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Forums >> Afterlife Knowledge >> What is a retrieval ?

Message started by Caseys_wolf on May 15th, 2005 at 12:34pm

Title: What is a retrieval ?
Post by Caseys_wolf on May 15th, 2005 at 12:34pm
Ok at the risk of sounding stupid, what is a retrieval? and how does the retriever go about doing it?? i mean if i wanted to retrieve, how would i go about it ??

Title: Re: What is a retrieval ?
Post by Vicky on May 15th, 2005 at 5:07pm
Hi there,

Doing a retrieval means helping someone who is stuck in the afterlife to go where they need to go, to move on so to speak.  Not everyone gets "stuck" somewhere after they die.  But being stuck means that their fears and beliefs have locked them into a reality that they have created and they are not able to see helpers trying to help them move on.  Learning to do retrievals means learning to shift your consciousness to an area where these people are stuck.  Bruce has a guidebook with CD's out that takes you through the process.  But I highly recommend you read his other books too in order to get an idea of what it is.  Also read the archived retrievals on this site.  Hope that helps.  I'm not the best explainer!  


Title: Re: What is a retrieval ?
Post by Marilyn Traver on May 15th, 2005 at 7:02pm
Wolf, read this whole website as it's all about learning how to connect with those in the afterlife and about doing retrievals.

Love, Mairlyn ;-)

Title: Re: What is a retrieval ?
Post by Caseys_wolf on May 15th, 2005 at 10:54pm
Ok thankyou both :)

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