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Message started by Kyo on Jun 27th, 2005 at 11:12pm

Title: Time Travel (the story of John Titor)
Post by Kyo on Jun 27th, 2005 at 11:12pm
On Simpo's forum here, Derestanne wrote :

Hello Everyone,

There is an article in Philadelphia "Citypaper", an alternative weekly here about the local interest in John Titor, who claimed he is a time traveler from Earth in the Year 2036!

I am familiar with claims of time travel from others like Al Bielek and his brother, Duncan Cameron and Preston Nichols. I heard Al Bielek talk when I was in Denver, Colorado and I am quite satisfied as to his sincerity. At least five books have been written regarding their knowledge and experiences with time travel (and aliens).

Checking the Internet, there are several Websites with information about John Titor and his predictions.

I would like to open a discussion on this Subject.

For those totally unfamiliar with these names, I suggest you go to any search engine and have a look at some of this information. It is some of the most thought provoking material you are likely to ever see!

The material from Al Bielek makes me consider that we do not know how many times our Earthly History (Timeline) may have been re-written and for what reasons this may have occurred

We could now be living in an Alternate Time and not even realize it.

Perhaps the biggest question I myself ponder now: if timelines both personal and Planetary can be changed or manipulated, can we bypass times of difficulty and slow spiritual growth and optimize our existence and our quality of life? How spiritually aware must one be in order to make the right choice?


There is an article in Philadelphia "Citypaper", an alternative weekly here about the local interest in John Titor, who claimed he is a time traveler from Earth in the Year 2036!

Someone submitted a question in a public Hilarion channeling about John Titor. While declining to give a direct answer, Hilarion replied, (paraphrased) "We would strongly urge that all consider carefully the messages of John Titor, and understand how they may apply to yourself or be of value."

While this falls short of an upfront validation of John Titor, some may view Hilarion's reply as lending support to John Titor's credibility. John himself, of course, has already left this timeline, and is not available for comment.

For those interested in perusing the John Titor phenomenon :

We could now be living in an Alternate Time and not even realize it.

Every timeline that exists (and there are of course infinite timelines), is viewed as 'alternative', relative from the other timeline from which you're coming from. So *all* timelines (ie. all realities), is an alternative timeline (ie. alternative reality).

So now realize it, and enjoy it. (that the possibilities are endless, your personal destiny is in your own hands!)  :)

The material from Al Bielek makes me consider that we do not know how many times our Earthly History (Timeline) may have been re-written and for what reasons this may have occurred.

This timeline, and indeed all timelines, are being continuously written in a never ending process. You cannot technically say it has been re-written, because as soon as you travel back in time to alter an event, the destination timeline automatically becomes a separate timeline, from the one in which you came from.

So (when you time travel, when you make any decision, when you exercise your free will) you are in effect, re-writing *your own* timeline, not that of others. This is precisely why you are the Captain of *your* destiny.
As to the reasons for which this has occurred / is occurring / will occur - there are many extraterrestrial groups and races which specialize in time travel sciences and technology. This has been confirmed by Hilarion. And some of these, not surprisingly, have taken (will be taking) keen interest in exploring (including 'altering') the timelines of other civlizations, not excluding humanity.

Perhaps the biggest question I myself ponder now: if timelines both personal and Planetary can be changed or manipulated, can we bypass times of difficulty and slow spiritual growth and optimize our existence and our quality of life?

Absolutely. This is the crux of the matter, really. And is in fact, the meaning of life. That via free will, you are re-writing your timeline at every moment. You are deciding your destiny at every moment. And that in this existential game of time travel (you are, of course, travelling through time at every moment in the NOW; you are, of course, travelling through all the infinite possible realities at every moment via your free will), the key to 'winning' the game, is to achieve maximum clarification, optimize your existence, optimize your evolution, successfully execute your existential programs (purpose of each lifetime; akin to the goal of each episode of 'quantum leap'), achieve existential completism, and serve the greater CosmoEthics, and contribute to Experience and Evolution of the Whole / All-That-Is / God Consciousness / All Creation / Cosmos / You.

How spiritually aware must one be in order to make the right choice?

As spiritually aware as you can be, as you wish to be, as you choose to be. Whatever you choose, will be the 'right' choice. But there are many other possible 'right' choices as well, many wonderful and endless possibilities. It's all up to you.

Life *is* exciting. Even if sometimes we forget to recognize this.

Ask not what Life can contribute to you, but what *you* can contribute to Life.

Title: Re: Time Travel (the story of John Titor)
Post by Chen-Kuang on Jun 28th, 2005 at 7:14am
Hi Kyo,

Apparently the Titor thing was a hoax.

The moderators of the board on which
he posted tracked his IP address to an
other member.

I do not deny that he said some pretty
interesting things that may be of use
to us.

- Chops

Title: Re: Time Travel (the story of John Titor)
Post by alysia on Jul 13th, 2005 at 9:56am
thanks for posting this Kyo. just a brief comment that this information backs up another book I've read by William Gammil in regards to his contact with our "future selves" who were and are interested in our own time frame of history. they may even be creating a spin off of this particular reality, alternate reality if you will. Darn if I didn't forget the title of the book (someone here remind me?) but it impressed me as honest and believable that such time travel is possible.
respectfully, alysia

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