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Message started by Gemma on Jan 4th, 2006 at 9:24pm

Title: Tornado threat
Post by Gemma on Jan 4th, 2006 at 9:24pm
Here's a dream I had a couple of nights ago.

I was with my grandparents, Nana and Papa, as I call them (in the dream they were still together or on friendly terms, but in waking life, they were divorced and my Nana, before she died, was terribly bitter about it and hated my Papa, to the point where she wouldn't speak to him or be anywhere near him). We were travelling around our home town, looking for a house that I used to live in. When we found it, it was in a disgusting state. So we moved on, into a different neighbourhood.

Somehwere in the dream, we lost Papa, so it was just myself and Nana. We wandered up to my old neighbourhood, and spotted a huge tornado in the distance, heading our way. I felt concerned, not scared, but there was a sense of real urgency. So we hurried around the corner, walked into an old neighbour's house, and there was two young women in there with children. One of them was preparing to leave. We told them about the tornado, then we pondered about where the safest place to go would be. We decided that the community hall would be the best place to go. So we walked there, a short distance away.

We reached the community hall, to find other people had gathered there. But the atmoshere wasn't of fear, it was fairly calm and normal. I still felt concerned, and thought of the tornado, it was on my mind, but I carried on as normal.

That's all I remember. I get the feeling that tornado represents a big change of some sort coming up in my life. This isn't the first time I've seen a tornado in my dreams. And yesterday I dreamed about a hurricane but I remember very little about that dream.

Title: Re: Tornado threat
Post by blink on Jan 4th, 2006 at 9:44pm

I think you are right about your dream.  I think dreams with a strong feeling of movement and urgency are definitely foretelling of change in your life.  It is interesting that your grandparents were together in your dream.  Also interesting that you found the safe community center.  You must be looking to your roots and outwardly to other people in your life for support right now, and receiving what you need.

love, blink

Title: Re: Tornado threat
Post by Gemma on Jan 4th, 2006 at 10:09pm
Well, my Nana died over five years ago, but my Papa is still alive here, and married. So yes I think it's interesting they were together in my dream. I think that even though my Nana is in the spirit world, she's still looking out for me.

I think the sense of urgency points to the fact that I really need to get moving, sort things out and tie up loose ends. The tornado in itself, I feel, represents the changes that are coming, whether I like it or not. I feel the size of the tornado is directly linked to how big the changes will be, and how much of an impact they are going to have on my life.

The fact that only my Nana was present when we spotted the tornado really speaks volumes. My Papa, I feel, will not support me with these changes. There is evidence of that already in my life. But my Nana will be there with me every step of the way. The house that is in a bad state, represents me as I am now.

I'm not 100% sure about the community hall. I think it's just a way of showing how people come together in situations like that. Possibly, it could be a way of showing me that I'll meet and mix with a variety of people when the changes occur, including people who I know, maybe. It's supoposed to be a safe place, so maybe that symbolises that the rocky times will soon be over, or something like that.

Title: Re: Tornado threat
Post by PhoenixRa on Jan 5th, 2006 at 12:38am
  It seems like a lot of people are having intense dreams about the changes lately, though some are dreaming more symbolically and some more literally.

 Just hold your center, and remember that in your dream you will be led to the right places for you.

 On a personal note, when young i would periodically dream about tornadoes and pretty soon after would go through a very emotionally rough period.

 I used "tornadoes" because they were one of the scariest things to me in my waking life.

 Haven't had one of those dreams for awhile, because i think i look at challenging periods differently now, and don't usually fear them.  

Title: Re: Tornado threat
Post by Gemma on Jan 5th, 2006 at 1:15am

wrote on Jan 5th, 2006 at 12:38am:
  It seems like a lot of people are having intense dreams about the changes lately, though some are dreaming more symbolically and some more literally.

 Just hold your center, and remember that in your dream you will be led to the right places for you.

 On a personal note, when young i would periodically dream about tornadoes and pretty soon after would go through a very emotionally rough period.

 I used "tornadoes" because they were one of the scariest things to me in my waking life.

 Haven't had one of those dreams for awhile, because i think i look at challenging periods differently now, and don't usually fear them.  

Well I used to see tornadoes in my dreams a fair bit too, usually there would be a few "mini" tornadoes whizzing around my room, and I would be cowering in a corner. On another occasion I saw a purple tornado that wasn't moving around the room, it was stationary, but spinning on the spot.

Maybe my dream was trying to show me something about the universal changes that will occur, but I feel the dream was showing me a message about the changes that will happen more on a personal level. However, now thinking about it, there might have been something to do with the universal changes, I'm thinking about the people in the community hall. It could be something to do with them, maybe some of the changes affects them as well?

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