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Message started by gordon phinn on May 3rd, 2005 at 6:26pm

Title: R. Bruce + alien moonbase + me
Post by gordon phinn on May 3rd, 2005 at 6:26pm
Someone here has mentioned in a post recently that they heard Robert Bruce on Coast to Coast talking about experiencing an alien base on the moon.
Well, I've seen it too, and lots of other obe types have.  It's a combined alien/human facility and we are definitely not welcome inside to view the experiments.  It's sort of psychically protected from remote viewing and obe penetration, but you can certainly come close and kind of wait and watch, like folk parked near area 53/Groom Lake in Nevada.  They know you can't get in and won't be believed by any except the loony fringe so they don't really care.
BTW, if you're planning a trip, it's on the dark side. Although it's not that dark when you get there.

best, gp

Title: Re: R. Bruce + alien moonbase + me
Post by Grant M on May 3rd, 2005 at 11:05pm
I have been a  lurker and a learner on this site for years and I must say it's good to see your postings again Gordon.

cheers Grant

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