Borg from Star Trek.  What all NDEs and communications say, that seem real are the same: you are still you.  I suspect that if you fancy your body, you will likely be slow to give up one in the hereafter.  

I also suspect that as we expand our consciousness, the nature of our etheric bodies blurs, and we lose the need to have defined physiques.  This is my personal take on people who are moving toward the divine.  I have even heard it said that bodies continue to be shed, like our mortal ones here on higher planes of existence.  The whole notion of higher or lower planes of consciousness is hotly debated, howver.  

So I think you will likely take a body with you, if it suits you.


Title: Re: No body just pure consciousness.
Post by dave_a_mbs on Jan 10th, 2006 at 9:22pm
I occasionally send someone off to whjat Casey called the Akashic Records, where they encounter various levels of spiritual beings. The usual feeling seems to be that having to have a body is a colossal limitation!  After dropping it off you no longer are constrained to live in the 3-space world, but go one to higher dimensions. That's definitely not Borg-like!


Title: Re: No body just pure consciousness.
Post by SunriseChaos on Jan 11th, 2006 at 8:19am
Thank you Matthew and Dave,
I did read somewhere that the final level of soul evolution is the merging with the divine. I had my doubts about the source of this information (famous psyquic) so I couldn't make my mind up about it.
Then if this source was right only few souls choose this level. Just the extremely evolved beings among us. They're still who they are but merging with God they become part of him and do lose their individuality.
But if the case is that we all end up graduating to that level, I wonder what does pure consciousness do for eternity?.
I know time has no meaning when we die but still what happens when we all eventually evolve and merge with the divine?. It might take a million years but we will still get there. What happens then?
I can se how having a body can limit us but what do you do without one? I don't know, there's so much I don't know and sometimes I can get really anxious and frustrated trying to stretch my understanding that extra inch further. I think I might be one of those people graduating a million years from now hey?  ;)



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