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Forums >> Afterlife Knowledge >> Any thoughts on this? Message started by Shirley on Jul 14th, 2005 at 2:41pm |
Title: Any thoughts on this? Post by Shirley on Jul 14th, 2005 at 2:41pm
A friend just related a recurring dream to me that has been bugging her for several years.
She's in a building with several other people. They all take turns to crank this huge handle to make waves for the ocean. Then they send her to the bathroom to get a capsule with a paper in it. She doesn't know what the paper says though.. Thanks, y'all.. :) |
Title: Re: Any thoughts on this? Post by alysia on Jul 14th, 2005 at 9:22pm
do u mean the capsule enclosed the newspaper? to keep it dry? details, details, lol.
tis a mystery is dreams. cranking a machine for making ocean waves...could have something to do with circulation of blood, could be more esoteric, as in "ye are Gods, and have created all the waves in synchronization together. now, go into the bathroom where we keep all our good reading materials. lol. bring us a newpaper and see what the world has to say about all this...sorry, i tried. this one is pretty personal. |
Title: Re: Any thoughts on this? Post by Lucy on Jul 15th, 2005 at 4:46am
I agree with Alysia this one is pretty personal but obviously your friend has tried all the obvious connections to what things might mean.
it amazes me how inventive the dreammaker part is..I would never think up some of the things I dream about. They are sometimes strange things I have never seen before and I can't see how they could just be from my subconcious mind. Turning a handle to get ocean waves is just too fantastic. How do you get a "handle" on that one? The moon and the wind are what move the ocean. Sounds like something you would see in a cartoon. We can't make (ocean) waves! We can make other kinds of waves. Though at the Musuem of Science there is a tank that simulates making an ocean wave and you can see it from the side of the wave (glass case). But that's my image; what's hers? What kind of waves would she like to be making? Mostly we go to the bathroom to get pill capsules with written instructions in/on the box. Capsules with things in them sound like space ship time capsules, like the one with the message tablets sent way into space. Is there some movie with a message hidden in a capsule (like a message in a bottle)? I can't remember. What happens when your friend free-associates like this? I'd like to hear the answer to that. Of course it is easier to free-associate with someone else's dream than with my own; I get attached to what things represent and miss the hidden meaning! |
Title: Re: Any thoughts on this? Post by dave_a_mbs on Jul 15th, 2005 at 11:20am
Hi Shirley-
From a literal (Jungian psychoanalytic) approach, it most likely means working together, as "movers and shakers" of some kind. Physics views reality as waves of interacting tendencies. Society refers to people who create change as "making waves". The bathroom is evidently where the end product (forgive the pun) is to be found, and although it has been produced, it is not yet understood. Since my work is primarily as a psychoanalyst, I'm especially interested in what the NEXT dream was. That would be the response to this one. Then the THIRD of the series would sum it all up. (Except that usually a lot of content gets lost or misplaced, making it hard to track.) The model is: Thesis, Anti-Thesis, Syn-Thesis. dave |
Title: What did your friend think? Post by Lucy on Jul 17th, 2005 at 7:16am
Would be interested to hear how your friend reacted to the comments here; did it make any connections?
Title: Re: Any thoughts on this? Post by alysia on Jul 17th, 2005 at 10:12am
dave said: The model is: Thesis, Anti-Thesis, Syn-Thesis.
_______ I call this balance Dave. cool. my thesis or premise is (dream interpretation; linking the subc. to conscious) dreaming is right brain in action, while this logic u give us is left brain stuff. both are valuable. right brain also could be the emotional female polarity side (just a premise; somewhere to start) while I noticed how logical men seem to operate, ha ha! so I link the left brain to that energy polarity thought process. so u have the two sides of thesis and anti-thesis, as in dual comparison values....then synthesis equals balance. however, it appears a balanced person takes most of their life to get in balance with all seven chakras spinning in sync, so I agree with you, enjoy the chaos while u can and stay in the now moment and be sure to have a good horse laff if the moment presents itself. love, alysia |
Title: Re: What did your friend think? Post by Shirley on Jul 17th, 2005 at 6:36pm wrote on Jul 17th, 2005 at 7:16am:
She's mulling it over..and is going to try and remember more details. :) |
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