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Message started by Linn  Conyers on Feb 19th, 2005 at 9:01pm

Title: Retrieval with Confirmed Details Gotten
Post by Linn  Conyers on Feb 19th, 2005 at 9:01pm

         Hello All

    A few nights ago I turned on the TV and  a news story flashed across the screen that a couple  had been found dead in their home possibly  from carbon monoxide poisoning and had been dead two days, no other details were given and no pictures of this couple were shown . I felt led to  visually tune into this couple, I saw a young heavy set blonde haired woman up and about but the man whom I saw as brown haired and young was asleep on the couch  and not responding to the blonde haired woman who was trying to wake him. I started clanging together pots and pans in his ears to rouse him awake. I kept this up till he finally woke up, and told them both that they were dead and that family members were waiting for them in  the spirit world , he followed his wife into spirit side without any problem. I felt they had left three small children and the children were staying the night with other family members. I jotted all that I saw down and put that information aside untill  I could find some confirmation. Today I scanned the obituary section and saw the picture printed of the couple, a white couple, she with blonde hair and plumpish looking  and he with brown hair, late twenties, and they left behind three young children. They did not die from carbon monoxide poisoning but from a drug overdose, and they were found in the living room from a later news story that gave more details. Validated details  can take some time and work to get but its nice to find out that all was true that one perceived. I wish you all well, love linn  

Title: Re:  Retrieval with Confirmed Details Gotten
Post by gordon phinn on Feb 21st, 2005 at 9:14am

wrote on Feb 19th, 2005 at 9:01pm:

         Hello All

    A few nights ago I turned on the TV and  a news story flashed across the screen that a couple  had been found dead in their home possibly  from carbon monoxide poisoning and had been dead two days, no other details were given and no pictures of this couple were shown . I felt led to  visually tune into this couple, I saw a young heavy set blonde haired woman up and about but the man whom I saw as brown haired and young was asleep on the couch  and not responding to the blonde haired woman who was trying to wake him. I started clanging together pots and pans in his ears to rouse him awake. I kept this up till he finally woke up, and told them both that they were dead and that family members were waiting for them in  the spirit world , he followed his wife into spirit side without any problem. I felt they had left three small children and the children were staying the night with other family members. I jotted all that I saw down and put that information aside untill  I could find some confirmation. Today I scanned the obituary section and saw the picture printed of the couple, a white couple, she with blonde hair and plumpish looking  and he with brown hair, late twenties, and they left behind three young children. They did not die from carbon monoxide poisoning but from a drug overdose, and they were found in the living room from a later news story that gave more details. Validated details  can take some time and work to get but its nice to find out that all was true that one perceived. I wish you all well, love linn  

Congrats linn, I've done a few retrievals similar to this news-inspired one, and I know how rare it is to get verification.
well done!

love, gordon

Title: Re:  Retrieval with Confirmed Details Gotten
Post by alysia on Feb 21st, 2005 at 2:14pm
I agree with Gordon Linn. it is very rare to get such verification so all the more valuable that you shared it with us. I once got verification of a town name I was in, by asking some guides, hey, what town am I in? they actually told me and I made them spell it for me as it was hard to remember how to spell correctly while obe I guess!.

Title: Re:  Retrieval with Confirmed Details Gotten
Post by Romain on Feb 21st, 2005 at 5:32pm

wrote on Feb 19th, 2005 at 9:01pm:

         Hello All
Validated details  can take some time and work to get but its nice to find out that all was true that one perceived. I wish you all well, love linn  

Hi Linn;
Yes i concur with you, gordon and Alysia. Verification is nice and kind of give you a boost of knowledge..not an ego, no pun intended.
I once had the name of the town where the person was stuck but could not find his name is any obutuary any where, so i kind of give up on looking. But i'm darm sure ( i know/feel) I did retreive him somewhere in Red Deer.
With love Linn, and keep up the wonderful work your doing.. :)

Title: Re:  Retrieval with Confirmed Details Gotten
Post by Linn  Conyers on Feb 21st, 2005 at 5:45pm

           Dear Romain,

                        Sometimes when we ask spirit world to give us confirmation of what we are seeking whether it be name, town, information, picture etc we have to be patient and allow it to come as it is not always on our time schedule,  then one day we stumble across this information that they put in our path and we say,,,,,ahhhhh,,, I wish you well,,,,,love linn

Title: Re:  Retrieval with Confirmed Details Gotten
Post by Marilyn Traver on Mar 1st, 2005 at 11:33pm
Wonderful retrievals and verification Linn. I've had very few verifications myself but always have a deep knowing plus my guidance has told me that I'm a 'seasoned retriever.' LOL  That's usually verification enough for me. ;-)

Mairlyn   :D

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