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Forums >> Afterlife Knowledge >> how can i know im not in hell

Message started by nomad on Jul 16th, 2005 at 8:45pm

Title: how can i know im not in hell
Post by nomad on Jul 16th, 2005 at 8:45pm
in the f.a.q a chap who was a sadist,was in a world exactly like this one.
people was sadistic to him
he had died and was in hell.
i used to think i'd died and
gone to hell,is there anyway
of knowing?

Title: Re: how can i know im not in hell
Post by blink on Jul 17th, 2005 at 11:05am
Hi Nomad,

Our perceptions of this world create a heaven or a hell of it for ourselves and others.  

Where you look for heaven with eyes that see clearly you will find it.

love, blink

Title: Re: how can i know im not in hell
Post by Kardec on Jul 18th, 2005 at 1:29pm
Hi Nomad,

The situation is… If you really feel bad at being in that place you are really close of going out of it.
If you don't feel this way, knowing or not that place is hell won't make any difference once you will only feel able to live in there.

The best way to one avoid to live at a “hell” in the afterlife is fill up one’s heart with good feelings and the mind with healthy thoughts. This way if one arrives at a “hell” we’ll feel it as “hell”. (due that will be able to make his/her way out of there)

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