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Forums >> Afterlife Knowledge >> Hemi Sync

Message started by Spiritual_Seeker on Apr 30th, 2005 at 7:24am

Title: Hemi Sync
Post by Spiritual_Seeker on Apr 30th, 2005 at 7:24am
I have been wondering about the support for journeys out of body seris. They where made by Robert Monroe and i was wndering has anyone bought them? Do they work well, to help get you out of the phsical body?

Title: Re: Hemi Sync
Post by Axel on May 1st, 2005 at 2:45am
Hi. The tapes work only if you believe that they will work. I know many persons who tried them with no result. I think that the key to OBES is to trust yourself with NO EXPECTATION, just when you go to bed have fun imagining that you are having OBES...I think that harder you try,harder it will be for you to achieve them. If you trust yourself with no EXPECTATION, you might realize one night that you are laying above your roof  ;)

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