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Message started by Missteeqee on Feb 8th, 2005 at 4:16am

Title: White Light experience
Post by Missteeqee on Feb 8th, 2005 at 4:16am
Hi all, Im new to the board. This site sounds very interesting and may be able to help me with my experience.
A few years ago now, I was laying beside my young son as he lay in his bed asleep. I had fallen to sleep beside him myself and woke later in the night to see a white glowing light beaming up at the end of my bed.
Naturally this startled me and I must admit, I did become a little afraid. I also noticed that swirling on top of the bed covers was a smaller glow of this same light. It was not real bright, but very 'white'.
There was no explanation for the light as it was very dark in the whole house and nothing was being reflected in via the window.
I was so certain I saw what I saw that the next morning after finaly getting back to sleep, I got up and investigated under the bed to see what might have been causing this strange glowing light.
To this day, Ive never been able to figure out what it was I saw.
Any ideas?

Title: Re: White Light experience
Post by alysia on Feb 8th, 2005 at 11:52am
don't know for certain, but since you said each light had "size" you may have been viewing your own and your child's "light" body, or astral body, whichever you prefer. I once saw something similar in regards to my own light body. cheers, alysia

Title: Re: White Light experience
Post by jkeyes on Feb 20th, 2005 at 8:30pm

Maybe it was an orbe of some sort described on this board in recent contributions.  Some of these orbes seemed to be relatives who have left this plane.  You might like to check out some of the pictures. I think that our awarness of the possibilties helps to comfort us, especially in these times of confusion and transition.

Love, Jean

Title: Re: White Light experience
Post by Missteeqee on Feb 20th, 2005 at 9:08pm
Thanks for the responses. Where do I go to view the pictures of white lights? Are they on this site??

Title: Re: White Light experience
Post by Missteeqee on Feb 20th, 2005 at 10:24pm
Thanks herb ;D

Title: Re: White Light experience
Post by jkeyes on Feb 21st, 2005 at 10:22am

You might want to go back to Romain's post "From TMI...with Orbs Picture" started in December. It's on page 10 now.  Interesting 2 page exchange on Orbs.

Love, Jean

Title: Re: White Light experience
Post by Missteeqee on Feb 21st, 2005 at 5:47pm
I went to that post and had a look.
Very interesting stuff. :o
Though the light I saw was different in colour than that one.
It wasnt round, nor was it a golden colour.
It was extremely white and was just beaming up from the floor with no actual shape to it.
Although the transparency look the same as that one.
I guess these lights can vary alot? ???

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