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Message started by Lilforestmusic on May 11th, 2005 at 6:53am

Title: bitter sweet
Post by Lilforestmusic on May 11th, 2005 at 6:53am
 Yesterday I had a very profound experience. To me anyway. I was out planting in my very first garden. As I was sticking my hands in the cool damp earth, I felt myself start to cry inside. Tears were rolling down my cheeks. I couldn't stop it. It wasn't so much a sad cry as it was a happy and greatful cry. It  really struck me to think about how precious life is. How blessed I was to have seeds to plant, and greatful to those who taught us to do it.  How precious that moment was for me to be out there.  Right as I had thoses thoughts, I heard a very loud crash on a road not far away. Not five minutes later, I could hear the ambulances and see a chopper circling above to try and find a place to land for the poor individuals in this crash. Then I really started crying aloud.  The things we take for granted. I'm a makeup artist always on the go in a superficial world. To actually take the time to slow down and count my blessings. Something I haven't done since I can remember. An experience I wasn't expecting. Something within me that had to let me know it needed to be seen again.  Yeah..I'm  Anyway, I hope that I have a garden in heaven.   Peace,  L

Title: Re: bitter sweet
Post by blink on May 11th, 2005 at 7:07am
Hi L,

That's so beautiful.  I especially needed to be reminded today that we can still be nurtured by the innocent earth despite the changes occuring on the planet around us.  

love, blink

Title: Re: bitter sweet
Post by roger prettyman on May 11th, 2005 at 7:46am
Hi, L,

Yes, very nice indeed. It`s such a shame that in this hectic lifestyle most people lead there isn`t more time to notice the everyday lovely things with which we are surrounded - and all for FREE. Trees, birds, flowers, the sky, clouds, the sun, rain, earth, grass, I could go on and on.
I`m one of those people, who, when out on a walk, will stop to admire and comment on the beauty which is all around us.
Yes, life is very beautiful and we have to make the most of our short time here in the physical.

Best wishes, roger :)

Title: Re: bitter sweet
Post by Marilyn Traver on May 11th, 2005 at 11:05pm
Your first garden...............isn't it wonderful putting your hands in the Earth that nurtures us?  I do so love planting flowers and vegetables.  It does the same to me too. ;-)

With love,
Mairlyn ;-)

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