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Forums >> Afterlife Knowledge >> Past Life Regression and Therapy - California

Message started by dave_a_mbs on Feb 10th, 2005 at 5:27pm

Title: Past Life Regression and Therapy - California
Post by dave_a_mbs on Feb 10th, 2005 at 5:27pm
My site is and should be available also as

I have a clinical office in Los Osos CA (near San Luis Obispo and beautiful Morro Bay) where I offer past life regression (PLR) and past life therapy (PLT), as well as hypno-analysis for traumas too severely repressed to be treated by behavioral methods.

The site offers training materials, DVDs etc, and a few other things related to PLR, entity depossession etc. These are primarily intended for people who are teaching or learing PLR/PLT methods and are specifically interested in watching casework inmy clinic.

I also conduct trainings, seminars and offer certification in hypnotherapy, hypno-analysis, PLR and PLT, entity work and suchlike under the auspices of the International Hypnosis Federation.

Check me out if you're interested. (I post as dave_a_mbs)


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